Archives for posts with tag: Social Distancing

fat COVID mask

I’ve decided to wear a mask.

I’ve seen the light and it’s obvious I was wrong. Masks prevent viruses but are also very safe. I’ve decided to wear my mask at all times. I’ll wear it in the store, in my car, on the beach and I’ll even wear it at home. You can never be too safe.

If I’ve learned anything, it’s that our government loves us, never ever lies to us and always has our best interest in mind.

History shows the government should always be trusted without question. They are great. I’m also going to get caught up on all my vaccines because why would anyone want to make us sick? It’s time to trust all science just like we should trust the government.

I started drinking fluoride again because the government recommends it and I got this amazing fluoridated toothpaste as well to help make my teeth strong. I’ve started consuming genetically modified foods because they are definitely the same as organic foods. Alcohol is part of living our best life so I’m now drinking daily as well.

Most importantly, I watch television again and get all my information from the mainstream media. They are wonderful at giving us factual information and I love how they work directly with the government to bring us truth and tell us how to live our lives, keeping us up-to-date on all the latest views I should have, interests I should share, people I should hate and things to do to keep my identity hidden when I report the actions of my neighbors, friends, and especially family members.

I want to be just like everyone else which is another reason to mask up. I love standing on all those little signs on the floor in the stores that alert me to which direction I should be going so I social distance properly in an effort to keep everyone else safe. It’s also quite fun to follow all the arrows in these stores that direct you where to go because it’s like, “WHOA! Where are you taking me next???” So much fun!

It’s an exhilarating ride.

I’m also sorry to everyone because I’ve posted a lot of things that have been debunked by fact checkers and Snopes so I’m very sorry I was wrong and I’m glad these reputable sources of factual information were able to correct me. It’s good knowing Facebook wants us all to have the most up to date and accurate information at all times.

Anyway, who’s ready for this fast-tracked covid vaccine?

I think the most exciting part is getting an untested vaccine that contains aborted fetal DNA. It’s like we are pioneers of the scientific future and we are doing our part for humanity to volunteer as for this vaccine to prove our love and loyalty to our beloved and transparent government leaders who love us all unconditionally. They sure make ME feel secure and safe and cared for. How about you?

Not to mention that we can probably get the microchip at the same time so the government can keep us safe by monitoring us even more closely at all times. I know how much it means to them, so it MUST be a necessary action. Right?

Plus, with the cashless society coming we will need to be good and follow orders so we can get paid via our microchip so I really want to make an effort to be the best citizen I can be.

It’s all about the “new normal” we will all help to create.

It’s amazing how quickly everyone has conformed and it makes you realize just how much everyone must really care about each other. I mean, why else would people who are morbidly obese, grabbing fast food and stopping at the liquor store, also be in a mask?

Obviously, everyone cares deeply about health and staying healthy. Stop being selfish and just do as you’re told, are we not all in this together?

I mean, how great is the New World Order for uniting us all and bringing us closer together?

It just gives me goosebumps to feel so loved by those in control……..

How about you?

(The aforementioned was posted on the Facebook page of:
Bob Nelson
7-23-20 at 1:59 PM

When a Christian music concert in Nashville was set-up to take place the Good Friday of Easter weekend 2020, an unforeseen virus known as COVID-19 prompted that event to be canceled but not for long. With the help of the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), along with national radio outlets such as K-LOVE and Air1, the concert was now promoted as, Good Friday Worldwide.

The hour-long event took place in an empty arena due to government social distancing restraints, but airing on TBN alone the production was shown in 32 different countries. There were about 30 different radio outlets that aired the event across the United States.

Among the musical performers included: Chris Tomlin, Pat Barrett, Matt Maher, and the group, We The Kingdom. Popular minister and author Max Lucado delivered an Easter message which lasted about 15 minutes in the middle of the event.

People who have been quarantined in their residences for the past couple of weeks might have a hard time finding any positive aspect to this COVID-19, but if it had never taken place we probably would not have experienced this, “Good Friday Worldwide” along with its obvious global outreach. And who knows, maybe somebody either listening to a wonderful Christian song, or hearing a passage of scripture by Lucado inspired at least one person to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in their life — if that was the case, then it was all well worth it.

And even if that event converted nobody in the world to make Jesus the personal Lord and Savior in their life (which I highly doubt), it was still well worth doing that worldwide concert because the Bible states, God’s word never comes back void.

Please watch this video and decide for yourselves. Whatever happens, this will truly be an Easter holiday weekend I won’t soon forget.

So with all that’s currently going on in the world, do you think it might be a good idea to postpone the Wisconsin Primary election next week? Keep in mind, Florida held its Primary election a couple weeks ago, and about a half dozen Poll workers were soon infected with COVID-19. But former Vice President Joe Biden — who claims he’s constantly talking with “all the Scientists” — doesn’t feel there’s a major problem just as long as voters maintain “social distancing”. But what happens when a voter pull the curtain in the booth and sneezes without covering their nose? Or maybe turns the ballot over by first putting their thumb in their mouth to get some moisture? Needless to say, I agree with this YouTube blogger Christo Aivalis who makes some excellent points that it’s just common sense to postpone the Wisconsin Primary at this time. It also further proves, Joe Biden doesn’t really know what the heck he’s talking about.