I stumbled across this short YouTube video of my former attorney, Roland Milliard of Dracut MA — the one who I refer to elsewhere on this same blog as, Atty. Conflict of Interest.

In this clip, which Atty. Milliard appears to be addressing the jury, take a good look at his tie in relation to his belt buckle. The thing is literally hanging about 6-7 inches below his waist. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear that perhaps Milliard might have embarrassed himself a couple times in his life by forgetting to, “zip up his fly” — thus, the unusual extended length of the tie could conveniently “cover up” that area on his pants and prevent anyone from ever noticing that again in the future.

Now I’m not exactly a disciple of GQ Magazine and I’m fully aware that Atty. Milliard is about 200 lbs. over his ideal weight, but don’t you think as a “professional” attorney, charging his client about $200-$300 per hour, the guy should have a little bit of concern on the way he publicly presents himself in front of a judge or a jury? Also, isn’t it proper when a guy is wearing a suit, that he’s supposed to at least button the top button on his suit coat whenever he’s standing up? Milliard just seems to come off here like the consummate fat slob, who really doesn’t care too much about his outward appearance.

Compare and contrast: New Jersey Governor and former Presidential candidate (as well as a former attorney) Chris Christie is approximately the same size and weight as Milliard (give or take an ounce or two), YET Christie constantly conducts himself in public as a consummate professional lawyer and could amply pose for GQ Magazine despite being considerably overweight.

But even more than Atty. Milliard’s wardrobe selection in this scene, what do you think of this guy’s “passion” and “enthusiasm” compared with other lawyers you’ve seen during their opening and closing statements? Specifically, Milliard is arguing on behalf of his client, a 20-something year old Dracut woman named Melissa Rich who allegedly drove a special-needs van into a Billerica MA home back in 2011. The approximate one minute video was posted on the Lowell Sun daily newspaper’s website almost three years ago, supposedly showing the “highlight” of the trial — if that was the “highlight” of that trial, I’d sure hate to see the “low light” of this court case.

Also, did I mention that Atty. Roland Milliard served at least one term as, President for the Greater Lowell Bar Association just a few years ago? I can only assume the lawyers of Greater Lowell needed a great “role model” to look up to, so they voted Milliard to its highest elected post to have someone serve as its “standard bearer”.

Was it a TV commercial for either a dandruff shampoo or a mouthwash in the 60’s that stated, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”. As they say in the courtroom, I rest my case.

Buyer Beware: You might really want to think twice before choosing to retain Milliard as your attorney.