Archives for posts with tag: #TimesUp

$64,000 Question: What exactly happened to the Lady who was a former staffer of then-Senator Joe Biden back in the early 90’s, and earlier this year accused Sleepy Joe of Sexually Assaulting her back then?

I guess the answer would be, she wrote a Book about the whole experience that can be purchased just in time for Christmas.

Tara Reade recently appeared on Newsmax TV to promote her new book, ‘Left Out: When the Truth Doesn’t Fit In’. Another interesting point about this 5-and-a-half minute video interview is, I wasn’t aware that Heather Childers (the interviewer) apparently jumped from FOX News to Newsmax TV.

Lastly, is it safe to assume that Ms. Reade’s new book will NOT be posted on either the New York Times’, or Amazon’s ‘Best Seller List’ regardless on how many people purchase this book?





One of my favorite bloggers on YouTube is a former Canadian lawyer named Viva Frei and I especially love how he broke down the MSNBC interview between Mika and Joe Biden this past Friday morning. Frei analyzed the interview as if it were a Court deposition, and needless to say, he poked a lot of holes in Biden’s responses. I would agree with Frei, along with a lot of Conservative pundits, that Mika Brzezinski did an excellent job here interviewing Biden on the sexual assault situation regarding Tara Reade.

Does Joe Biden holding a ‘Special Women’s Town Hall’ with Hillary Clinton endorsing him on his Podcast help or hurt his Presidential candidacy?

Aside from the fact that the former First Lady is quite experienced when it comes to making lame excuses for male politicians publicly accused of sexual assault, this particular forum had ZERO mention of Biden’s former staffer Tara Reade who currently has a criminal complaint against ‘Sleepy Joe’ for allegedly violating her back in ’93.

At what point is Biden going to address what American voters REALLY want to know about him? Video was made by YouTube blogger Christo Aivalis.




So Joe Biden’s avoidance to, at least, personally address the sexual assault allegations by Tara Reade has now prompted a brand new hashtag: #DropOutBiden . You might as well just ignore the hashtags: #MeToo or #TimesUp because they have no credibility whatsoever.

About two years ago, many of Biden’s political supporters were quick to criticize then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh for Rape about 37 years earlier with much less evidence by Christine Blasey Ford. I can only assume that since the accusations are being directed against a Democrat rather than a Republican, that’s somehow “different”.

First and foremost, I in no way, shape, or form hate or dislike presumptive Democrat Presidential nominee, Joe Biden. Ironically, I met Biden 32 years ago while he was a Senator running for the same Presidential office and I was a Reporter working for a weekly publication in Salem NH. I was fortunate enough to interview him for the ’88 New Hampshire Primary Election and back then, Biden struck me as very savvy, intelligent, and knowledgeable on the inner sanctum of American politics.

Unfortunately for Biden, that was then and this is now.

The Senator from Delaware withdrew his Presidential candidacy prior to any elections in ’88 due to allegations of Plagiarism. Twenty years later, Biden had an opportunity to serve for two terms as Barack Obama’s vice president. Many pundits felt Biden could’ve been elected President had he run four years ago, but the Democrats sort of yielded that opportunity to former First Lady, Hillary Clinton as “her turn” to serve in our country’s highest office — which was a disaster.

As far as the Dems now declaring 2020 as “Biden’s turn”, well um, he’s not exactly the same guy as he was 32 years ago, or even four years ago.

Aside from well documented proof of his brothers Frank and James entrenched in government fraud, as well as his son Hunter Biden siphoning millions of dollars from countries like Ukraine and China under the phony guise of “serving as a consultant”, Joe finds himself in what seems to be a sexual assault allegation from a former staffer, Tara Reade, that in ’93, which unlike Christine Blasey Ford’s Rape allegations against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the Mainstream Media REFUSES to report on Ms. Reade’s story.

Ouch! So much for the credibility of both the #MeToo Movement, as well as the #TimesUp movement, not to mention anything has-been actress Alyssa Milano ever said or did in her pathetic lifetime.

With that all said, the aforementioned probably isn’t even Biden’s biggest problem going into the Presidential election this November. If you’ve already watched the above video, it would appear Biden is experiencing early signs of Dementia. Okay, so with full disclosure here, I am NOT a Psychiatrist, however, I’ve experienced a relative of mine who spent the final years of their life in a Nursing Home with very similar conditions as Biden has now.

As you can see for yourselves in this video, Biden’s cognitive problems are just too intense to blame them all on “stuttering”, or “it’s too hot”, or “gaffes”.
Also, have you noticed that in many — maybe even most — of Biden’s public appearances, his wife Jill is either standing or sitting right by his side explaining what her husband “meant” to say? Now no disrespect to our presumptive First Lady, but there’s a time and place AFTER the Presidential election to get to know her a little bit but now it’s important that American voters get to know the presumptive Democrat nominee a little bit.

Let’s get honest here, shame on both the Biden family as well as the Democrats for allowing Joe Biden to compete in 2020 for the Presidency. Assuming he’s still living after his first term, Biden will be 83 and by far, the oldest person to ever serve as President. But what about Biden’s nominee for Vice President? Hopefully, he’ll choose somebody who’s both physically and mentally very healthy but most voters aren’t choosing a President based on who’s their Vice President — they’re probably assuming that the President will successfully fulfill their four year term with no problems.

Am I plugging everybody to vote Donald Trump for President in this commentary? Not at all. Maybe even research the Libertarian Party candidate, or the Green Party candidate, or how about Independents running for the Presidency? Does Donald Trump have his share of “issues”? Absolutely! But personally, not nearly as bad as what Joe Biden’s got right now. Unfortunately, the Democrat Primary started off with about two dozen mostly good candidates and then it all got weeded down to Joe Biden.

I’d love to hear your views or thoughts to my commentary. Lastly, all I can say is whatever happens this November 3rd, may God continue to bless America.

So the Mainstream Media, via the New York Times, has FINALLY reported “something” regarding former staff worker Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations against then-Senator Joe Biden but as blogger Christo Aivalis brilliantly points out in this video, the NY Times did it as flimsy as they possibly could on at least a couple different fronts.

For example, there’s a paragraph that stated they couldn’t verify that there was any evidence that presumptive Democrat Presidential hopeful Biden ever sexual assaulted any females other than kissing, hugging, and unwanted touching. Reade NEVER claimed Biden Raped her, but according to her claims, he DEFINITELY groped her.

The Times also reported there was no evidence that Reade was ever demoted after complaining about Biden, yet before she complained about it, she supervised a number of Interns and then afterwards, she was removed from that responsibility — How would THAT not be considered a, ‘Demotion’?

Lastly, was there any particular reason why this article came out on Easter Sunday? As Aivalis mentioned in this video, it was almost like the Times was trying to “bury” this story so not too many people would actually get a chance to read it.

This story ain’t over yet – far from it. Please check out this video for yourselves.




Blogger Christo Aivalis grills #MeToo advocate Alyssa Milano over her DESPICABLE excuse to ignore former Intern Tara Reade’s sexual assault accusations against then-Senator Joe Biden. TV talk show host Andy Cohen is also ‘called out’ in this video for asking Milano bias questions that obviously favor Biden.
