Archives for posts with tag: TV ad
$64,000 Question — Was Congresswoman AOC just a wee bit “Hypocritical” in her recent Tweet regarding the Jesus-related T.V. ad that appeared on the Super Bowl this past Sunday night? Popular YouTube blogger, Republican Latina, (a.k.a. Ana Isabel Martinez), weighs-in with her take on this rather controversial subject matter. This video is approximately five minutes long. Enjoy.

Incidentally, if you’re interested in checking out the actual TV commercial, which riled up the emotions of AOC during this past Super Bowl — the website address is: . Please feel free to log on and check it out for yourself.

It’s now Official, ladies and gentlemen, the proverbial gloves are off as Donald Trump vows to be “Vicious” with Sleepy Joe Biden after Biden ran a TV ad proclaiming Trump publicly trashed the reputations of fallen American soldiers with no evidence of that ever happening. It’s especially great since the first scheduled TV Presidential debate is just over two weeks away. I can hardly wait.



File Under: Are you BLEEPIN kidding me?

So I guess a group of disgruntled Republicans — the Lincoln Project — who are now committed to support Joe Biden in this year’s Presidential election have made a TV commercial on how Donald Trump may be suffering from early Alzheimer’s disease. As you might’ve already guessed, there’s ZERO mention of Joe Biden — who many may argue is about a zillion times worse when it comes to, “Cognitive Decline” than Trump — in this video.

Basically, they’re citing a recent visit Trump had to the Military Academy at West Point, which he gave the graduation commencement speech and had to walk down a wooden incline, rather ‘gingerly’, with no banister to hold onto. A second example, showed Trump drinking a glass of water using two hands.

Dude…seriously??? No Psychiatrist worth their weight in soiled toilet paper would establish someone to be “Insane” over two stupid things like that.

Enter Joe Biden: Why are the Democrats encouraging Biden to just stay in his basement in Delaware? Why is Biden’s wife sitting next to her husband at press and campaign rallies answering most of his questions? Why did Biden call one of his critics at one of his rally’s an “ugly dog-face pony soldier”? Why has Biden creeped up behind numerous women (sometimes, young girls) to sniff their hair and kiss the back of their heads?

So do Democrats (or disgruntled Republicans) REALLY want to go down this Rabbit hole of weighing the Alzheimer’s disease between Biden and Trump? Personally, I think we’ll get the honest answer to this question as soon as the three, nationally televised debates start this Fall in the Presidential election.

As the old cliche goes, Be very careful on what you wish for.

Have you seen the first “official” TV ad in the Biden vs Trump Presidential race?

Whether this was put together by Trump himself or one of his surrogates, it’s absolutely brilliant and speaks volumes about Joe Biden in just one minute. It also shows just how weak and lame the Democrat Primary was for none of the other two dozen candidates to bring these items up about Biden. It should be noted here too, the two pundits in this video — Krystal and Sagaar — are not Conservatives but Bernie Sanders supporters.

Trump still needs to restore the U.S. economy to somewhere the way it was before COVID-19. I’m not saying this is a “slam-dunk” for Trump’s reelection in November, but it might be a good start in the right direction.