Archives for posts with tag: slap in the face


Patrick Bradley, 34, of 3 Lisa Road, Windham NH


New Hampshire Democratic chairman Ray Buckley

(New Hampshire State Democratic Chairman Ray Buckley showed his “true colors” this past Valentine’s Day by LYING when Tweeting out in defense of his supposed good buddy, Patrick Bradley, 34, of 3 Lisa Road in Windham after allegedly assaulting three Trump supporters and nearly tearing down their campaign tent near the Windham High School polling area during the recent NH primary election. Here’s what Buckley Tweeted just three days after the altercation: : “… The guy (Bradley) is not a Democrat and has no connection to the Democratic Party or candidates yet N.H. repubs pretend he does. Exploiting this incident for cheap points.” Funny thing, according to one of the Supervisors of the Checklist for Windham, Bradley voted DEMOCRAT in that election – which sort of makes sense since Bradley, a.k.a. The GEICO Caveman, allegedly said, “F— you, Fascists” before he went on his psycho warpath. Needless to say, since it takes a ‘Big Man’ to ever admit he was wrong, I doubt Buckley would ever make such an admission. Oh well.)

Windham man arraigned for slapping teen Trump supporter, punching another man’s tooth loose

By Ryan Lessard
Union Leader Correspondent
Feb 14, 2020

WINDHAM — The man accused of slapping a teenage supporter of President Donald Trump and dislodging another man’s tooth on Primary Day pleaded not guilty Friday.

Patrick Bradley, 34, was arraigned on three counts of misdemeanor simple assault and a disorderly conduct violation in circuit court.

Court documents say Bradley slapped the teenager in the face, punched Stephan Leclerc in the face and shoved Philip Abirached. No hometowns were listed in the affadvit. Witnesses told police the attack on the teen was unprovoked.

According to the affidavit, Sgt. Brian Bliss of the Windham Police Department was working a detail assignment at the polls at Windham High School during the primary Tuesday when he requested a unit respond to the school for a reported assault at 6:12 p.m.

Officer Matthew Courtois responded and spoke with Bradley and the reported victims.

Courtois noticed blood on Bradley’s hand, and when he asked Bradley about it, Bradley told the officer he was placed in a headlock by a man later identified as Leclerc, and that he “got his hand stuck in that male’s mouth while trying to free his hand.”

Leclerc told the officer that Bradley yelled at the Trump supporters and campaign workers in the tent on his way into the polling station, calling them fascists. When he left the building, he slapped the teenager, police said.

The teen told police that he said “Goodnight, sir” to Bradley, as he had been telling all the departing voters, when Bradley yelled a profanity and slapped him.

The teen “stated that he was terrified and in shock,” the warrant says. Leclerc and Abirached tried to intervene after Bradley slapped the teen, police said.

Leclerc told police Bradley struck him in the face and then put his hand in his mouth. Leclerc said he had a tooth come loose as a result.

The three Trump supporters told police that Bradley started throwing signs and tried to topple their tent. Police observed signs strewn on the ground and the tent was askew.

A trial management conference is scheduled for March 4.

On Twitter, state GOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek decried the reported attack on the teen Trump supporter and called on the state’s all-Democratic congressional delegation to condemn the “despicable and unacceptable act.”

State Democratic Chairman Ray Buckley responded with his own tweet Friday: “… The guy (Bradley) is not a Democrat and has no connection to the Democratic Party or candidates yet N.H. repubs pretend he does. Exploiting this incident for cheap points.”

The incident has garnered national attention. President Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., reached out Thursday on Twitter to console the teen.

Bradley, who is still in custody at Rockingham County jail, has a history of temper issues.

He was convicted in 2018 for felony reckless conduct and two counts of simple assault in Strafford County Superior Court.

He was arrested in Rochester on March 12, 2017 with multiple charges including resisting arrest, disobeying an officer, driving with a suspended or revoked license, reckless conduct and assault. Three drug charges were ultimately dropped.

According to Rochester police, Bradley purposely rammed another vehicle from behind, for which he was charged with felony reckless conduct. When police responded to the scene, they said Bradley tried to drive off. Police say Bradley punched an officer in the face twice before a brief struggle ensued, and he was taken into custody.

He was sentenced to a maximum of three years for the reckless conduct, and a mandatory minimum of one year and six months in state prison, all suspended for five years on condition of good behavior and required counseling.