Archives for posts with tag: TV commercial
$64,000 Question — Was Congresswoman AOC just a wee bit “Hypocritical” in her recent Tweet regarding the Jesus-related T.V. ad that appeared on the Super Bowl this past Sunday night? Popular YouTube blogger, Republican Latina, (a.k.a. Ana Isabel Martinez), weighs-in with her take on this rather controversial subject matter. This video is approximately five minutes long. Enjoy.

Incidentally, if you’re interested in checking out the actual TV commercial, which riled up the emotions of AOC during this past Super Bowl — the website address is: . Please feel free to log on and check it out for yourself.

$64,000 Question: How do you know for sure that the World has already gone to Hell in a Hand Basket?

ANSWER: When a popular shaving manufacturer, such as Gillette, airs its own TV commercial devoted to, “Pubic Hair”, and then titles this rather stupid tune, “The Pube Song”. Please feel free to check this thing out for yourselves: