Retired Boston Red Sox baseball legend Rico Petrocelli helps out a local politician he’s supporting, Retired Army General Don Bolduc, who’s running for the U.S. Senate as a Republican in New Hampshire. Aside from giving the crowd a testimonial speech on why he’s supporting Bolduc for the U.S. Senate, Petrocelli was also gracious enough to pose for Selfies with anyone who wanted this for a souvenir or whatever. Here we’ve got the retired Red Sox great posing with Yours Truly at a Bolduc campaign rally in Hudson NH VFW facility.
Since the 1967 Boston Red Sox were often referred to as, ‘The Impossible Dream’ team, or some variation thereof, am I like the ONLY one who associates this team with the main theme song from the Broadway play, ‘Man of La Mancha’? Call me a nerd, but whenever I hear the song, ‘The Impossible Dream’, on the radio or whatever, I can’t help but think back to players like: Rico Petrocelli, Jim Lonborg, George Scott, Yaz, etc., and all the others associated with this great ’67 Red Sox squad.