Archives for posts with tag: Tara Reade

I posted a YouTube video by this blogger, The Last Outlaws, in reference to Secret Service agents talking about Presidents and Vice Presidents “acting up” or “behaving badly” at various social functions earlier on this forum.

Since Secret Service agents are specifically assigned to protect them and their families. Let’s face it, these guys really understand “the inner sanctum” of what these politicians are all about just by hanging around them all the time.

Here we have former Secret Service agent Gary J. Byrne, willing to testify on this blog to the bizarre and entitled behavior of Joe Biden.

Personally, not only do I agree with everything Mr. Byrne is saying here, but I also believe his former staffer Tara Reade on her sexual assault claims against her former boss due to Sleepy Joe’s “entitled” behavior in a lot of these Google images and YouTube videos. Listen to Mr. Byrne’s comments and decide for yourselves.

Does Joe Biden honestly view American voters as this BLEEPIN stupid?

He does a Podcast video clip out of his basement in Delaware — wearing sunglasses for whatever reason — of all the supposed TOUGH, PROBING questions asked of him on YET, ZERO questions about his thoughts on either the Coronavirus situation, or his former staffer Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations against him.

Getting back to the sunglasses thing: Unless your name is either Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, or Jose Feliciano, you really have no business wearing sunglasses inside a house — especially if you’re running for President.

He’s addresses a lot of dumb questions like if he’s a Democrat, or did he graduate from college. He does address the Impeachment situation, HOWEVER Sleepy Joe mentions NOTHING about his own or his son Hunter Biden’s involvement with Ukraine corruption.

Stay tuned for Biden’s next Podcast video clip which he’ll address: what’s his favorite color, and what’s his astrological sign.

This is a nice stroll down Memory Lane regarding the Brett Kavanaugh hearing with Christine Blasey Ford presenting the main testimony before the U.S. Senate. Comparing this to the current Tara Reade sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden, are there any questions as to “why” the #MeToo movement has been just a total Fraud since Day 1? One thing to note: the blogger in this video, Steven Crowder, has a little bit of a diarrhea mouth:



I guess Democrats can continue (and probably will) to accuse President Donald Trump of “colluding with the Russians” or “being in cahoots with Valdimir Putin” but one thing’s for sure — Trump, unlike his presumed Presidential opponent Joe Biden, passed the Body Language test with flying colors.

Here we have blogger Derek Van Schaik, who’s an expert in Body Language, gauging Trump in three separate media interviews regarding Russian Collusion — the President’s body language was consistent in all three interviews and indicated in all of them that he was completely truthful. Contrary to Biden’s interview earlier on this forum, regarding his former Staffer, Tara Reade’s accusations of being sexually assaulted by Sleepy Joe back in ’93, which Biden failed miserably as far as Body Language goes.

Incidentally, getting back to Trump and all his alleged “Russian collusion”, what about the $50 million Mueller Report? What about the $40 million Impeachment Hearings? What the heck did American taxpayers exactly get for about $100 million worth of investigations regarding Russian collusion?

As of RIGHT NOW, which country appears to be a bigger adversary of the American people — Russia or China? Watch this video and draw your own conclusions, ladies and gentlemen:

$64,000 Question: Would you donate money or volunteer your time to a political candidate’s campaign — or even vote for them — if that candidate blatant said in press interviews or voter forums, “if you don’t like my viewpoint, just vote for my opponent”?

If you’d answer, ‘yes’, you’re either a better person than me, or more stupid than me.

But this was basically what Joe Biden said in an interview last night in an interview with MSNBC talk show host Lawrence O’Donnell. When asked about Tara Reade, who’s the former staffer now accusing Sleepy Joe of sexual assault back in ’93, Biden responded by saying, “if you believe Tara Reade’s allegations, go ahead and vote for somebody else.” And then he added that he didn’t even remember Tara Reade.

As for a candidate who’d encourage people to just vote for his/her opponent, why waste your time or money supporting somebody like that? As far as Biden “not remembering” Ms. Reade working for him in his office, I think the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee is either Lying, or his Dementia is obviously getting worse by the day.

Furthermore, if Biden is supposedly the leader of the Democratic Party, at least thru November 3rd, why the heck would you even bother voting for Democratic candidates running for Governor, U.S. Rep, or U.S. Senate, with a nonchalant attitude on whether voters elect him or Donald Trump as their President?

Even the blogger in this video, Christo Aivalis, admits he’d rather see Biden win in November rather than Trump, but in an extremely close election, this might be all the ammunition Trump would need to be reelected to another term in office.

I found a new “favorite” Body Language expert on YouTube. This guy, Derek Van Schaik is a lot more detailed than my other Body Language favorite (Body Language Ghost) — at least regarding Joe Biden’s interview MSNBC talk show host Mika Brzezinski on Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations against him. For example, Van Schaik publicly calls out Biden for using the word “allegedly” regarding him personally. If Biden believes for certain that he’s innocent, he wouldn’t have to follow Journalism guidelines and say, alleged sexual assault in reference to himself. But it does appear that this blogger might’ve taken a course or two in Psychology as well as Body Language. Van Schaik obviously sets up his points in a much better context to make his presentation a lot easier to understand.

Forgive me for sounding like a broken record here but it’s absolutely amazing how a Presidential candidate could possibly be leading in the Polls within six months of the actual election while predominately “hiding” himself from any public appearances in his residential basement.

Meet presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee, Joe Biden.

In addition to the aforementioned, Biden also:

1) is blatantly showing early signs of Alzheimer’s disease

2) is not only being publicly accused of sexual assault by a former staffer of his from ’93, but happens to have numerous Google images and YouTube clips of him groping and touching females inappropriately — and sometimes underage girls and

3) the Coronavirus situation, which President Donald Trump gives Press Briefings on at least a couple times a week, where is Joe Biden’s response? The guy is nowhere to be found. If Biden was elected President in November, is that what you’d want out of somebody serving in that office?

Blogger Christo Aivalis states in this video, Biden needs to do something soon to vastly improve his visibility — at least before the debates with Trump begins — or else he’ll soon find himself as the underdog in this particular race with ZERO chance of winning in November.

It’s truly amazing what passes as “comedy” in this day and age. Enter comedian Bill Maher taking pot shots at former Joe Biden staffer Tara Reade because she had the audacity to accuse her former boss, Sleepy Joe, of allegedly sexually assaulting her back in ’93.

Funny thing though, Maher said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Christine Blasey Ford’s supposed sexual assault accusation against then Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh two years ago. And Dr. Ford, who claimed her incident took place as teenagers 37 years earlier, asked to testify within just a couple days of when the Senate’s vote of Kavanaugh was set to take place.

Maher also took aim in this monologue, on Donald Trump being accused by several women of alleged sexual assault prior to being elected President about four years ago. But aside from the fact that Trump got elected President in 2016, Biden was actually quoted in an interview with Good Morning America on April 2019 that his campaign motto was, “Make America Moral Again”.

Besides that, there are tons of examples on Google images and YouTube videos of Biden groping women from behind and either sniffing their hair or kissing the back of their necks — Where’s all the evidence of Trump doing the same sort of stuff?

Incidentally, what about the alleged Secret Service allegations about Biden “skinny dipping” in the White House pool even with female agents in the general vicinity? Or what about the Secret Service agent who was suspended without pay for allegedly pushing Biden after Sleepy Joe blatantly groped the guy’s wife?

Maher loves to proclaim a statement Trump made on a ‘hot mic’ of his supposed exploits with women which later Trump dismissed as locker room talk, but again I’ve got to ask Mr. Maher — where’s all your proof?

Another thing Maher fails to admit in this monologue, Tara Reade’s accusation against Joe Biden has TOTALLY DESTROYED the #MeToo Movement of two years earlier, not to mention the vast majority of Vice Presidential hopefuls rumored to serve this year as Biden’s running mate. People like Stacy Abrams, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, etc., are nothing more than fakes, frauds, and liars when they all said they believed Dr. Ford’s story of two years earlier, but not Ms. Reade this time around.