Archives for posts with tag: Sheriff Scott Israel

Can somebody please explain to me WHY ‘now retired’ Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Scot R. Peterson isn’t to blame for probably the majority of the 17 people senselessly murdered last week in a Florida school (Stoneman Douglas High School) because he chose not to enter a building with the sound of gunfire inside?

Isn’t that sort of what being a police officer is all about? If you’ve got qualms about doing something like that, then DO NOT become a cop!

Now we’ve got these liberal frauds, a.k.a. The Young Turks, coming to the rescue of ‘poor’ Scot Peterson by trying to shift the blame of that tragedy on President Donald Trump — how pathetic! Yet these Young ‘Turds’ forgot to mention that when Barack Obama was faced with similar situations during his Administration, i.e. shooting massacres in a movie theater in Colorado, and then in a night club in Orlando Florida, there was nothing really different on the handling of situations like that from the standpoint of a U.S. President.

Did I mention that ‘poor’ Scot Peterson stands to gross about $100K per year for the rest of his very cowardly life via Retirement?