Archives for posts with tag: Straight-Ticket Republican

This Meme aptly expresses how I personally feel about the upcoming Presidential election in three weeks, or the subsequent need to vote Straight-Ticket Republican on all the Congressional, Senate, and Governor races.

I don’t view Donald Trump as my “good buddy” or “BFF”, I merely view Trump as, “the absolute best qualified individual to get the job (U.S. President) done.” When his opponent, Joe Biden, is preaching crap like: “stacking” the U.S. Supreme Court, eliminating the Electoral College system in Presidential elections, eliminating our “Fracking” or Fossil-fuel industry, eliminating our 2nd Amendment (Right to Bear Arms), and, pushing to “Defund” our Police Departments while major U.S. cities are being burned and looted every day — these types of proposals are just too “whacked” for MY personal liking.

And please don’t even get me started on Joe Biden’s proposed, “Green New Deal”.

Another way to view Donald Trump as our President would be the exact same way I view my Mechanic or my Surgeon. Both my Mechanic and Surgeon do a professional quality job whenever I need their services and then after that, I go my way and they go theirs. I’m not obligated to hang around or “socialize” with them afterwards, or vice versa.

To paraphrase former President Ronald Reagan, the elimination of our Freedom is just one Generation away. May God bless the United States of America before it’s too late.

This ABSOLUTELY NEEDS to be the Republican voting strategy on Nov. 3rd: 1) Vote to Reelect Donald Trump for President; 2) Vote to Elect/Reelect Republicans to any U.S. House & U.S. Senate seats remaining on the ballot. If Trump’s reelected as President, does anybody really want to see him go through another asinine Impeachment hearing again? Please consider voting straight-ticket Republican on Tues., Nov. 3rd to avoid all these “stupid games” by Congress.

Any thoughts about voting, Straight-Ticket Republican on Nov. 3rd? If you need a little convincing, please ask yourself, why the heck would any U.S. Rep or U.S. Senator PUBLICLY ENCOURAGE Riotous behavior in their respective communities?

What’s a more important issue than KEEPING PEOPLE SAFE — That would be, SAFE FROM ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.

Why the heck should we vote these Shysters into Elected Office, with annual salaries of about $200K, so they can, in turn, screw over me and my property? I don’t think so.

Maybe the Democrats need a couple of Terms OUT OF PUBLIC OFFICE, to think about this for a while.

Bottom Line: Please consider voting Straight-Ticket Republican for: President, U.S. Senator, U.S. Rep, and Governor on Nov. 3rd, to hopefully, Make America Safe Again!