As you’re watching this video, please keep in mind that 11 other Jurors (or at least the majority of them) serving on the Fulton County (GA) Grand Jury against former President Donald Trump voted this woman, Emily Kohrs 30 yoa, as their Foreperson. This begs the question — were these people Mentally-Deranged or something like that?

Did you ever wonder if the problem with the American Justice system is a blatant lack of getting good, objective, level-headed citizens to serve on Jury Duty? Meet Emily Kohrs, 30 yoa, who recently served as the Fulton County (GA) Grand Jury Foreperson in a Court Trial against former president Donald Trump on if there was any illegal misconduct on trying to sway the results of the 2020 Presidential Election in that State.

Judging from this interview with both CNN and MSNBC, is THIS the mindset of a Grand Jury Foreperson you’d expect to hear being interviewed by the National Media? BTW, did I mention that according to her own Social Media pages, Ms. Kohrs is a bonafide, self-proclaimed Witch?

Any questions as to “WHY” former president Donald Trump has NEVER been convicted of anything & probably NEVER will?