Archives for category: George W. Bush
Former president George W. Bush apparently used the phrase, “Children of the Same Foul Spirit” during his recent 9/11 speech. What’s sort of funny is that FOX News TV host Laura Ingraham was once amicable with the Bush family but I guess those days are now gone and forgotten.

Will Joe Biden fall Victim to “The Zero Curse”? After watching this short video by Perry Stone, I’m sort of glad that Donald Trump lost his reelection bid this time around.

As far as Evangelists on Christian TV go, I do have a tremendous respect for Perry Stone compared to most of them. During the actual campaign, I often said I didn’t think Biden, if elected, would be able to finish his term due to the obvious early signs of Dementia he was experiencing every time he had to give either a speech or an interview. Some who have had relatives who suffered from Dementia or Alzheimer’s often say that this, in many ways, is a fate worse that Death.

Granted, both Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush were Presidents who were elected in years ending in Zero, so perhaps this “Curse” has already been broken. Regardless, it should be a very interesting four year term on whoever is inaugurated President next month.