Archives for posts with tag: FOX News

Is California governor Gavin Newsom the “Next Big Thing” for the Democrats as far as future Presidents, perhaps even replacing Joe Biden in 2024? I seriously doubt it. Here popular YouTube podcaster, Andrew, of, ‘Don’t Walk, Run Production’ does a video of his take of Newsom’s recent debate against Florida governor Ron De Santis, and it ain’t exactly putting Newsom in a positive light. Enjoy:

So here’s a viewpoint from this past Thursday’s (11-30-23) Red State vs. Blue State Debate (Florida governor Ron DeSantis vs. California governor Gavin Newsom) that you’ll probably NEVER hear on either CNN or FOX News – the Christian perspective. Evangelist Todd Friel of the popular Podcast, “Wretched” uses the SLED (acronym for: Size, Level of Development, Environment, Degree of Dependency) formula to best identify a ‘Fetus in the Womb‘ from a Biblical standpoint. This video, which is very well-worth watching, is only 10 minutes in length. Enjoy:

U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D., NY) chooses to pull a Fire Alarm in the Capitol building complex in lieu of voting on whether or not to keep the Federal government open (9-30-23).

$64,000 QUESTION – How is U.S. Rep Jamaal Bowman (D., NY) any less of an “Insurrectionist” than Donald Trump allegedly was on January 6th, AFTER Congressman Bowman falsely pulled a Fire Alarm yesterday (Saturday, 9-30-23) in the Capitol building in a very VAIN attempt to impede a crucial Government procedure? Can you say, “Reverse Racism”???

The gang from Valuetainment recently interview Steve Schmidt, co-founder of ‘The Lincoln Project’ & talk with him about how the January 6th Insurrection was allegedly more devastating to America than 9/11.
YouTube podcaster, Liberal Hivemind, weighs-in on, ‘The Lincoln Project’ & its co-founder Steve Schmidt
Tucker Carlson, formerly of FOX News, weighs-in on ‘The Lincoln Project’ co-founder John Weaver, and his alleged sexual pedophile behavior against young teenage boys back in 2021.

$64,000 QUESTION – Does anybody honestly give two BLEEPS if January 6th prosecutor (as well as the Mar-a-Lago classified document case prosecutor) Jack Smith (who’s prosecuting former president Donald Trump) goes out in public & buys a $5 foot-long sandwich from Subway? Is this supposed to be, ‘sending everybody a message’ that Smith’s, ‘definitely NOT hiding from anybody’? Any further question as to “why” CNN, historically, has such Crappy TV ratings?

So why didn’t we ever hear anything from the Chief of the Capitol Police during the Congressional January 6th Committee hearings? Then when Tucker Carlson tries to interview the guy, FOX News mysteriously FIRES him???!!! Things just seem to get Curiouser & Curiouser on all this J6 Crap!

Should a FOX News producer have been fired for airing a recent on-screen chyron, referring to President Joe Biden as a, “wannabe Dictator”? Don’t you think Mainstream Media entities like the New York Times, or the Washington Post would actually Report on circumstances if Biden was heading in that direction? Twitter Podcaster (and former recent FOX News employee) Tucker Carlson does an EXCELLENT monologue on this very controversial topic: