Archives for posts with tag: The Way
October 2021

Romans 14:8
“For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.”

It is with deep sorrow and a heavy heart that we write this month’s newsletter to inform you of the death of our brother in Christ, John A. Lynn. On September 24, 2021 our brother John fell asleep in the Lord from Covid-19 and other health related complications. His life and ministry were a testimony of goodness and love. John lived in pursuit of the truth and was bold in declaring it to any and all who would listen.
Sometime next month, the Board of Trustees, along with John’s wife and daughter, will be producing an online tribute to John honoring his many years of faithful service to the Lord Jesus Christ. We ask that everyone please keep his wife Elizabeth, daughter Christine and their families in prayer as they grieve John’s passing. If you would be blessed to give a monetary gift, you can do so at, a page that was set up for this purpose, or you can contact us for her home address.
John was faithful at teaching God’s Word for fifty years and he will be dearly missed. We know John sleeps in the Lord and we look forward with great hope for the appearing of Christ when we will rejoice to see him again. It is important to remember that God is ultimately the source of our comfort (2 Corinthians 7:6), so in times like this we must run to the shelter of the Most High where we will find sweet rest (Psalm 91:1-2). John’s heart for the Lord and service to the gospel of Christ is something for us all to emulate. He always gave his all for God’s people and the gospel. Well done good and faithful servant!
If you were one of the many brethren who prayed for John’s healing over the years, we thank you on behalf of all our TLTF leadership. The Word of God is our greatest source of comfort when someone we love dies. Our Lord certainly understood the pain of losing someone close to his heart. In the book of John 11:1-44, we learn that Jesus lost a loved one named Lazarus. Jesus was deeply moved and wept at the loss of His friend. This story, however, doesn’t end in tears. Jesus knew he possessed the power needed to raise Lazarus from the dead. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die” (John 11:25). Jesus overcame death through His resurrection. It is comforting to know that death is not the end for those who believe. Those who know Jesus as their Savior will have eternal life (John 10:28). God has prepared a new home for us where there will be no more death, tears, or pain (Revelation 21:1-4).
As we move onward, we thank our Lord Jesus Christ who has provided for us everything necessary to continue to help others receive the Words of Life. We also thank you for your love and support as we continue to press forward in the high calling in Christ Jesus our Savior. We must not be naive as to think that Satan isn’t looking to take advantage of us. Until Jesus returns, he will continue his attacks on the body of Christ. He will do anything he can to sabotage unity, sow dissension, and erode trust. Particularly in difficult seasons, we need to all unite in every effort to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).
It takes courage to go through difficult times. But, if there’s one thing we know about the people who fellowship with this ministry, it is that they are, by God’s grace, a strong and courageous people, as we have made our way through many sufferings in the past. God develops grit and endurance in his people through suffering. Let us all praise the name of Jesus Christ that he would count us worthy to suffer with him. We now get to demonstrate once more the all-sufficiency of his grace as he bears us up and carries us forward in his strong and loving care.
As we consider the impact of John’s death on our lives and the ministry, this scripture quickly comes to mind.
Joshua 1:1,2
After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide: “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them…”
The death of Moses was perhaps the most monumental loss the children of Israel had faced since leaving Egypt. Moses had led them forty years; from his initial return to Egypt until he had brought them to the Jordan river with the promised land literally in sight. Israel knew no other way to follow God than to rely on Moses’ directions for every step of their journey. But, now Moses was dead and they were in many ways at a standstill. So, what was God’s message to these desperate Israelites who were now grieving their one-of-a-kind leader? It was, “Get going!”
From a human perspective, one could easily anticipate that the LORD would have directed them to have a prolonged memorial for Moses’ death. But instead, He simply told Joshua to get with the people and get ready to move out from where they were and move on, into the promised land. And when you think about it, what other choice did they have? Their forty-year trek through the wilderness had brought them to the banks of the Jordan River, and Moses was now dead. Their hearts could either be tethered to their past with Moses or delighted for the future Moses and the LORD had brought them to. In many ways, ours is the same choice.
I’m confident that John Lynn would not want this ministry to stop, or pause, in any way because of his death. His vision of following the Lord Jesus Christ and helping others to do the same can and will continue; only if we remain committed to entering the land of promises. We have no choice but to regroup, prepare our hearts to obey, and follow the directions of the spirit of God.
Some ask, “What do we do now?.” And the answer as is always going to be the same … “obey.” Obey the Lord Jesus Christ and follow him. That has been his message since he first began calling his disciples on the shores of Galilee. That message will never change. Every Christian is obligated to follow Jesus, in word and deed. He is the only one worthy of our complete allegiance. He is the only one who perfectly demonstrated what humanity can become if we will but live with selfless service to God and shower those around us with His love.
Who among us doesn’t have a neighbor, friend, or family member in need? Can we not simply take some time to visit them? What instruction is needed to love? We may not have an answer for them, but we can be a listening heart. We can care enough to show up in their life and be kind… can’t we? Or we could decide to just sit on our hands and reminisce about the good times and great teachings that John taught us. Which will you do? Which do you believe will bring glory to God and His son?
The TLTF Board of Trustees have been diligently seeking the Lord’s guidance about the future of TLTF, and we believe we have heard his voice. Some of the direction we are hearing is new and exciting. But, regardless of the course we take, we know it must be done in prayer, with love and a commitment to obeying the Lord. After all, this is not “our ministry” just as it was not “John Lynn’s ministry.” It is the Lord’s ministry, and we are all his servants. Our objective is and must remain to magnify Jesus Christ, the living truth.
So, as we look forward to the days ahead, we are thankful, deeply thankful for John Lynn’s life and ministry; and that will never change. But we are also eagerly looking to the Lord Jesus, the living way; to guide us on our journey. Our only ambition is to follow him. He alone is the author and finisher of our faith. He alone is worthy of our complete trust. He alone can take us into the land of promises where there is joy unspeakable. As JAL would often say, “the future is as bright as the promises of God.” So, let’s hold fast to God’s Word, hold on to one another, and boldly walk forward into the future He has planned for us.
We are very excited to be entering into a new season of ministry inspired by the spirit of God. We look forward to continuing with you in this new season of growth as we minister the Word unto the hearts of others. As Paul said, “But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere” (2 Corinthians 2:14).
Thank you for your love, prayers and support as we move ahead together fighting the good fight.

We love you dearly,
Franco, Jon, and Gary Lee
TLTF Board of Trustees

UPDATED 10/7/21: The following Internet link was the Obituary apparently published in the Indiana newspaper for John Lynn. Due to the writing style, along with its rather lengthy nature, I assume John might’ve written this himself. If I’m wrong about that, I sincerely apologize. But please read through this obituary for yourself and I think you’ll agree with me. I can promise you, it’s very well written and there’s nothing disrespectful in it. Agape

 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. — 2 Timothy 4:7

(The following was posted on the Facebook page of, The Living Truth Fellowship on Friday, Sept. 24, 2021. John A. Lynn, president of TLTF, succumbed to the Coronavirus in the Indianapolis area, and he happened to be in his late 70’s. Pastor Lynn appeared twice on my government-access TV show out of Nashua NH, titled, ‘Frankly Speaking’. Both those shows happen to be posted on this forum, please feel free to browse and find out for yourself what Lynn was all about.)

The Living Truth Fellowship

It is with deep sorrow and a heavy heart to inform you that our brother in Christ, John Lynn has fallen asleep in the Lord. Below is what Elizabeth Lynn has shared: John passed away this afternoon at 2:26. Myself and his daughter, Christine, got to go in to be with him and sang him Peace Peace and I come to the Garden Alone, then he took his last breath. Thank you Jesus for the victory we have over death and that we will see him again in his new resurrected body. Thank you all for your love, support and many prayers!!

Christine Lynn Norton, September 28 at 2:02 p.m.

I am so proud of who my father was, of how he poured himself out for others and always tried to walk in the love of Christ. He was not a perfect human being, nor are any of us, but he had a compassionate heart, always rooting for the underdog and for justice and mercy. More than anything, he taught me that our God is a good and loving God. That theology alone has saved my life numerous times. He will be missed, but I promised him during his last breaths that I would pass this deep faith on to my own family and friends every day I draw breath. I hope you will do the same. ❤️🙏

Francine Maestas, September 26 at 5:45 p.m.

John Lynn I am looking at the bumper sticker you gave me that says “death sucks” and those words couldn’t be more true now. I will never forget all the times you called to pray with me and how you always pointed me back to Jesus when I felt lost. I never knew anybody who fought so hard to live like you did. You loved life and spread the love of Jesus everywhere you went. I won’t stop believing in miracles or doubt God’s goodness even though I don’t understand. You will always be so special to my heart. Thank you for all you taught me and always making me laugh. I cherish all the memories and will keep them close to my heart till that sweet day when I will see you again. ♡♡♡


(So here we have the pathetic Grease Spot Cafe group on their hands and knees, YET AGAIN, begging patrons to please “donate” money to its site so they can further screw their former church, The Way Ministry — which for all intents and purposes has been dead for about the past 30 years.

From what a lot of these nut cases are claiming, it’s vitally important to “warn everybody about wolves in sheep’s clothing”. Seriously? Well, personally, I’d like to copy and paste this little posting from somebody referring to themselves as, modcat5 on, 3-30-16, titled, ‘Greasespot Fundraiser’ in an effort to, “warn everybody about the shyster, rip-off artists running”.

Again, as I mentioned in previous posts on this particular blog about this same website, I would’ve loved to have posted my comments right on Grease Spot Cafe, unfortunately, its Moderator opted to ban me a couple years ago from that thing for talking about what the Bible states about … Forgiveness — Heaven forbid!

So if you’ve got some extra cash, ladies and gentlemen, which you’d like to either burn or flush down the toilet, why not consider “donating” it all to, so they can continue in the effort to stab their former church in the back despite the fact that that church is already pretty much dead.)

Greasespot Cafe needs your help.

As many of you know, this site is owned and operated by one guy, Pawtucket, who has shouldered the entire burden of the cost of its operations. While posters have volunteered to contribute from time to time, the burden has remained mostly his for 16 years.

Here’s what Paw said on Facebook recently:

I pay close to $100.00 a month just to maintain the web server. I try to offset that by hosting other sites, but most of that has dried up. The latest forum software would be at least $200 [Note: A one-time fee]. I’d have to talk to greasytech [one of the moderators] about further costs. I may have to get a newer server to move it and then get rid of the old server after the transfer. Aren’t you glad you asked!

I replied, “Nope.” And he responded:

Most people on Greasespot love to offer help until they find out how much is spent.

So, $100 a month plus the $300 in one-time fees of updating the software and moving the server brings us to $1,500.

So we have a fundraiser and a goal: $1,500 to maintain and improve GSC for a year.

I just made my donation (and I’m not going to say how much it was, nor do you have to).


There’s a DONATE button on the right hand side of the main page of GSC.

Click it and help us keep this site going. This thread will be pinned to the top of the open forum until April 30, 2016. If we reach our goal before then, we’ll tell you. Anything that comes in after we reach our goal will be handled by Pawtucket. My belief is he should consider it a reimbursement for 16 years of doing this on his own. We do kind of owe the guy. But Paw says he’ll just apply it to the monthly service fee and pay ahead.

In other words, the more we raise now, the less we have to ask next time around.

Some of you can give more than others. Decide what’s best for you.

This is not tax deductible and it is not a requirement for participation on the forum.

If you value this site and this forum, please show your support.

Thank you.

Grease Spot Cafe
Wow, what a great concept for the Internet – hiding behind pseudonyms for the sole purpose of badmouthing and criticizing former leaders of a religious cult from 30-40 years earlier (some have already passed away, but why let something as trivial like “death” get in the way of a juicy rumor or two?).

A belated Happy 15th Birthday, !!!

I would’ve absolutely loved to have personally posted this birthday wish myself on the GreaseSpot Café forum, but unfortunately the Moderator running that thing banned me as a member, I can only assume for calling out most of the other regulars as being, Frauds and Phonies. Oh well.

Here’s an example of just what I’m talking about. This woman who I believe is from England and calls herself, Twinky, has been a member of GreaseSpot Café for the past nine years and has averaged nearly 400 posts per year (or about 33 per month), since being associated with that site. Sure sounds to me like Twinky still has her share of “hang-ups” regarding her former relationship with The Way Ministry. Here’s what Twinky posted regarding GreaseSpot Café’s 15th Birthday last week:


• Posts: 3,537
• Joined: 08-May 06
• Gender: Female

Posted 21 April 2015 – 08:22 AM

15 years? And in that time, a good many lives healed.
Thanks for being here when I needed y’all. Even though some of the posters who were most help have now moved on.

Twinky is obviously delusional to assume that the concept of badmouthing an organization, which you later discovered was toxic and harmful, is somehow therapeutic in healing and helping you forget about that experience and “move on” with the rest of your life.

Prior to being banned on that forum, I cited a few Bible scriptures on the subject of: Forgiveness, which the GSC regulars weren’t interested in hearing. It’s as if they were saying, “Don’t confuse us with the ‘truth’, when we’re having too much fun bashing these frauds using pseudonyms on the Internet”. Unfortunately, we can never attain complete healing from God unless we’re willing to Forgive those who wronged us in the past.

Please don’t take my word for it, check it out for yourselves in the Bible. What did Jesus mean when He said that we should Forgive those who wronged us, seven times seventy? Needless to say, when I brought up this scripture on GreaseSpot Café, I experience quite a bit of scorn and ridicule by most of the “regulars” on that site, and then behind the scenes, they probably emailed the Moderator to have me banned.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m certainly NOT promoting the Way Ministry (a.k.a. The Way International, The Way, The Way Biblical Research and Teaching Ministry, The Kissing Ministry, etc.), in a sense, it definitely deserves a lot of the criticism it gets – ESPECIALLY when you talk about Fornication and Adultery in Christian churches. Needless to say, I would DEFINITELY NOT recommend to anyone in search of a good Bible-based church to even consider checking out, The Way Ministry. With that all said, I’m not going to devote any major portion of my life to “trashing” this organization – I chose to “Forgive” The Way for its past indiscretions and just “move on” with the rest of my life.

Life is just too short. The vast majority of these GSC regulars have to, at least, be in their late-50s. If that’s the case, their average life expectancy is another 25 years, God willing. What do you think of anybody who would choose to spend their last two decades or so on earth, just badmouthing people who screwed them over in life? Why not exploit some of the more “positive” aspects from The Way experience, such as, telling others how they can obtain eternal salvation for themselves?Aside from the fact that it’s just not Biblical, the whole concept behind the GreaseSpot Café forum is just not healthy.

Next month will mark the 30th anniversary of the death of the Way Ministry’s founder, Victor Paul Wierwille – or what many Way zealots (ESPECIALLY GreaseSpot Café “regulars”) refer to as the, “Passing of a Patriarch”. It’ll be fascinating to see how many of these folks reminisce about the man they affectionately refer to as, “The Doctor” (for allegedly holding a Doctor’s degree in Theology). In a vain attempt to disguise their own obsessive insanity, GSC regulars will make it sound as if Wierwille had passed away a couple weeks ago when, in reality, it was three decades ago. I hope I’m wrong about this but we’ll see in the next couple of weeks.

Again, a belated Happy Birthday, GreaseSpot Café — Please feel free to celebrate your “milestone” 15th year anniversary and enjoy yourselves.

Former Way International Board of Trustee members from about 35 years ago: (l-r) Donald Wierwille, secretary; L. Craig Martindale, president; and Howard Allen, treasurer.

I’ve mentioned a handful of times on this forum thus far about my former association with the Way Ministry – a.k.a. The Way International, the Way Biblical Research and Teaching Ministry, the ‘Kissing Ministry’, The Way, etc. – headquartered in New Knoxville, Ohio. About a quarter century or so later, I was also associated with a website called,, which was specifically set up I assume to “minister” to all those who still haven’t come to grips yet with their former Way Ministry experience, 30-40 years afterwards.

And no, ladies and gentlemen, we’re not exactly talking about the Christian equivalent to the Nazi holocaust, Pearl Harbor, or even 9-11. I will say that some of the Way leaders, including founder Victor Paul Wierwille, were entrenched in massive fornication and adultery behind the scenes, it’s not quite on the same plateau as the aforementioned.

The following is a poem by a former Way follower who goes by the pseudonym, skyrider, and they have been actively involved with for about 10 years. He/she has posted nearly 4,200 comments on Grease Spot Café since 9-15-04, so I’d say, skyrider has more than just a passive interest in this website, which basically just bad-mouths the Way Ministry and anything even remotely associated with it. Needless to say, this isn’t exactly what Jesus Christ was referring to when He told his disciples to forgive those who may have wronged them, seven times seventy.

Way Ministry jargon: For those of you who have never been associated with the Way Ministry (if that’s the case, you may want to thank God for small miracles), here’s a lingo interpreter to perhaps help you to understand this poem a little more clear. When they refer to “pfal”, that stands for Power for Abundant Living, which is the foundational class on Biblical research promoted by The Way. “Corps” refers to the Way Corps, which is the leadership program run by the Way Ministry. Wierwille or “vpw” refers to the founding president of the Way Ministry, Victor Paul Wierwille, who passed away in 1985 – almost 30 years ago. “twi” refers to The Way International, and “mog” refers to the phrase, Man of God. “abs” refers to Abundant Sharing, which is the “tithing” or financial contributions made to The Way. “Offshoots” refer to the many splinter groups a number of Way leaders re-created based on the original Ministry minus the fornication and adultery.

I can only assume that this person, skyrider, must’ve gotten extremely bored and lonely, so they scribed this “poem” to amuse and entertain all the other social misfits, who make up the dozen or so “regulars” on . Too bad we couldn’t recruit the musical genius of somebody like Elton John, Billy Joel, or Barry Manilow to put these words to music and make a beautiful song out of it. Oh well, I hope and pray you all enjoy this fantastic “killer” poem:

The autopsy of a failed ministry:
Posted 28 April 2014 — by skyrider

…Grey-haired staffers sit at desks and usher on Sundays.
…The young, vibrant and talented are few and far in number.
…Seniority and favoritism, rather than merit, is promoted.
…Scripted “teachings” are the norm and, long ago, mocked in pfal.

…Campuses and indoctrination centers have been sold.
…Outreach programs are scaled-back with lack-luster results.
…Corps sign-ups have been dismal for nearly two decades.
…Transparency of numbers and successes is shady or non-existent.

…The wierwille legacy lives on in mystical glory.
…None of his successors have furthered any merited distinction.
…In fact, many hand-picked men have gone down in scandalous flames.
…Which begs the question, “Was the wierwille ministry all a ruse?”

…The outward appearance at twi-hq still hides its deadness.
…A billing scheme, for services not rendered, is the abs-weekly payment.
…The money keeps flowing in….and the deception keeps flowing out.
…And, invested monies boosts twi’s bottom line with fewer and fewer people.

…The old goats helped wierwille by masking his lack of credentials.
…The enablers laid claim to his coattails and furthered the deception.
…With each passing year, serving twi’s agenda eclipsed “serving God.”
…In the end, twi leadership claimed that their ministry WAS God’s ministry.

…Splintered into hundreds of offshoots, the failed ministry lives on.
…Everyone has a psalm, a doctrine and a class you’ve just GOT to take.
…Mini-mogs are everywhere — patterning their mog-doctrine after vpw.
…No accountability — before, during or after — and the cycle spins.

The autopsy of twi?


Quick, somebody please get me a Kleenex, I think I’m going to cry.


Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille


L. Craig Martindale

Praise God for Google and Internet “keywords”, that’s all I’ve got to say.

Otherwise, all of my “former brothers and sisters in Christ”, who are now frequently trolling the site, probably NEVER would’ve given me the recognition I so richly deserve. The blog, GreaseSpot Café, is basically devoted for former members of the Way International (a.k.a. The Way, The Way Ministry, the Way Biblical Teaching and Research Ministry, the “Kissing Ministry”, etc.), which still is headquartered in New Knoxville, Ohio.

Specifically, here’s the Thread they were weighing-in on one of my blog posts:

See, whining and bitching about an event that happened over a quarter century ago in ’86 (the reading of, “The Passing of the Patriarch”), I guess, somehow and someway is “therapeutic” towards “healing all their broken hearts”.

Can you say, “Pity Party”?

Incidentally, the reason the Way International is often referred to as, “the kissing ministry” by a number of cult deprogrammers is because they misinterpret this verse of scripture:

Greet one another with an holy kiss. — 2 Corinthians 13:12

And as you might’ve already guessed, kissing other peoples’ spouses and “significant others” usually snowballs into: groping, fornication, adultery, divorce, mixed signals, hurt feelings, etc. Heck, come to think of it, you don’t really have to be “committed” to another individual to be subjected to the aforementioned sins. And as we’re about to see in a little bit, it’s a perfect example on how something like this can get totally out of control.

First of all, here’s the specific excerpt that got a few of these ex-Wayfers just a wee bit fired up:

[…Around the same time frame (mid-80s), Victor Paul Wierwille of the Way International (a.k.a. The Way Ministry, The Way, The Way Biblical Research and Teaching Ministry), had passed away, but not before he entrusted the startling revelation that he, as well as a vast number of his leadership (including then-Way International president L. Craig Martindale) had engaged in rampant fornication and adultery with that Ministry’s membership (a.k.a. The Passing of a Patriarch). Needless to say, The Way experienced a mass exodus from its Ministry and its current membership is a mere fraction to what it was back then.

One indication of just how actually BLEEPED up the Way Ministry was, it perhaps had the only religious organization that were pro-Abortion. The Way would rationalize its beliefs in Abortion on the Biblical verse:

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” – Genesis 2:7

As the story goes, soon after Wierwille passed away in ‘85, several women who claimed they got pregnant by him came forward and said Wierwille “strongly exhorted” them to get an abortion based on that scripture. That’s funny, I’m not quite sure how “first breath” of an individual conclusively defines “life” but the last time I saw a video of a fetus it sure looked like an “alive” being to me…]

Incidentally, the link that these ex-Wayfers are referring to was from a posting on this blog OVER A YEAR AGO (8-15-12), which if you were to read it in its FULL VERBATIM CONTEXT, was about the well-publicized extra-marital affair of Daystar ministry president and founder Marcus Lamb and, more specifically, just how Fornication has changed regarding Christian ministers over the past quarter century.

When I brought up this point to one of the GreaseSpot Cafe “regulars” earlier this week, they just totally ignored it and insinuated that this posting was ALL ABOUT this document, “The Passing of a Patriarch” and the Way Ministry??!!! I can only assume that the logic discernment regarding these particular folks is so clouded on “HATING” their former Way Ministry leaders that they just can’t see, “the forest for the trees” so to speak. God perhaps put it best in the Biblical book of 1 Corinthians:

If any man (or woman) be ignorant, let him (or her) be ignorant.

This Biblical verse is sort of like the absolute epitome of what most of the “regulars” on GreaseSpot Cafe are truly all about.

The O.P. (Original Poster, or blogger who initiated this particular Thread on GreaseSpot Cafe) was somebody calling themself, “penworks”, who, in turn, encouraged his/her fellow bloggers to weigh-in here on One Bad Decision… to correct all the errors made in reference to, “The Passing of the Patriarch”. Had penworks, or any of the other cowardly bloggers on GreaseSpot Cafe, actually followed through and done that, I would’ve immediately advised them to enroll in a course on Reading Comprehension 101 because that posting may have made a slight reference to “The Passing of the Patriarch”, it was actually about how Christianity has evolved on the subject of Fornication — specifically involving church leadership — in the past quarter century.

On the subject of possibly elaborating any further on, “The Passing of the Patriarch” in this particular posting, I then posed the question to all the bloggers on GreaseSpot Cafe:

How would carefully studying exactly who the Way Ministry hierarchy was “humping and pumping” on the side — outside of their own marriages, 27-40 years ago — help enhance my Eternal Salvation in Heaven?

The silence, or non-responses, to that question on GreaseSpot Cafe was absolutely deafening. You probably could’ve heard crickets chirping at that point.

Personally, I think the two major differences between myself and most of the patrons who blog on, GreaseSpot Cafe are:

1) I chose to just forgive the Way Ministry leadership for their moral improprieties and then move on with my life. NOT to be confused with “FORGETTING”, I still refuse to attend any Way Ministry events, donate any money to that organization, or recommend any people join that church group. See forgiving and restoration are two completely different things — if The Way is not willing to improve its moral climate, I’ll just take my worship elsewhere.

2)  My relationship with God is NOT contingent on whether or not my minister engages in some type of moral impropriety. I fully understand ministers are only human and sometimes make mistakes. In a scenario like that, I would just choose to shake of the proverbial dust and move on to another church.

Quite honestly, I think it’s absolutely insane — not to mention unhealthy — for an individual to hold animosity or a grudge against another person/entity for nearly 30 years. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any end in sight for the former Way believers trolling around the, GreaseSpot Cafe site towards their former Way leadership any time soon. Oh well, life sucks and then you die, I suppose.

As Christians, we’re supposed to follow the example of Jesus Christ to the best of our ability. No where in Biblical scripture does it ever mention that Jesus “boasted and gloated” to His Apostles about a previous experience they recently encountered. For example, saying something like, “gee, that Pharisee who confronted us the other day was a real ‘douche-bag’, don’t ya think?” Jesus could’ve easily have stooped down to that level, but instead chose the ‘high road’ and was a lot more forgiving. The “regulars” on the GSC site aren’t even trying to make an effort to put their past behind them.One of the more ignorant (and popular) bloggers on the attack against me was an individual calling themself, “chockfull”. After spewing out about a  half dozen vulgarities against me such as:

…and are acting ignorant.

…you are also acting like a jack@$$.

…You are a moron.

…You sound just like your brothers there in that Westboro Baptist interview. Ignorant, arrogant, and thinking they are spreading the gospel while they are just making slanderous idiotic posters on national TV.

…acting like this you probably deserve to get your @$$ beat.

Wow, would you ever have guessed that, chockfull, also considers themself, “a Christian”? Probably not with that kind of language. Then after posting all those vulgarities on the supposedly Christian site, GreaseSpot Cafe, chockfull then boldly proclaims:

“I stand by those comments”.

Wow, can you say, “hypocrite”?

I then posted that any little jerk can “talk tough on the Internet” and then hide like a coward behind a stupid pseudonym like, “chockfull” and publicly challenged this imbecile to try saying that to my face, assuming they honestly stood behind those vulgar comments. I further added that the two main subjects of most of their bitching, Victor Paul Wierwille and L. Craig Martindale, despite the obvious moral shortcomings of both these guys, they’d be more likely to go right up to your face and look you in the eyes if they wanted to call you something vulgar — as opposed to the more cowardly, going on the Internet and hiding behind a stupid pseudonym.

Another chicken-BLEEP tactic used on, GreaseSpot Cafe is scrambling (or disguising)  the name of the subject so that there’s no way you could possibly trace it back to them via a Google keyword search. For example, if they were referring to former Way president L. Craig Martindale, they’d purposely write something like “lcm” or “Cr@ig M@rtind@le”, so if Martindale were to do a Google keyword search on himself, they’d be zero trace about him on GreaseSpot Cafe. But if normal people — especially supposed Christians — had some serious problems with Martindale, then WHY wouldn’t you want him to know what’s bothering you about him??? Especially, now that it’s more than a quarter century after the fact.

To pour even more gas on the proverbial fire, how would YOU like to contribute some of your hard-earned money to the GreaseSpot Cafe website? What a fantastic bargain that is, eh? They honestly solicit financial contributions to maintain and enhance that ungodly website via credit card or debit card donations. Personally, I think I’d get a lot better satisfaction taking a handful of my own dollar bills and then proceeding to flush them down the toilet. For the GSC site “regulars” who financially contribute to this stupid thing in lieu of Tithing to a church are obviously on the border of being Devil Possessed themselves. To quote the famous line from, Forrest Gump, “stupid is as stupid does.”

One of the more detailed postings on the, GreaseSpot Café thread in question, at least in my opinion, was by somebody going by the pseudonym, WordWolf. To help better understand some of the Way Ministry jargon this individual is talking about: I already talked about Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille and L. Craig Martindale; Chris Geer and Ralph Dubofsky were Way Ministry leaders whom Dr. Wierwille entrusted with the document, “The Passing of a Patriarch”, which outlined and warned against the rampant fornication and adultery problem of The Way back in the 70s and 80s. Take it away, WordWolf dawg:

28 September 2013

let’s see how many errors are in that one paragraph.

1) vpw never “ENTRUSTED” the fornication and adultery he did.

2) “Passing of the Patriarch” had absolutely NOTHING to do with vpw and his rampant sex crimes.

3) The exodi from twi had little to do with vpw’s sex crimes and little to do with POP.

vpw, to the last, maintained 2 faces-one for the cadre/inner circle, and one for the public/rank-and-file.

In public, he said nothing to encourage fornication nor adultery

In private, he passed along a variety of rationalizations to his top people and select victims. He also had a network of people in place to cover his tracks and silence any woman who MIGHT speak up.

In fact, in his final hours, he claimed to someone that he was trying to figure out what he possibly could have done to displease God- and was unable to think of anything.

As his final weeks approached, vpw found himself irrelevant and IGNORED at twi- as opposed to before, when everyone worshiped him.

So he went to Chris Geer and complained about some incredibly outlandish things- saying that twi was turning away from God and made various prophecies that all failed to happen. CG -if he told the truth and didn’t simply make up the whole thing- then wrote up “Passing of the Patriarch.” It’s available to read here on this website. It’s a long essay about how CGeer felt he was the only person left in twi who was doing the right thing, and how that’s why vpw went to  visit him and entrust him with the specifics about how twi had turned away from God Almighty. The paper said NOTHING about vpw’s rampant sex practices.

CGeer was already aware of those- he had served as vpw’s driver and bodyguard at different times, and was reported to have been COMPLICIT in at least 1 incident where vpw drugged a woman and violated her.

(We suspect more incidents were not reported here, based on how freaking EFFICIENT it was, almost as if experience polished up vpw’s whole act.) vpw’s rampant sexual practices were exposed somewhat later. First came vpw’s death, then came CGeer’s reading of POP.

Then came the first reports of women coming forth and not getting silenced- which led to top people leaving twi and some forming 1 or more new groups. Rather than actually address any of that, when those people wrote something, they made it all also vague about how twi needed to turn to God, and it sounded, again, as if vpw was a good guy and others came along later and messed everything up.

The first actual discussions, IIRC, of vpw’s rampant evil sexual practices and toxic doctrines was when J0hn Sch0enh1e+ wrote HIS paper about all the doctrinal problems about permissive sex in the inner circle. The inner circle silenced him and tried to scare everyone out of ever THAT paper is ALSO available for reading on this site. What about the exodi?

There was a tiny one when some top people left, and a few people left with them. It was noteworthy enough to get a mention in “Christianity Today.” (“Infighting trims branches at The Way International.”)

The biggest one came in 1988-1989.

lcm walked around after POP was read, in a fog. Then he lashed out at everyone and demanded oaths of loyalty from everyone-oaths of loyalty to him PERSONALLY. All those who refused for ANY reason were shunned- all employees at every level who refused were fired immediately.

This resulted in about 80% of the people who were there the previous year all LEAVING-lcm was some distant figure to them, and the people they had interacted with PERSONALLY seemed perfectly sensible and sane-while lcm was raving and saying they were horrible people, and insisting on the loyalty of everyone WHILE saying that.

So, they looked sensible, and he looked crazy. When leadership left en masse – those they lead left also. By firing them all and making sure entire groups of staff across the country left together, lcm made it easier for them to work together and set up a new organization that now had more members than his group.

A decade later, when lcm was caught being a sex criminal, and pleading “not guilty” to a lesser charge and admitting wrongdoing in a court of law, there was another exodus (smaller because there were so few people remaining TO leave in great number.)

My advice and exhortation to all trolls and assorted regulars on GreaseSpot Café would be: Get Over It!!! Get A Life!!! Shake Off the proverbial Dust and Move On!!! It’s been over a quarter century now since Dr. Wierwille died, and the reading of, “The Passing of the Patriarch” took place. How is constantly bitching and whining about all that going to help cope with the rest of YOUR LIVES??? If God states in His Word, that vengeance is His, then why not allow God to just do His job and appropriately deal with all those who screwed over His people?

Grease Spot CafeHere we go again, ladies and gentlemen, yet another round of “cheap shots” by my former brothers and sisters in Christ, a.k.a. , or the self-proclaimed cult support forum of the Way Ministry. I guess when your whole website is based on simply whining and bitching about Way Ministry leaders – a few of whom have already passed away – from over a quarter century ago, I would imagine, after a while, people are literally “grasping at straws” to initiate some type of “new” topic to get everybody to participate.

Specifically, an apparent female calling herself excathedra, I would assume found a few of my postings about the GreaseSpot Café forum during a Google search and proceeded to share my web address and offer a few comments solely to her tight-knit clique of close friends. Here’s how, excathedra initiated the new thread on this past Tueday, 7-29-14 at 4:30 p.m.

what the heck is this — i just stumbled upon it

hey jerk off i’m 58


now it’s hard for me to find the idiot to which i was referring. i’m sorry

Wow, I guess I should be glad that excathedra is a nice “Christian” woman, or else I’d probably really be in trouble.

Incidentally, excathedra joined on 6-7-02 and has posted 21,365 messages since that date – doing the math, that averages out to about 148 posts per month or 37 posts per week during her approximate 12 year GSC affiliation. I’d say excathedra’s got more than just a passive interest in whining and bitching about the Way Ministry on that forum – with her, it’s definitely an “obsession”.

But like a bunch of maggots flocking to a dead carcass, excathedra had a few of her GreaseSpot Café friends weighing-in with their comments on the subject.

waysider has only been a member of GreaseSpot Café since 7-15-06, but still managed to post 14,986 messages since joining that site. Here’s what waysider had to say about Yours Truly’s postings regarding :

Tl;dr (Too long; didn’t read)
I’ll sum it up.
“Let’s blame the victims. It’s fun and easy.”

Gee, for someone who posted nearly 15,000 messages in about eight years (that averages out to be about 156 posts per month or 39 posts per week), I don’t think he’s in a position to call ANYBODY’S  posting too long. The only thing more pathetic than that is waysider still referring to himself as a “victim” about 30-40 years after the fact.

Incidentally, if someone was divorced 29 years ago in 1985 (the same year as the death of Way Ministry founding president Victor Paul Wierwille, and also the approximate time all this controversy started), would they still be viewed by most people as a “victim” of their spouse’s refusal to “make the marriage work”? I don’t think so. I think most people would’ve gotten on with their lives and probably would’ve started dating again by sometime in ’86. How was the split of the Way Ministry back then any more “stressful” than most peoples’ divorces?

Rocky has been a GSC regular for just over 12 years, 6-12-02 to be exact. He’s posted 11,181 messages to GSC, which averages out to almost 78 posts per month or close to 20 posts per week during his entire tenure with this cult support forum. With that said, would you care to guess what I thought when Rocky posted this little gem on GSC two days ago:

The guy is just a loser with an axe to grind. Who cares what he has to say?

Hey Rocky, when you’re talking about “losers with axes to grind”, did you ever try looking at yourself in the mirror lately – along with all the rest of your GSC colleagues?

Last, and by all means least, we’ve got WordWolf, who’s viewed as one of the main leaders on this forum. He’s been posting messages on GreaseSpot since 6-13-02 and has 13,004 posts, or an average of about 1,100 posts per year for each of his 12 years on that site. WordWolf sort of comes across as the “elder statesman” or “the voice of logic” for GSC – or maybe this weirdo has a lot of the “regulars” on that site duped. I’ll take his WordWolf’s comment and break it down with a few comments of my own:

When he controls the microphone and is answerable to no one,
no one can hold him to a standard of accuracy or truth.
That’s why he rules his own soapbox.

Let’s just leave him and his delusions be.

So let me see if I’ve got this straight. According to, GreaseSpot Café has been operating as a website now for just about 14 years. About 95 percent of the participants use pseudonyms (including everyone I’ve already cited). Whenever GSC members refer to Way Ministry leadership – whether they’re dead or alive – they deliberately disguise the spelling of their names so they won’t track anybody’s postings via a Google search. A number of GSC members claim they’re whole objective is to “warn others of wolves in sheep’s clothing”, or, I assume, new people who recently joined the Way Ministry. If you were to succeed in getting a new recruit to disassociate themselves with The Way – what exactly does GSC recommend for that individual to get a good understanding of God in their lives? Do you recommend, for example, that the individual just keeps publicly “trashing” Way leadership on the Internet, like you people have been doing for the past 14 years? Or, do you just not care about that person’s eternal salvation after he/she is no longer associated with The Way?

Honestly, without GSC traffic, his site is virtually forgotten
and ignored in cyberspace.

Another GSC regular named Allan also echoed WordWolf’s aforementioned comment and stated my particular blog here, One Bad Decision Away From Homelessness, was “an ex- GSC recovery site”. So out of about 144 postings thus far on One Bad Decision…, this will be ONLY the fourth posting with any reference to . That’s about 2.5 – 3.25 percent of this entire site currently dedicated to GSC material – and that automatically makes this an “ex-GSC recovery forum”???

Personally, I tend to view One Bad Decision… as being, 100 percent pro-Jesus Christ. Among other things, Jesus was quoted in the Bible as saying that, we ought to Forgive those who’ve done us wrong, Seven times 70 — which shouldn’t be confused with Allan, along with all his ilk at GSC, not willing to even attempt to Forgive the leadership of the Way Ministry for any of their transgressions over a quarter century after the fact.

Incidentally WordWolf, if One Bad Decision…, “is virtually forgotten and ignored in cyberspace”, can you please explain how excathedra managed to “stumble upon it” this week? Or how another GSC regular, penworks stumbled upon this blog approximately a year ago? As with your arch nemesis, the Way International (a.k.a. Way Ministry), I’ll bet the folks behind are really pissed off about the whole concept of Google searches, huh?

By giving him any attention for his
ridiculous posts, we’re giving him exactly what he wants-
attention- which translates, in his thinking, into

As I said to Rocky’s comment earlier in this posting, is this comment supposed to be referring to me, or yourself WordWolf – along with all your nitwit colleagues at GSC?

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, this thread in question was removed by the GSC Moderator – I believe they use the pseudonym, Modgellan – within 24 hours after excathedra posted it. I think it had something to do with duping their own regular members into continue giving financial donations to the GSC, which personally, I would equate with financially contributing to Satan. Any remotely “Christian-related” group that refuses to acknowledge that Forgiveness is a major part of God’s Will for our lives isn’t worthy of one red cent as far as I’m concerned.

In addition, none of the aforementioned GSC regulars bothered to comment themselves here on One Bad Decision… — only amongst their own ilk on their safe little sanctum. What great Christian men and women of God, eh? I, on the other hand, would’ve loved to have posted my comments here over on GSC, but unfortunately, the Moderator banned me from that site last year. Apparently, the regulars on GSC didn’t like it too much when I posted “taboo” questions like:

What does the Bible say about Forgiveness? After more than a quarter century of whining and bitching about the Way Ministry leadership, what exactly would you like to say or do to finally have some “closure” in your own personal lives? Who the heck is anybody on the GSC site to claim that certain Way Ministry leaders are “beyond forgiveness” when it comes to God’s judgment? Were King David (an adulterer and murderer), and Paul the Apostle (a murderer of Christians) “beyond forgiveness” when it came to God’s judgment? 

To quote a famous line on one of my favorite afternoon soap operas: The Truth always hurts – doesn’t it?

Grease Spot CafeI refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.Groucho Marx 

I am extremely proud to say that I now have a lot in common with Pete Rose. In other words, what Rose is to professional baseball, I now am to – banned for life. The big difference between us, however, it’s my understanding that Mr. Rose hopes to someday be reinstated in pro baseball and then inducted into its Hall of Fame; I, on the other hand, am happier than a pig in mud over being banned by I mean, looking at the actual source here of what GSC honestly represents and what its all about, I would truly view this as a, Badge of Honor.

GreaseSpot Café is basically a self-proclaimed cult support network website to help accommodate all the supposed “victims” and former members of The Way International (a.k.a.  The Way Ministry, The Way, The Way Biblical Research and Teaching Ministry, the ‘Kissing’ Ministry, etc.). And just for the record, I’ve written about both GSC, as well as The Way, on previous postings on this blog. Secondly, I was a faithful member of The Way until that organization started to come apart at the seams, so to speak, in the mid-80s. Lastly, I hooked up and became a member of GSC about 6-7 years ago, mostly to just seek out old friends I had in the Way Ministry, as well as pay my respects to members who had passed away and gone on to be with the Lord.

Among other things, The Way – as well as the majority, I feel, of GSC “regulars” – believe that Jesus Christ is NOT God; unlike most charismatic Christians, Way members Speak in Tongues and Interpret on cue and when asked to do so (much of the time, with a message they had already pre-planned in advance); The Way doesn’t support that the “Cross” is the symbol of Christianity because they believe that Jesus Christ was actually nailed to a tree before he died; Jesus was actually crucified with four malefactors, not just two; and, The Way might be the ONLY Christian entity that supports Abortion via a Biblical scripture allegedly claiming that life begins at “first breath”.

Bottom Line: Most conservative Christians have no qualms about viewing The Way as an off-the-wall religious cult and appropriately so.

Many of the “regulars” who currently participate on the GSC message board forum proclaim they “warn others about wolves in sheep’s clothing”, but that’s extremely one-dimensional to anything else they may be involved with regarding the normal Christian lifestyle. There’s no, “walking circumspectly with the whole armor of God” with any of these folks. Also, for any so-called Christian to proclaim their whole ministry is about, “warning others about wolves in sheep’s clothing” sort of entitles them to a free reign to publicly bad-mouth and trash whoever they may perceive as “wolves” any time their little heart desires (often taking place amongst the bloggers on the GSC forum), which I don’t believe Jesus Christ would ever endorse. 

Assuming the GSC regulars are referring to the present Way Ministry as “the wolves in sheep’s clothing” here, The Way is nothing but a mere shell of what it was about 25-40 years ago in its “heyday”. For example, back then, I probably noticed a vehicle with a Way International bumper sticker at least once a month in my regular travels. I can honestly say that it’s been AT LEAST 25 years since I’ve seen a vehicle with a Way bumper sticker on it. I would guess that The Way probably has about 2,000 – if that much – “faithful” worldwide financial contributors, and even back in the 80’s, had a much smaller membership than either the Mormons or the Jehovah Witnesses.

But the thing I find most toxic and insane about the GSC “regulars” and their message board forum is that they’re still whining and bitching about incidents that took place 27-40 years ago, as if they just happened a couple weeks ago. Is this supposed to be somehow, “therapeutic”? It certainly ain’t Biblical. Have you ever known a Divorcee to carry on more than just a couple months because they were still bitter and hostile towards their Ex? Heck, have you even heard of any support groups that still operate for friends and relatives who lost loved ones in the 9/11 tragedy? Personally, I just think that 9/11 and Divorces are a heck of a lot more stressful than learning your church group had a few ministers engaging in fornication and adultery, yet the vast majority of the two former groups seem to have no problems moving on with their lives. 

And if that isn’t pathetic enough, these GSC “regulars” will deliberately misspell the names of the former Way leaders they’re publicly trashing to prevent their names from possibly popping up on a Google search. In other words, on former Way president L. Craig Martindale, they’ll refer to him as “lcm”; or on Rev. Chris Geer, they’ll refer to him as “Chris G33r” – so if they were to do a Google search on themselves, GSC references will never pop up.

What an absolute chicken BLEEP thing to do!!!

Why wouldn’t a man or woman of God want to actually confront an individual, face-to-face, that they’ve got an issue with? Instead, they just conduct themselves like BLEEP-holes and snicker behind these peoples’ backs. Forgiveness or possible resolution is just not an option with people like this. I recently posed the question on GSC, how many more decades — or quarter centuries — do you suppose you’ll need to whine and bitch on the GSC forum for some type of “closure” to take place in your personal lives over your Way Ministry experience? Again, no response, which is probably why now, the GSC Moderator is referring to me as a “troll” and a “liar”, and then banning me from posting anymore on its message board.

Can you say, “pity party“?

Another perspective to view the vast majority of “regulars” of the GSC site is that if you assume just for argument sake that an individual was at least 21 when Victor Paul Wierwille retired and turned the presidency of the Way Ministry over to L. Craig Martindale in ’82 (or 32 years ago), they would be 53 right now. Personally, I think the vast majority of GSC “regular” bloggers are a wee bit older than that. Realistically speaking, the vast majority of GSC bloggers will only have about two decades (20 years) here on earth to live, if you agree that the mean age of an average American citizen is 70. But if your Judgement Day with God comes two decades from now or in just two hours (there’s no guarantee as to exactly ‘when’ any of us will die and subsequently meet God on Judgement Day), do YOU honestly want to spend your last few hours/months/years/decades like the pathetic individuals of the GSC site? Constantly trashing a guy who’s been dead since ’85, and another guy who’s been terminated from The Way since 2000 and is allegedly living in exile in Toledo, Ohio? Life is just too short and valuable to be bitter and ticked off at some individual(s) who screwed you/me over more than a quarter century ago.

And if you feel “inspired” (or is the more appropriate word here, “possessed”?) to donate a few bucks to, via either your credit card or debit card, the cowardly shysters running that fraudulent website will be more than willing to siphon your hard-earned money. They actually have a spot on that forum soliciting contributions so they may warn everybody about “the wolves in sheep’s clothing”. Are they BLEEPIN kidding me? Personally, I’d feel more “inspired” contributing my money to a website warning everybody about the crooks and shysters — ESPECIALLY from a Biblical perspective — currently running . I can only assume that this is how the “regulars” of the GSC site suffice their Biblical requirement of “Tithing” in their extremely twisted and demented minds.

Specifically, the bone of contention I’ve got with GSC (or it has with me) is about a 27 year old unverified and unauthorized document called, The Passing of a Patriarch, authored by Rev. Chris Geer, which chronicles the last few days of the life of Way founding president Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille in ’85.

To give you a little bit better perspective of what exactly the author intended this document to be, here’s how Rev. Geer starts off the thing:

[… I set pen to paper to tell the last days of the life of Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille. After having spent so many days together with him over the course of the years that I was his aide, companion and confidant it was greatly significant to me that I was allowed to spend the last twenty-two days of his life with him…

…What I have attempted to record are the basic activities of his last days and pertinent portions of the many hours of conversations that we had during that space of time. I have included relevant background to add clarity and continuity. I have not left out parts to intentionally slight anyone or diminish the importance of the time that they were blessed to spend with Dr. Wierwille during his last days. Nothing could be farther from my heart or mind.

I am not a writer, but I trust that you will find the text spiritually invigorating. I present it for your consideration. It is my firm believing that God will give understanding to the far from adequate job that I am capable of doing to communicate the contents of the last days of Dr. Wierwille’s life which I have called The Passing of a Patriarch…]

Now even though GSC regulars often publicly trash Rev. Geer, and the late Dr. Wierwille as “scumbags”, “dirtballs”, or worse, they still very much view PoP as a highly sacred document parallel to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, or, “the unofficial fifth Gospel of the Bible”. So using that exact same logic, the GSC “regulars” probably also view Chris Geer as the “unofficial 13th Apostle“, or something stupid like that.

For example, why the heck would GSC give this document a link (or any credibility whatsoever) on its website – which in and of itself, is a sign of reverence, respect and awe – while the Way Ministry, on the other hand, refuses to post it on its official website? So while the GSC website is publicly making available this unverified and uncorroborated PoP document and putting it on a proverbial pedestal for all its patrons to study and admire, isn’t it in essence perpetuating a Lie? Gee, until GSC can substantiate some type of truth out of it or prove that Dr. Wierwille actually AUTHORIZED his supposed final conversations with Rev. Geer to be publicly disseminated like that, I believe it is. While I was corresponding about a month ago with the GSC moderator, calling themselves, Modgellan, he/she stated that PoP was available on a GSC link, in its verbatim entirety, because it was distributed to the Way Corps (The Way’s leadership training program) and it was a “historical” perspective.

A historical perspective of what???? To compare the crucifixion of Jesus Christ to the last days of Victor Paul Wierwille – even jokingly – is both Blasphemy and Idolatry in its purest form. One big difference between the two – Jesus never threw anybody under the proverbial bus en route to his crucifixion. Heck, Jesus even prayed and forgave his tormentors and accusers throughout that whole experience – assuming the statements made in the PoP document were true, Dr. Wierwille was about 180 degrees opposite from Jesus on that front. And, oh by the way, even though GSC has no qualms about offering the “highly sacred” PoP as a link on its website, it DOES NOT offer the Holy Bible, i.e., as a link to study the scriptures on this particular subject.

To give you an idea of the typical mindset from a GSC “regular”, let’s scrutinize this individual calling themselves, Ham:

Joined: 09-February 03
Gender: Male

So to round off Ham’s tenure of posting comments on the GSC forum to 11 years, he averages more than 105 posted comments per month on that website during that entire span of time. Sounds to me like something a lot more than just a “passive interest” on this particular forum – even if you were to assume Ham left the Way Ministry a couple days before becoming a member of the GSC forum. Can you say, “obsessed”?

Now let’s look at one of Ham’s comments, which I assume was directed at Yours Truly. I had asked on earlier comments and different Threads as to what exactly was the “relevancy” of the PoP document and, more specifically, how exactly does this thing “edify” someone as a Christian or do anything to “enhance my Eternal Salvation with God”? Ham then initiated his own Thread on GSC and titled it, The Relevance of passing of a patriarch even thirty years after the fact. This was actually one-of-five comments that Ham posted on just this particular Thread on 12-8-13. My original thought for this thread was from how another poster referenced this particular piece of “history” as not being relevant today. In other words, what good does knowing that the old ministry was being run by delusional, screaming, gun-toting psychopaths? Things did not improve after chrissy poo exited the scene, either.
I know the general attitude: leave me alone, this is not “edifying”.

What difference does it all make in regards to my eternal security (ahem, eternal salvation) and all..

I don’t see how “truth” always has to be “edifying”.

I wonder if *mr* geero still packs heat when he goes to put on a public meeting..

These just might be the kinds of things I would want to know before attending his church..

So let me see if I’ve got this straight – Ham obviously has little-to-no respect for Rev. Chris Geer, HOWEVER, this individual throws out the statement here: I don’t see how “truth” always has to be “edifying”. In Ham’s defense, the GSC moderator as well as many of that forum’s “regulars”, blatantly refer to the whole PoP document as, “the truth”.

My argument here is, if we’re referring to an unverified, unauthorized, and uncorroborated document like PoP, wouldn’t it AT THE VERY LEAST have to originate from a trusted and reliable source of integrity in order for it to be considered even remotely “true”? Even when Rev. Geer himself alluded to his own ambitions with the Way Ministry in this very same PoP document?

Here’s an excerpt from the PoP document. “Don” is referring to Donnie Wierwille, a Way Board of Trustee member and the oldest son of Way founder Victor Paul Wierwille. “Doctor” is another reference to Victor Paul Wierwille:

[…Don also said something to me that at the time troubled me, but never so much as after Doctor had started talking to me about the state of affairs of the Ministry and what he felt were the causes. He said (regarding my leaving the employ of the Ministry), “You are a great administrator and we don’t want to lose you.” At the time I had never considered myself as an administrator; I never had really considered what one was. I wanted to be a believer, a leader, a spiritual man, but had given no thought to being an administrator. It bothered me at the time that what I wanted to be recognized for had not even been mentioned and that what I had never considered being was what I was considered as. It did send me to the Word looking over the following weeks and months. As Doctor had spoken to me I saw the mold that I had been slated for…]

Wow, that sure sounds to me like Rev. Geer wasn’t exactly a “happy camper” on just being relegated in the Way Ministry as a mere “administrator” (Heaven forbid!). One of the many terms that some of the GSC regulars used in reference to the whole presentation of the PoP document was that it was nothing more than a “power grab” on Geer’s part for himself to take over, control, and run the Way Ministry. I would agree with that last statement 110 percent.

It was as if the whole purpose behind the PoP situation was to plant a seed in the hearts and minds of Way believers to wonder: If Victor Paul Wierwille could’ve anointed his successor as Way president just a week or so before his death, would he have still chosen L. Craig Martindale for that job, OR, preferred his longtime confidant, Chris Geer? Hmmmm.

So getting back to my original point as to how an uncorroborated document like PoP from an extremely questionable source like Rev. Geer could possibly be deemed as “TRUTH”, is sort of like saying that convicted fraud felon Bernie Madoff is a great man of integrity. In other words, that simply doesn’t pass the sniff test.

To give you an idea on just how Rev. Geer in this PoP document rambles on in a rather superfluous and irrelevant manner, here’s an excerpt of what exactly I’m referring to:

I helped Dr. Wierwille to undress, so that he could rest, as I had done so many times before. We put his clothes away neatly and as I was helping him out of his socks and shoes he started talking about how blessed he was to have me help him again. What followed, however, was less expected. It was not his general custom to start talking about deep things right off the bat. Usually when he had something to talk about with me it would have come up later on in a conversation or visit but not this time…]

Now the GSC moderator, Modgellan, told me in an email that this particular passage was in reference to caretaker tending to an elderly and sickly patient. Sure sounds a wee bit bizarre to me, sort of like the gay version of a Harlequin Romance or something like that. But as the old cliché goes, some things are just better left unsaid – and I think this is one of those things.

Moving right along, here’s the only reference that Rev. Geer gives to validate the PoP document:

[…Points for Consideration QUESTION: Did Dr. Wierwille really say all the things that you say he said?

ANSWER: Why else would Dr. Wierwille have journeyed all the way to Scotland? He was very weak before he left. He had already delivered his farewell message to the Household at International Headquarters. He had told his earthly family at Headquarters that he was going to die very soon. There is no logical reason for a dying man to journey like he did, except to accomplish some very specific goal in the last days of his life…]

Hypothetically speaking, let’s say that Chris Geer challenged Dr. Wierwille’s widow in Court for the family car using this same argument – Rev. Geer would literally be laughed out of Court for trying to pull a stunt like this. Why didn’t Dr. Wierwille ever try to make it “official” by having this as part of his Last Will and Testament? Why didn’t Dr. Wierwille, at least, try to do a video testimony?

Geer was basically known in Way Ministry circles as Dr. Wierwille’s chauffeur/bodyguard – not to mention, a close friend and confidant — who was desperately seeking his proverbial “15 Minutes of Fame”. Not too much different than comedienne Roseanne Barr’s third husband, bodyguard Ben Thomas. Can you say, “opportunist”?

Shame on both the Way Board of Trustees at that time, as well as the Wierwille family, for not challenging Geer to, at least, take a Polygraph (Lie Detector) test on his statements concerning PoP. Granted, Lie Detectors are inadmissible in Court because they’re not 100 percent reliable – but I think they would’ve been much better off being at least 99.9 percent correct on this issue as opposed to ZERO percent, like they wound up. Geer, according to some Internet reports, would wind up being terminated from The Way about three years later but it was still more than enough time to basically destroy the Ministry that many of us all knew and loved.

Here’s another interesting tidbit Rev. Geer stated in PoP allegedly quoting Dr. Wierwille:

[…You see, son, I have two earthly sons. Today I cannot really talk to either one of them. J.P. is a nice guy, but spiritually he just doesn’t have it; he’s weak.

“The hardest to face, though, is Donnie. Despite everything that I have tried, he is not a spiritual man. I knew years ago that he had tremendous administrative abilities. That I have never questioned. I had really thought that if he was with us he would grow and make a commitment spiritually, but he hasn’t. He is governed by facts, sense knowledge, and has basically neglected the spirit of God in his life. Perhaps he has done more to harm this Ministry than any other single man in its entire history…]

Now here’s where I’ve got some serious reservations on whether or not Dr. Wierwille actually AUTHORIZED Chris Geer to publicly disseminate this PoP message the way he did. Could Dr. Wierwille have made these statements? Probably, but don’t most parents get upset with their kids from time-to-time, and then wind up talking to a close friend or relative for some helpful advice or just to vent? But that, sure as heck, doesn’t automatically give the friend or relative Green Light Permission to publicly trash that person’s kids in the event of their death. In addition to trashing his own two sons, Dr. Wierwille – according to Chris Geer’s PoP document – also had some serious reservations about then-Way president L. Craig Martindale, then-Way Board of Trustee member Howard Allen, and about a half dozen other Way employees, some of whom Wierwille allegedly described as, “spiritually dishonest”.

[…QUESTION: Did you take the historical occurrences of the last days of Dr. Wierwille’s life and weave into them your own tale?

ANSWER: I wish that I had. The historical occurrences are as accurate as I can recall them. So are the conversations. There is probably no other man living who knows the ramifications of what he said to me better than I do. I would like nothing better than to be able to admit to myself (and to you, too) that it was all a fabrication. It is not. The historical evidence as well as the Biblical precedents do not stand in favour of it being a fabrication.

QUESTION: Why did you write it all out?

ANSWER: I wrote by no means all of it out. What is contained here is no more than 60 per cent, if it is that much, of the conversations that Dr. Wierwille and I had during those twenty-two days, as well as relevant conversations and background information from the years involved. As I stated, much was left out entirely. Some is not pertinent; the rest is only of value as decisions are made in the days to come. There are things that will have no meaning until men make up their minds where they stand with God and His Word…]

$64,000 Question: What even remote “Biblical precedents” are contained in this PoP document? If there was anything “holy” or “sacred” mentioned in this document, I obviously missed it.

Secondly, what about the “other” 40 percent of things Dr. Wierwille allegedly told Rev. Geer? Specifically, anything mentioned about fornication in the Way Ministry? On the GSC forum, the moderator, Modgellan is calling me out as being a “liar”, YET, there seems to be at least one other regular on its forum claiming that Dr. Wierwille actually drugged and raped women – any documentation (or PROOF) on that little tidbit? There’s nothing quite like kicking a guy more than a quarter century AFTER HE DIED, I always say.

I’m basically being “Banned” from GSC for allegedly lying about the UNVERIFIED PoP document about a year-and-a-half ago here on, One Bad Decision Away from Homelessness,  regarding what I heard about the rampant fornication problem in The Way back in the 70’s and 80’s, YET, it has no qualms about allowing other “regulars” to trash the late Dr. Wierwille concerning his supposed “fornication issues”. It further has no qualms about making the two sexual-related lawsuits against The Way from about 15 years ago, caused by former Way president L. Craig Martindale, as available links on GSC. Can you say, “

Lastly, how is lying about a “Lie” such a heinous crime? How many American parents have already told their kids in these past two months that Santa Claus will come down their chimney on Christmas morning? Is that true, OR, a “LIE”? Why aren’t the supposed “great men and women of God” on GSC making a Federal case out of that Lie???

See, that’s why when people ask me, which is a better group to be associated with: the Way Ministry, or, I would respond by saying, that’s sort of like asking which group is better between al-Qaeda or the Muslim Brotherhood? Or perhaps which smells worse: cow manure or horse manure? Both The Way, as well as GSC, equally suck even though they have somewhat different agendas and I think they both hurt a heck of a lot more people than they assume they help.

My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. —  James 3:1

I sort of feel what makes GSC regulars riled up more than anything else is that the late Way founder and president Victor Paul Wierwille managed to pass onto death without first paying for his sins here on earth. But even if a fraction of the accusations against this man were true, I honestly believe that God DID NOT give Dr. Wierwille a “free pass” on Judgment Day based on just the aforementioned Bible verse. By that scripture in the book of James, I would assume that God judges Ministers — or Teachers of the Word of God — by a much higher standard than anyone else. “The Doctor” may have managed to fool a couple thousand followers of The Way regarding his true modus operandi, he DEFINITELY won’t pull that same garbage when dealing with God.

The second thing I think makes GSC “regulars” blood boil is how God could still actually “Forgive” people like L. Craig Martindale and Chris Geer of their past sins. But if God could possibly forgive Paul the Apostle (a former murderer of Christians) and King David (both an adulterer and murderer), then He’s capable of forgiving anybody of any possible sin. And there’s no doubt in my mind whatsoever that both Paul the Apostle and King David are residents of Heaven right now. God’s ability to forgive people of their sins is absolutely INCOMPREHENSIBLE, regardless on whether or not you or I feel that person is “worthy” enough to ever be forgiven. The big question about the eternal futures on Martindale and Geer – Are these guys humble enough to repent of their sins and then ask God for forgiveness? I guess the answer to that question would be solely between them and God.

About a dozen or so “splinter” church groups deriving from the Way Ministry have come and gone (mostly gone) since Rev. Geer made his presentation of, The Passing of a Patriarch in ’86. I think the lesson to be learned here — at least from my perspective — a church that puts all its faith, hope, and trust in men and women will fail every single time. If you don’t always have your constant focus and attention on Jesus Christ, or at least get back on track if and when things start going bad, your church is inevitably doomed. Christians need to constantly ask themselves the question, Where are our REAL priorities in life: with Jesus or men (or women)?

So GSC may have pulled the plug on me from its website, but I can still vent and rant here on, One Bad Decision Away From Homelessness. Praise God for small miracles, I suppose. Just sayin