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Lily Tang Williams, a Republican candidate for U.S. Representative in NH’s 2nd District (NH-2), was my guest for this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’. This episode was recorded in the Access Nashua studio on Feb. 9, 2022.

Ms. Williams, who immigrated to the USA from China when she was 24, was trained as a Law school professor in her native country but chose not to pursue a career in the American legal system because she felt her English speaking wasn’t that good. A resident of Weare NH, Williams operates her own business and frequently advocates on various media outlets about many of the human rights atrocities currently taking place in Communist China. She also has her own YouTube account titled, Lily Tang Williams, which she has produced and posted several dozen videos just on this topic.

No stranger to political election campaigns, Williams had an unsuccessful run for U.S. Senate in 2016 in the state of Colorado. In that particular election, Williams ran as a Libertarian candidate.

Since the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing China was taking place at the same time frame as this interview, many of my questions for Williams were geared towards Communist China who many pundits feel might just be America’s #1 rival when it comes to global dominance. I, of course, asked Williams about COVID-19 , and the possibility that that virus originated in a Lab in the city of Wuhan with either bats, or pangolins as the main ingredient.

One of the more interesting questions I asked Williams, in my opinion, was if her husband or three adult-aged children ever urged her to “ease up on the criticisms” regarding Communist China. I’ve got to admit, not only is Ms. Williams apparently blessed with a very loving family, the lady herself has to be one of the most bravest and courageous people involved in politics I’ve ever met in my life. Williams is well aware that she can probably never visit her relatives and friends in China again because of many of the statements she’s made on videos and various media appearances, but also from a fair number of Chinese nationals and allies currently residing in the USA who probably aren’t too happy of what they’ve seen and heard from Ms. Williams thus far.

With that all said, Ms. Williams might be EXACTLY what New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District (NH-2) needs right now to represent them, along with their interests, in Washington D.C. But hey, don’t just take my word for it please watch this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’, then perhaps log onto her website — and check it all out for yourself.