Archives for category: Cognitive decline

$64,000 QUESTION – Would YOU let Joe Biden drive you to the Grocery Store in his vehicle?

After viewing the blatant infantile simplicity that his Staffers prepared for him, via the ‘Cheat Sheet’ used during his latest Press conference, at what point can we all agree here that our beloved President, Joe Biden, is on the absolute verge of full-blown Alzheimer’s disease? Secondly, how much confidence should American citizens have in our beloved Mainstream Media, when it’s obvious here that they’re just ‘playing along’ with the Biden administration when it comes to asking ‘planted questions’ for Dementia Joe?

What kind of a BLEEPIN President would publicly announce his reelection bid via a pre-recorded video made in the White House basement? Why doesn’t this guy have the Testicular Fortitude (or should I say, Cognitive ability) to answer a dozen or so questions from the Media???

Is this what you would view as being, “Presidential”? Do you think Joe Biden will publicly announce next week (4/25/23) that he’s NOT running for Reelection in 2024? I think that Greg Kelly of Newsmax has an EXCELLENT perspective on this particular controversy:

$64,000 QUESTION: Does there appear to be a blatant Media bias whenever comparing the Physical/Mental Fitness between Joe Biden & Donald Trump? Here’s YouTube blogger, Andrew, of the Podcast, ‘Don’t Walk, Run! Productions’ weighing-in on the differences between the two. Can you say, “Double Standard“? This video is approximately 11 minutes long.

$64,000 Question — Does Republican Presidential hopeful Nikki Haley have an EXCELLENT point that Presidential candidates over 75 yoa ought to be REQUIRED to successfully pass a Mental Cognitive Exam BEFORE they can serve as President??? YouTube blogger Andrew, of the Podcast, ‘Don’t Walk Run Productions’ raises some rather fascinating reasons to support Ms. Haley’s proposal regarding some of the recent actions of President Joe Biden. This video is approximately 13 minutes long.