Archives for posts with tag: Tim Bickford
Divorced Dads Tim Bickford (left), and Dan Shepard shared their testimony recently on, ‘Frankly Speaking’ about how their complaints to the Attorney Discipline Office (ADO) in Concord NH, may have prompted both Brian D. Kenyon and Keri J. Marshall, of Marshall Law in East Kingston NH, to resign as Attorneys instead of answering some very serious unethical allegations. Specifically, Kenyon and Marshall had represented the ex-wives of both Bickford and Shepard. This video is just less than an hour long, and it’s well worth the watch.

This episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’ featured two divorced dads, Tim Bickford and Dan Shepard, who each filed ethical complaints against their ex wives attorneys working out of the Marshall Law office on 47 Depot Road in East Kingston NH. The interview took place in the Nashua Public TV studio on 1/25/24.

Both Bickford and Shepard represented themselves Pro Se and filed their complaints with the, Attorney Discipline Office (ADO) in Concord NH about 10 years apart – Shepard in 2012 against Atty. Keri J. Marshall, and Bickford in 2022 against Atty. Brian D. Kenyon. Marshall and Kenyon opted to resign as Lawyers rather than go through any intense scrutiny of these ethical complaints. There was also another individual, Michael Kimball, who also filed a complaint with the ADO shortly after Bickford did in ’22. Apparently, Kimball had a meeting with Ms. Marshall for over an hour and was billed about $300. When his case fell apart because there was no action taken on it, Marshall then informed Kimball that she wasn’t a licensed Lawyer anymore in NH, hence Kimball’s complaint to the ADO office.

Unfortunately, there were no newspapers, or electronic media outlets (radio and TV) who pursued this story. A NH state-wide news blog, Granite Grok did a fairly nice article about this situation. A nationwide site – , included both Kenyon and Marshall onto something it refers to as: the ‘Wall of Shame’. Then another entity called, The Committee to Expose Dishonest & Incompetent Judges, Attorneys & Public Officials on the site, , referred to Atty. Kenyon as an, ‘idiotic slacker’.

One unusual aspect to the, Granite Grok article, published on, 1/16/24 – the Marshall Law office on 47 Depot Road in East Kingston, despite not currently having any licensed attorneys employed with that organization, it still has a sign in front of its building giving folks the impression that it’s still operating as a Law firm. Somebody like Michael Kimball, however, would probably disagree 100% with that statement.

Incidentally, if you wish to contact the organization that Bickford represented the first time he appeared on, ‘Frankly Speaking’, several years ago – The Fathers Rights’ Movement of New Hampshire – please log onto: . Since that TV appearance, however, Bickford is no longer actively involved with that group.

Boston area singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme song to this particular episode.

Tim Bickford, an Alimony Reform Activist — as well as a member of The Fathers’ Rights Movement of New Hampshire — served as my guest for this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’, which was taped at the Access Nashua studio on Monday, July 22, 2019.

Discussions included: changes to NH’s Alimony law on December ’18, what would Bickford do about Alimony laws if he were a member of the NH legislation, pre nuptual agreements, Palimony, Facebook fan pages, and, what is a First Wives Club, or even a, Second Wives Club.

Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart Records sang both the Intro and Outro theme songs for this episode.

For further info on this episode, please contact . Also, if you’d like any further info on Alimony, please log onto any of the following on : Alimony Injustice, End Lifetime Alimony, Permanent Alimony Slavery, or, United Front for Alimony Reform.

Is your Dad still alive? If so, consider yourself very fortunate. For those who ‘lost’ their Dad, was it via Death or Divorce? Or even worse — did your Father just relinquish and abandon his responsibilities toward his child/children because he just didn’t give a BLEEP? Unfortunately, most family structures aren’t quite as simplistic or idealistic as we’ve seen on TV shows like, ‘The Waltons’, or maybe, ‘The Brady Bunch’. Nobody ever said life was fair, I guess.

Tim Bickford, an editor with The Fathers’ Rights Movement of New Hampshire, was arguably one of the best guests I’ve ever had on my Nashua (NH) local access cable TV show, ‘Frankly Speaking’. Not only was this the 40th episode of Frankly Speaking, but it was taped and recorded just in time to air the week going into the Fathers Day holiday weekend of 2019.

Hopefully, I can get the great folks at Access Nashua to broadcast this particular show on its cable channel every year on this very blessed week to help people understand the actual importance of the role of Fathers in today’s society.

One thing I tried to convey just after Bickford cited a number of rather disturbing statistics on my show surrounding Fatherless children who were much more likely to experience things like: suicides, drug addiction, teenage pregnancies, prison incarcerations, mental illness, dropping out of high school, etc., versus youngsters who were raised in homes with a Father present — it also strongly supports God’s Will. The Bible clearly states that the Father is to be regarded as, ‘the Head of the Household (or Family)‘, for any society to try to deviate from that plan would probably have to face some real serious consequences from God himself.

Also, as I tried to convey at the end of this show, if your Father is still alive please go out and spend some ‘good quality time’ with him. Whether you want to take him out to dinner somewhere, or just ‘hang out’ with him for a couple hours talking about sports or politics while watching something on TV. “BE THERE” is the key phrase you should initiate for your mindset when spending time with your Dad.

As for Yours Truly, I’ll probably spend my Fathers Day weekend, hopefully either hanging out — or at least talking on the phone — with both my sons. In addition to that, visit the grave where my Dad is buried and talk to the tombstone a little bit, believing somehow or someway my Dad is actually listening to what I’m saying. Maybe even log onto, YouTube and listen to the Rock classic, The Living Years, by Mike and the Mechanics, and contemplate the great lyrics in that song.

One thing we can all definitely learn from Mr. Bickford, as well as most of his colleagues with, The Fathers’ Rights Movement of New Hampshire — Never take Fatherhood for granted.