Archives for posts with tag: thug

Any thoughts about voting, Straight-Ticket Republican on Nov. 3rd? If you need a little convincing, please ask yourself, why the heck would any U.S. Rep or U.S. Senator PUBLICLY ENCOURAGE Riotous behavior in their respective communities?

What’s a more important issue than KEEPING PEOPLE SAFE — That would be, SAFE FROM ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.

Why the heck should we vote these Shysters into Elected Office, with annual salaries of about $200K, so they can, in turn, screw over me and my property? I don’t think so.

Maybe the Democrats need a couple of Terms OUT OF PUBLIC OFFICE, to think about this for a while.

Bottom Line: Please consider voting Straight-Ticket Republican for: President, U.S. Senator, U.S. Rep, and Governor on Nov. 3rd, to hopefully, Make America Safe Again!

$64,000 Question: Why the heck is Kamala Harris promoting an organization on Twitter to donate money for bailing Thugs out of Jail? Why are at least three people from Joe Biden’s campaign staff donating to this aforementioned organization? Are Biden & Harris SERIOUS about supporting stronger Law Enforcement, OR, are they just trying to keep the Major Cities in America “chaotic” at least till the Election on Nov. 3rd?