My recent guest on, ‘Frankly Speaking’ was Robert Burns (nicknamed, The Poet) of Bedford NH, who’s a 2022 Republican candidate for U.S. Congress, New Hampshire Congressional District 2, (NH-2). This interview took place in the Access Nashua studio on Aug. 25, 2021.

Burns, who has been active in several previous Republican campaigns, is currently stumping NH early to help build his financial campaign war chest. After he explained his background and why he wanted to serve as a U.S. Rep, we discussed numerous issues regarding items NH residents definitely wanted to know about as to where various candidates stood.

We started talking about the “issues” beginning with Critical Race Theory, and Cancel Culture. We went from that to talking about President Joe Biden’s stance on how the American military exited Afghanistan, and hypothetically, if the Republicans regained both the Senate and the House of Reps next year in 2022, would he help push Biden to be Impeached from the Presidency?

Should the Democrats maintain its majority in Congress next year, we talked about the potential of “stacking” the U.S. Supreme Court from nine Justices to 13. As well as the possibility of making both Washington D.C., and the territory of Puerto Rico “States” and thus, increasing the number of Reps and Senators in Congress.

We talked about the possibility of regulating “Big Tech” (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google) putting them all on the same plateau with newspapers, TV stations, etc., when it comes to censoring, and libel lawsuits.

Lastly, we talked a little bit about the Insurrection attack on the Capitol building this past January 6th, as well as the Black Lives Matters protests in the major U.S. cities in the summer of 2020.

For those who wish to learn more about Robert Burns’ stance on the issues or his congressional candidacy, please log onto: .