OK, so let me see if I’ve got this straight — Kamala Harris says the one thing we know for sure about people between 18-24 is that “they’re Stupid — which is why they’ve got Resident Managers living in College Dorms” with them. HOWEVER, Kamala has no qualms whatsoever about lowering the national voting age to 16 — a little bit of hypocrisy there or what?

Also, when a Journalist secretly videotaped Planned Parenthood selling body parts from aborted babies for medical research, Harris ordered Californian law authorities to arrest the Journalist, probably because she already took about $80,000 in campaign contributions from Planned Parenthood.

What’s really scary here is that out of all the Vice Presidential candidates from either the Democrat or Republican parties we’ve ever had in America, Harris is, by far, most probable to serve as President during that term due to the current health status of their Presidential counterpart in question. Please watch this video clip from ‘Daily Wire’, but I think the aforementioned reasons are sufficient enough to reelect Donald Trump on Nov. 3rd.