Archives for category: murderer

March 2, 2023

ABC’s The View will compose a written apology to Kyle Rittenhouse and his mother, Wendy Rittenhouse, and deliver it along with a check for $22 million. The Rittenhouse’s spokesman, Joe Barron, says the settlement didn’t take long and “wasn’t very difficult.”

Apparently, the show’s producers have been eager to settle the matter to get them away from all the bad press. In the past few months, story after story about Whoopi Goldberg’s suspensions and firings along with reports of more than 11 lawsuits filed have the show’s team wondering if it was worth it at all.

According to our records, the bulk of the attacks against The View come from sites pretending to be right-wing propaganda when actually they’re leftist trolls making fun of Trump supporters. None of the lawsuits have been true so far, but this one definitely is.

We promise.

The apology must include the words “Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t a murderer” at least four times, according to a friend with inside knowledge on several other matters. “What I don’t know is why the math is before the science,” said the source, “or what that even means.”

Our editors report that if the math is before the science, most likely none of it will make any sense, meaning Rittenhouse is definitely coming out ahead on this one.

God bless America.

U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan supposedly fighting for the people of New Hampshire

With the upcoming Midterm Election just over a month away from now — Nov. 8th, 2022 — there are probably a ton of questions the incumbents U.S. Congressional (U.S. Representatives, and U.S. Senators) candidates would absolutely HATE to be asked by either the Media, or a regular taxpayer during an Open Town Hall, or maybe a, Candidates’ Debate forum.

Republican candidates could be asked questions about former president Donald Trump, even though the guy’s been a “Private Citizen” now for almost TWO (2) years, so to draw any type of association with Trump is sort of like researching Ancient History.

Democrat candidates, on the other hand, are sort of “joined at the Hip” with President Joe Biden. And if you happen to be an incumbent Democrat, running for Reelection, your voting record since Biden’s inauguration Day will probably be mentioned several dozen, maybe even several hundred, times by your Republican challenger. Unfortunately, for the Democrat incumbents, most of Biden’s decisions as President haven’t been too pleasing to most American taxpayers. It’s sort of like having “Buyer’s Remorse” on your Presidential choice. This past Summer, for example, when the White House asked many of these incumbent Democrat Congressional candidates if they’d like to have Biden come down with them on the campaign trail and make a speech on their behalf, they would, more often than not, refuse that invitation.
That brings me down to the purpose of this particular posting — What 2 Questions you should NEVER ask an incumbent U.S. Congressional Democrat candidate running in this year’s Midterm Election? The very first one, would be a slight paraphrase of Ronald Reagan’s question to the American people immediately following his 1980 Presidential debate against then-incumbent Democrat president Jimmy Carter — “Are YOU better off today, Financially speaking (also more Safe), than you were just two (2) years ago ?”

With a Republican challenger posing a question like that, most American citizens are VERY FAMILIAR just how much they’re paying to refuel their vehicles; they’re also very familiar how much prices increased in Supermarkets with meat, poultry, eggs, bacon, milk, fruits, vegetable, cleaning products, etc.; and lastly, how exactly has your 401K and Mutual Funds got cut down to size during the Biden administration?
My second question would be in light of the FBI “raiding” Donald Trump’s Florida home recently — “Do you believe the FBI and the DOJ have “fairly treated” Donald Trump compared with any investigations they may have had regarding, let’s say, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, or Hillary Clinton?” It’s absolutely mind-boggling how our FBI “raided and seized the property of a former U.S. President”, but how about seizing the iPhones and files of Trump’s lawyers — what ever happened to Attorney-Client privilege? Also, why were Trump’s: Passport, Tax Records, and Last Will and Testament ever seized in that “Raid”? Lastly, if the FBI, or DOJ can pull a stunt and “raid the residence” of a former president, they could EASILY do the same type of thing to you or I.

Half-Persian comedian K-von breaks down the Killing (or perhaps, Murder?) of protester Ashli Babbitt by Capitol Police lieutenant Michael Byrd during the January 6th (2021) Insurrection in the Capitol building in Washington D.C. K-von hosts a popular Podcast called, “The Right Show”, which he discusses current events and topics such as this.

Do either the Washington D.C. Police, or the FBI need to further investigate the Killing (or perhaps, Murder?) of protester Ashli Babbitt by Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd during the now famous January 6th Insurrection (2021) in the Capitol building?

This aforementioned video was courtesy of a half-Persian comedian named, K-von, who hosts a popular Podcast called, ‘The Right Show’.

K-von used excerpts from apparently the only TV interview Lt. Byrd agreed to, which was with Lester Holt of NBC News. K-von points out some fascinating contradictions made by Lt. Byrd that just seemed to get “Ignored” and “Lost” amidst all the alleged “Insurrectionists” supposedly trying to “Overthrow our Government”.

Do YOU think Lt. Byrd clearly got away with MURDER here? Hypothetically, if Lt. Byrd was White, and he shot and killed a Female protester who just happened to be Black, do YOU think Lt. Byrd would’ve already been locked up in Prison soon after the Jan. 6th Insurrection? So many questions, so few answers.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (right) decides to stand, smile, and rub her knuckles together immediately after President Joseph Robinette Biden started talking about “Toxic fumes generated from Burn Pitts”. To each his (or her) own, I guess.

Andrew from the YouTube blog, ‘Don’t Walk, Run! Productions‘ did an excellent job breaking down the various categories of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address last week at the Capitol building in Washington D.C. Among the topics discussed in this Video includes: the current War in the Ukraine, the COVID virus, our Southern border, the American Inflation (Economy) problem, and the Crime problem (riots) in our Major Cities. In his 2022 SOTU address, which was a little more than an hour long, President Biden NEVER mentioned China, NOR did he bother talking about America’s FAILED MILITARY DEPARTURE FROM AFGHANISTAN.

Ashli Babbitt’s memory will live, AT LEAST, until Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd is prosecuted for her Murder!!!

The ONLY situation that matters out of that stupid, asinine January 6th Insurrection was, Who MURDERED Ashli Babbitt??? As long as the Woke Community keep bringing up this day, and as long as that little scum bag, Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd continues to get away with Murder, I’ll keep proudly displaying this Meme. Just sayin.

So former major league baseball pitcher Curt Schilling — arguably one of the greatest clutch athletes of all time — is being denied induction into the professional baseball Hall of Fame because…he was supportive of Donald Trump for President???!!!


What Schilling did for the Boston Red Sox to help them win the ’04 World Series was absolutely amazing. Down 3-0 to the arch rival New York Yankees in the American League Championship Series, the Red Sox came back to win that round to go onto play and sweep the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series.

Schilling, however, started and won the deciding game against the Yankees with a severed achilles tendon. Known as, “the Bloody Sock game”, Schilling managed to suck in the pain to help win that game for the Sox. It should be noted too that prior to the ’04 season, the Red Sox went about 83 years without a World Series title — they were known as a “cursed team” at the time.

Prior to that season, Schilling helped both the Philadelphia Phillies and Arizona Diamondbacks to World Series championships. Although he was blessed to happen to play with some excellent teammates, when it came to having a clutch performer pitching on the mound for a big game, none was better than Curt Schilling.

And now the baseball writers don’t want to vote for Schilling into the Baseball Hall of Fame because he happened to be supportive of Donald Trump??!!

Apparently, they’re basing it on an extremely vague and ambiguous rule called, the Character Clause. How does that justify some of the players who were already inducted into the Hall of Fame who happened to be: Wife beaters, or Alcoholics, or how about womanizers?

Another thing that really sucks about Schilling being denied Induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame — he was ALSO denied alongside Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, two guys who obviously juiced up their bodies on “Steroids”. How the heck can you put someone who supported Trump as President alongside with players who blatantly “Cheated” the system by injecting themselves with Performance Enhancing Drugs??? It’s like a Night and Day comparison.

When Trump first ran for President in 2016, I guess he gave Tom Brady one of his MAGA hats, which a Reporter once saw it in Brady’s locker & made a big deal about. In future Super Bowls, some Media members said an excellent reason to root against Brady is because he’s a Trump supporter — un-BLEEPIN-believable!

Secondly, when the Patriots went to the White House after one of their Super Bowl wins, Trump thanked Bill Belichick for sending him an encouraging letter during his campaign. With that all said, can you imagine if the Pro Football Hall of Fame DENIED EITHER BRADY OR BELICHICK INDUCTION INTO THEIR FACILITY??? Because both those guys once SUPPORTED DONALD TRUMP!!! Double Murderer O.J. Simpson was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame — as a Football player, Simpson DESERVES to be in the Hall of Fame but his “character” just plain sucked.

For Curt Schilling to be passed over on making the Hall of Fame this year just plain sucks. Maybe they ought to rename that facility in Cooperstown, N.Y., to something like, the Hall of Mediocrity because that’s about all it amounts to. Just sayin