Archives for category: looting
U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan supposedly fighting for the people of New Hampshire

With the upcoming Midterm Election just over a month away from now — Nov. 8th, 2022 — there are probably a ton of questions the incumbents U.S. Congressional (U.S. Representatives, and U.S. Senators) candidates would absolutely HATE to be asked by either the Media, or a regular taxpayer during an Open Town Hall, or maybe a, Candidates’ Debate forum.

Republican candidates could be asked questions about former president Donald Trump, even though the guy’s been a “Private Citizen” now for almost TWO (2) years, so to draw any type of association with Trump is sort of like researching Ancient History.

Democrat candidates, on the other hand, are sort of “joined at the Hip” with President Joe Biden. And if you happen to be an incumbent Democrat, running for Reelection, your voting record since Biden’s inauguration Day will probably be mentioned several dozen, maybe even several hundred, times by your Republican challenger. Unfortunately, for the Democrat incumbents, most of Biden’s decisions as President haven’t been too pleasing to most American taxpayers. It’s sort of like having “Buyer’s Remorse” on your Presidential choice. This past Summer, for example, when the White House asked many of these incumbent Democrat Congressional candidates if they’d like to have Biden come down with them on the campaign trail and make a speech on their behalf, they would, more often than not, refuse that invitation.
That brings me down to the purpose of this particular posting — What 2 Questions you should NEVER ask an incumbent U.S. Congressional Democrat candidate running in this year’s Midterm Election? The very first one, would be a slight paraphrase of Ronald Reagan’s question to the American people immediately following his 1980 Presidential debate against then-incumbent Democrat president Jimmy Carter — “Are YOU better off today, Financially speaking (also more Safe), than you were just two (2) years ago ?”

With a Republican challenger posing a question like that, most American citizens are VERY FAMILIAR just how much they’re paying to refuel their vehicles; they’re also very familiar how much prices increased in Supermarkets with meat, poultry, eggs, bacon, milk, fruits, vegetable, cleaning products, etc.; and lastly, how exactly has your 401K and Mutual Funds got cut down to size during the Biden administration?
My second question would be in light of the FBI “raiding” Donald Trump’s Florida home recently — “Do you believe the FBI and the DOJ have “fairly treated” Donald Trump compared with any investigations they may have had regarding, let’s say, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, or Hillary Clinton?” It’s absolutely mind-boggling how our FBI “raided and seized the property of a former U.S. President”, but how about seizing the iPhones and files of Trump’s lawyers — what ever happened to Attorney-Client privilege? Also, why were Trump’s: Passport, Tax Records, and Last Will and Testament ever seized in that “Raid”? Lastly, if the FBI, or DOJ can pull a stunt and “raid the residence” of a former president, they could EASILY do the same type of thing to you or I.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (right) decides to stand, smile, and rub her knuckles together immediately after President Joseph Robinette Biden started talking about “Toxic fumes generated from Burn Pitts”. To each his (or her) own, I guess.

Andrew from the YouTube blog, ‘Don’t Walk, Run! Productions‘ did an excellent job breaking down the various categories of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address last week at the Capitol building in Washington D.C. Among the topics discussed in this Video includes: the current War in the Ukraine, the COVID virus, our Southern border, the American Inflation (Economy) problem, and the Crime problem (riots) in our Major Cities. In his 2022 SOTU address, which was a little more than an hour long, President Biden NEVER mentioned China, NOR did he bother talking about America’s FAILED MILITARY DEPARTURE FROM AFGHANISTAN.

Check out this monologue from Tucker Carlson’s show earlier tonight on FOX News. “Either do what we want, OR, we will Hurt You!” Is this what we’ve come to as a Country? Isn’t it part of our Constitution for the President to appoint a nominee to replace a deceased member of the Supreme Court? And then for the U.S. Senate to advise and vote on that nominee? So how the heck has this process ever come down to threats and violence? May God save the U.S.A.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, is it just me, or does Jill Biden seem to be saying here that a vote for her husband Joe on Nov. 3rd — AND IF HE’S ELECTED PRESIDENT — all Major City rioting and looting will Cease and Desist on the following day, Nov. 4; and then both Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx will make a joint public statement that there’s no longer a National Pandemic in the United States and nobody will be required any more to do Social Distancing, or wear those stupid COVID masks.

So why do I feel these events can ONLY take place on Nov. 4th, if Joe Biden is elected President on the day before?

So we’re within four weeks of “The Great Debate” between Joe Biden and Donald Trump and one of my favorite YouTube bloggers, Liberal Hivemind, has made a $1,000 bet with his Dad that Trump will definitely be reelected on Nov. 3rd.

A lot of things about Biden lately can logically draw people to that conclusion. The approximately 20 minute speech Biden made in Pittsburg on Monday was relatively incoherent, had ZERO mention of Antifa or Black Lives Matter, LIED about his previously made comments on Fracking and COVID-19, and then just proceeded to walk away from the Podium without answering any Reporters’ questions.

I guess Biden plans to visit Kenosha, Wisconsin after Labor Day but folks interviewed there said they really didn’t care to see him. Then he has a TV commercial out with Trump walking cautiously down the steel ramp at West Point, while Biden is walking briskly on a regular, flat surface saying, “You’ve got to struggle to keep up with Biden”, that’s hysterical coming from a guy who spend the majority of his candidacy thus far in his own Basement.

As far as the Debate itself, the ONLY way I can foresee Biden coming out of that thing looking, at least, somewhat respectable is if the supposedly unbiased Moderators interfere in the actual discussion on Biden’s behalf. Other than that, I can’t see how Biden will come out of those three debates against Trump without looking absolutely stupid.