Don Bolduc, a retired Army General, is a former candidate for U.S. Senate who lost in the Republican Primary last year to that Party’s nominee, Corky Messner. When filling out his final Campaign Finance Report for 2020, Bolduc indicated that he planned to use those funds generated thru donations to run for the other U.S. Senate seat in New Hampshire next year (2022) against incumbent Maggie Hassan.

Although it’s too early yet to officially declare one’s candidacy for elected public office in next year’s Mid-term Elections, Bolduc is still building his visibility by appearing on NH radio shows, and government access TV shows, such as ‘Frankly Speaking’. This particular episode was taped in the Access Nashua studio on Thursday, 1/28/21.

Aside from talking about what he plans to do differently in this upcoming Senate race, and how he compares Senator Maggie Hassan to himself, we discussed a number of items about Donald Trump’s Presidential loss to Joe Biden.

Among other things, we talked about: Trump’s rumored initiation of a new political party (either called, the Patriot Party, of the MAGA Party), holding Big Tech companies (Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) more accountable for its actions in the Court system, cutting back on Congress’ “immunity to Lie” in its own facility, and the possibly to initiate some type of a networking system between Coroners and Medical Examiners with Town/City Clerks to hopefully remove deceased individuals off of Voting Lists and cut down (or eliminate) Dead people from voting in Elections.

I hope to have General Bolduc on my show again later this year to discuss the topic of Mail-In Voting, which was probably Trump’s biggest complaint in last year’s election, and find out what improvements or changes are expected to take place on that item for next year’s mid-term Elections.

Incidentally, if you wish to check out any specific stance Bolduc might have on a specific issue or maybe would like to support his Senate campaign next year, please log onto his website at: . Also, if you have a question regarding something not mentioned on that website, please click on the, ‘Contact Us’ option and fill-out the appropriate information.

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo sang the Intro and Outro theme songs on this particular episode.