Archives for posts with tag: #TimesUpBiden

It’s truly amazing what passes as “comedy” in this day and age. Enter comedian Bill Maher taking pot shots at former Joe Biden staffer Tara Reade because she had the audacity to accuse her former boss, Sleepy Joe, of allegedly sexually assaulting her back in ’93.

Funny thing though, Maher said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Christine Blasey Ford’s supposed sexual assault accusation against then Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh two years ago. And Dr. Ford, who claimed her incident took place as teenagers 37 years earlier, asked to testify within just a couple days of when the Senate’s vote of Kavanaugh was set to take place.

Maher also took aim in this monologue, on Donald Trump being accused by several women of alleged sexual assault prior to being elected President about four years ago. But aside from the fact that Trump got elected President in 2016, Biden was actually quoted in an interview with Good Morning America on April 2019 that his campaign motto was, “Make America Moral Again”.

Besides that, there are tons of examples on Google images and YouTube videos of Biden groping women from behind and either sniffing their hair or kissing the back of their necks — Where’s all the evidence of Trump doing the same sort of stuff?

Incidentally, what about the alleged Secret Service allegations about Biden “skinny dipping” in the White House pool even with female agents in the general vicinity? Or what about the Secret Service agent who was suspended without pay for allegedly pushing Biden after Sleepy Joe blatantly groped the guy’s wife?

Maher loves to proclaim a statement Trump made on a ‘hot mic’ of his supposed exploits with women which later Trump dismissed as locker room talk, but again I’ve got to ask Mr. Maher — where’s all your proof?

Another thing Maher fails to admit in this monologue, Tara Reade’s accusation against Joe Biden has TOTALLY DESTROYED the #MeToo Movement of two years earlier, not to mention the vast majority of Vice Presidential hopefuls rumored to serve this year as Biden’s running mate. People like Stacy Abrams, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, etc., are nothing more than fakes, frauds, and liars when they all said they believed Dr. Ford’s story of two years earlier, but not Ms. Reade this time around.

The “Truth” about Joe Biden* (* according to Tara Reade). Here’s the verbatim, unedited recent interview between Tara Reade and Megyn Kelly regarding Ms. Reade’s sexual assault allegations in ’93 against her former boss and presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden.

‘Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’ — John 8:32. Enjoy.

For Joe Biden, his first Presidential run was 32 years ago in 1988. How does that old cliche go? ‘The more things change, the more they really stay the same.’ Granted, the reason Biden dropped out back then — even before any Caucuses or Primaries — was a rash of Lies and Plagiarism (see video). This time around, you’ve got sexual assault allegations about a year after proclaiming he was going to, “Make America Moral Again”. I think if the Dems don’t do something drastic to prevent Biden from ever “officially” becoming its Presidential nominee, they’re going to be in a world of hurt going up against Trump in November:

EVEN MORE BREAKING NEWS — New court documents from ’96 further corroborates Tara Reade’s sexual assault claim against presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden from three years earlier. Specifically, these were from Divorce documents of Reade’s then husband, Theodore Dronen. Granted, evidence may not hold any weight in a court of law, but as the blogger Christo Aivalis mentions here, it certainly holds plenty of weight in the court of public opinion.


Break out the popcorn, I can hardly wait to watch this production from beginning to end. I can only assume Megyn Kelly will air the entire version of this interview with Tara Reade when she can attract the most viewers as possible. But shame on the Mainstream Media for totally ignoring Ms. Reade in a vain attempt, I can only assume, to help Joe Biden out in November. Besides that, it proves what a total farce the #MeToo movement, or the very fake notion of ‘believe all women’ was and always will be.

Check for further details for this entire interview on Ms. Kelly’s YouTube page.

It’s truly amazing how independent journalists/bloggers have given Joe Biden sexual assault accuser Tara Reade a national platform to get her story out to the public.

Enter now, Megyn Kelly, a lady who’s had ample experience under the “bright lights” of FOX News and NBC regarding her interviews with some of the “movers and shakers” of the world. Since her latest gig with NBC didn’t wind up too well for her, Ms. Kelly is apparently dabbling her talents on the independent circuit.

With all that said, the Mainstream Media, along with the “Biden Bros.”, are supposedly planning to trash and discredit Kelly for having the “audacity” to interview Ms. Reid and give her a little credibility on the World Wide Web.

Needless to say, I agree with this blogger, Christo Aivalis 110 percent.





Wow, here’s a video called, Joe Biden’s “Handsy History”. Comparing Biden with Bill Clinton — Bill Clinton might’ve been a Moral Pig, but at least he was “discreet”. Biden seems to have an “entitlement” to publicly grope and kiss any female he chooses. Personally, I would use the examples in this 3 minute video as my basis for believing Tara Reade’s sexual assault claims against Sleepy Joe.

Who knows the “inner sanctum” of a President or Vice President than Secret Service agents assigned to protect them?

Granted, they’re probably all under, Non Disclosure Agreements, as a prerequisite of doing that job, still there are ways stuff leaks anonymously that might be perceived as somewhat credible. Here is such a case regarding former V.P. Joe Biden and allegedly some of his experiences during the eight years of the Obama administration.

Keep in mind as you’re watching this video, not only is a former staffer, Tara Reade, accusing then-Senator Biden of sexual assault, there are dozens of examples on Google images, and video clips on YouTube, which Biden is blatantly groping random women from behind, sniffing their hair, or kissing the back of their necks.

Say what you will about former Presidents Bill Clinton, or John F. Kennedy — at least those guys were a lot more discreet in their sexual impropriety than Biden ever was.




If he’s assuming this story will stay neatly swept under the rug after the Democrat convention this summer, then that’ll definitely prove Joe Biden is suffering from early Dementia. Whether the Media chooses to tap dance around this situation, it would be extremely stupid to think Donald Trump would just go ahead and pretend he’s not going to mention anything about it.




It’s fascinating to watch political pundits — with absolutely no dog in this fight — weigh-in on the 2020 Presidential election. Since this particular YouTube video is out of Australia, none of these pundits will be voting in an election taking place literally on the other side of the planet. I especially agree with this female Aussie who’s calling out the American media here for “purposely avoiding” asking Joe Biden any questions about his former staffer Tara Reade who recently filed a criminal complaint against him for Sexual Assault back in ’93. Does anybody honestly think that when Biden starts debating Trump, the incumbent President along with his supporters are just arbitrarily going to “shut up” about that whole situation? I don’t think so.


