Archives for posts with tag: Sex Trafficking

Mysterious technical difficulties, like broken air conditioning, in certain theaters across the United States showing the movie, ‘Sound of Freedom’, which blatantly depicts the Sex and Child-Trafficking problem – especially here in the U.S.A. I don’t think so.

It sure sounds like too much of a coincidence for the Pedophiles of America not to have formed some type of conspiracy pact to sabotage the showing of this particular movie.

Grace Rosado, founder & executive director of New Life Home in Manchester NH, along with NLH Program Director Jessica Aquino, were my guests for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’, which was taped in the Access Nashua studio on 9/23/19.

New Life Home, which has been operating in Manchester for over 40 years, helps women battle various aspects of abuse including: drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, and sex trafficking. Ms. Aquino was a former NLH resident before she became its Program Director and her testimony was truly very compelling and emotional.

Much of the New Life Home’s program consists of Christian principles from the Bible, specifically John 10:10 which Jesus proclaims He came that those who believed in Him might have life, and have life more abundantly. NLH also focuses on job and life skills for their residents so that they may be better equipped for when they’re ready to leave and go back into society.

Since New Life Home is not a government agency, it relies on financial support from area churches and individual contributions. If you wish to donate to NLH either on a one-time or recurring basis, or have some of its residents give a testimonial presentation at your church, please log onto: for further information.

Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the Intro and Outro theme song for this particular episode.

P.S. Please check out the Promotional Video initiated by the New Life Home, which I posted in the Comment section of this particular Thread. It’ll probably give you a much better perspective of this organization over and above my interview with Ms. Rosado and Ms. Aquino.

As the old cliche goes, An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If you wish to contact Ms. Pawlik, please log onto her website, . Take heed and may God bless.

This might be the most compelling show I’ve ever done on Nashua cable T.V.

Rick Kardos, executive director of The Nathan Project (and former porn addict), a sex addiction support group headquatered in Bedford NH, was my guest on this particular episode.

It was truly mind-boggling to learn how porn and fornication is far more devastating of an addictive problem in the United States than, let’s say, Cocaine, Opiods, Alcohol, or Cigarettes. Please share this video with a friend who might be experiencing a sexual addiction problem.

This was one of my better shows on the Access Nashua TV network. Bonnie Gatchell, Director of Route One Ministry, was my guest for this episode and her ministry’s objective is to help rescue strip dancers in the Greater Boston area from the sex trafficking industry.

If you’ve got a daughter in either junior high school, or high school, you might want to sit down with them and watch this video. As the old cliche goes, An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

For further information on this subject, please contact Bonnie Gatchell at .

Bonnie Gatchell, Director of Route One Ministry, spoke to female students at Wellesley College in Boston last February on the dangers of sexual exploitation. Presentations like this one ought to be offered to all junior high school and high school female students — and it’s less than 13 minutes in length.

The Boston-based Route One Ministry, which Ms. Gatchell coordinates, focuses its attention on leading Strippers to Jesus Christ to hopefully rid themselves of a dead-end life in the sex trafficking industry.

In this presentation, Ms. Gatchell talks about a woman named Theresa who got duped, and then subsequently raped, by a classmate who told her that he would drive her home from school but instead drove to his house and asked her to come in while he got his football gear and she could have a cold soda. As far as what happened next, I’ll let you watch the video to find out.

Like Theresa, I too was born and raised in a nice suburban New England community, supposedly cut from the same cloth as the TV shows, Leave it to Beaver or The Brady Bunch. And also like Theresa, I was enrolled in this town’s public school system in ’68. At a recent high school reunion, I asked a fellow classmate of mine about a girl I remember from my First- and Second-grade class pictures, whom I was fairly certain was not in this town’s public school system by the junior high level. The classmate told me that this girl dropped out of school when she was 13 because a relative of hers got her pregnant. Apparently sexual exploitation has been part of our society for a long, long time — it was just never publicized, or brought to light, as it is today.

May God bless Theresa, my former classmate who dropped out of school at 13 to have her relative’s baby, and all the other victims who constantly suffer from the after-effects of this dreadful, cowardly sexual exploitation. May God also bless people like Bonnie Gatchell and organizations like, Route One Ministry, who continue to shine the public spotlight on this major problem.

For further questions about sexual exploitation, please contact Bonnie Gatchell at .

This might be the best local access TV interview I’ve ever done in my life. I give 100 percent of the credit to my guest, Stephanie Clark, who’s the executive director of Amirah, which is a Boston-based organization set up to help women who were involved in the Sex Trafficking industry. If this message is a blessing to you, and perhaps something you’d like to financially contribute to, please log onto . If you’re in the New England area, and wish to have either Ms. Clark or an Amirah staffer speak at your school, church, community organization, please don’t hesitate to contact them.