Bill Stevenson (left) was initially married to our current First Lady. The big question is: Is the photo on the right with then-Senator Joe Biden, Jill as Mrs. Stevenson, or as a teenage babysitter?
Here’s the actual Meme that the Facebook Fact-Checkers claimed was “erroneous” because Jill Biden was never then-Senator Joe Biden’s Babysitter. However Joe and Jill initially met, Facebook refuses to get back with me on this subject. Gee, I wonder why?

So I guess if you’re employed by the social network, Facebook as a “Fact-Checker”, your response to the question in the title would probably be, “it’s erroneous to claim Jill Biden was ever Joe Biden’s babysitter.” But then when asked if Jill was married to a Delaware nightclub owner who was supporting then-Senator Joe Biden’s candidacy, Facebook just seemed to have disappeared into thin air. It’s pretty funny how Facebook Fact-Checkers love to screw with people like that, eh?

Jill’s first hubby was a guy named Bill Stevenson, who owned and operated the ‘Stone Balloon‘ nightclub in Newark, Delaware. As the story goes, Jill and Bill married in the early 70’s and then divorced sometime in the mid-70’s. Ironically (or maybe not so ironically), Jill happened to first meet then-Senator Joe Biden around the mid-70’s. Apparently, Bill Stevenson actively supported Joe Biden’s senate campaign back then.

Sometime after it became clear that Joe Biden was going to be the 2020 Democrat Presidential nominee, Bill Stevenson had mentioned in some circles that he planned to author a book on how Joe Biden broke up his marriage to Jill about 25 years earlier. It was unclear, however, if Stevenson changed his mind about writing and distributing a book like that, or perhaps he was talked out of pursuing that deal.

More on this rather fascinating story as it unfolds.