Archives for category: Jim Biden

WARNING — Kid Rock uses an excessive amount of Vulgarity in this song.

President Joseph Robinette Biden has fallen & can’t get up — LITERALLY!

$64,000 Question: Is Vice President Kamala Harris now prepared to take over as President of the United States? This video is from K-Von, the ONLY Half Persian Comedian on Friday afternoon, March 19 (Biden’s second full month as President) 2021, just outside the President’s official plane, Air Force One. This video is only about three minutes long.

So here’s the front page cover of the New York Post for today (Sun., 12/13). No other U.S. newspaper will report OBJECTIVELY about the Biden Crime family like the N.Y. Post. As for T.V. networks — FOX News, Newsmax TV, and OAN (One America News) are probably the ONLY three (3) that’ll report on the Biden family from a somewhat unbiased viewpoint. All the other media outlets will view Joe Biden like the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Just some food for thought if you ever want to check out what REALLY going on with our soon-to-be President.

So this was the front cover page of yesterday’s (Friday, 12/11) New York Post newspaper. The vast majority of Media outlets finally divulging the extent of Hunter and Joe Biden’s actual involvement with the Communist Chinese government while being paid millions of dollars — Why the heck would the Press deliberately squelch a story of this magnitude until AFTER the Election???

About 10 percent of Biden voters claim they never would’ve voted for Sleepy Joe if they had known about this relationship with China. The N.Y. Post, and Cable TV network, FOX News, were about the ONLY two major Media outlets to report on this.

Even the Federal government funded, NPR, chose to ignore this story. But now that we’ll be entering the Biden Administration next month, will this become a “normal practice” for the once OBJECTIVE American media???

Exactly how close are we, as Americans, into being forced to follow in China’s communist footsteps?

Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski held a Press Conference just prior to the third and final Presidenial debate in Nashville, Tennessee last night. Apparently, Bobulinski and the younger Biden had a company called, Sinohawk which dealt in getting foreign dignitaries, particularly of Ukraine, Russia, and China, “Political Access” meetings with then-Vice President Joe Biden.

In addition to the father-son combo of Joe and Hunter, the then-Vice President’s brother Jim Biden was also actively involved in this scheme for the Sinohawk organization. Also, Bobulinski mentioned that when they texted or emailed each other, they had to refer to Joe Biden as either “the big guy”, or “my Chairman” because both Jim and Hunter were extremely paranoid of someone ever catching on the former V.P., ever being associated with an organization like this.

Bobulinski, who served as a Lieutenant with the U.S. Navy before joining Sinohawk, ended the pre-Debate Press Conference after making an approximately 7-minute statement by saying he would soon be turning over his three electronic devices to the FBI, and that he’d be meeting with Ron Johnson to deliver sworn testimony regarding the Biden family scheme to the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee.