Archives for category: 2nd Amendment

Amen! Why not take this Inscription, make a gigantic Billboard out of it, and then post it on the front lawns of both the White House, and the Capitol building in Washington D.C. Our Country’s political leaders can probably learn a thing or two from these “Words of Wisdom”.

Dean Poirier, a Republican congressional candidate for NH’s 2nd District, proudly displays his 2nd Amendment tattoo during a recent interview on ‘Frankly Speaking‘ at the Access Nashua TV studio. Poirier, who’s a resident of Concord NH, admitted that he’s often compared to the late Colonel Sanders, probably because of his glasses and goatee. For a credo in his campaign, Poirier is using, SERVICE NOT SELF-INTEREST!!

Republican congressional candidate (NH-2) and Concord resident Dean A. Poirier was my guest for this episode of ‘Frankly Speaking’. The actual interview took place in the Access Nashua studio on Feb. 1, 2022.

Poirier, who is also a Disabled Veteran from his service with the U.S. Army, started the discussion by talking about his self-imposed Term Limits pledge of no more than four, two year terms before he promises to leave the U.S. House of Representatives. He cited a number of other Congressmen, like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who simply exploited her opportunity and stayed in Congress way too long. Poirier didn’t rule out possibly running for either something like Governor or U.S. Senator after that eight years in the House of Reps but he was certain not to pursue any more elected time with that entity.

Another point Poirier was very passionate about was keeping America’s 2nd Amendment rights, or Gun Ownership, in tact for the foreseeable future. Poirier even rolled up his sleeve during the interview and showed a tattoo he had gotten regarding Gun Ownership rights. Personally, I don’t think you can get much more zealous than that.

Other topics we discussed included: if a male candidate (such as himself) were to face incumbent Democrat Ann Kuster in a public debate, would he be expected to act like a “perfect gentleman” just because Kuster is a female? We also talked about Donald Trump and if he has any future with the Republican Party. Besides incumbent Congresswoman Kuster, Poirier talked a little bit of some of the other Republican primary candidates hoping to win the NH-2 seat in November. And if Poirier is elected this November, he vows to help push to finish the Border Wall between the U.S. and Mexico to prevent the massive influx of Illegal Aliens to our country.

Poirier said that he’s running on the campaign credo of: ‘SERVICE NOT SELF-INTEREST!!’ He also joked during the interview that a lot of folks on the campaign trail often refer to Poirier as a, “Colonel Sanders look-alike” of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame probably due to his glasses and goatee.

If you wish to learn more about Dean Poirier’s congressional campaign, please log onto his website at: . If you wish to ask him a specific question, you can email him at: .

Our Founding Fathers were truly men of great wisdom, and they probably had tremendous foresight on the importance for our country’s citizens Right to Bear Arms if they or their families were ever attacked. Hence, the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution was created to design the guidelines and laws to follow so criminal behavior will not be mistaken for this type of protection.

REMEMBER!!!!!!! I tolerated 44 (Obama) for 8 years and kept quiet. Here is my issue with the whole, “let us all be a United States again” that we heard from Joe Biden.

For the last 4-plus years, the Democrats have gone scorched earth. You have salted the fields and now you want to grow crops. The problem is that more than 72 million of us have memories longer than a hamster.

We remember the women’s march (vagina hats and all) the day after inauguration.

We remember the four years of attacks and impeachments.

We remember “not our president” and the “Resistance…”

We remember Maxie Walters telling followers to harass us in restaurants.

We remember the Presidents spokesperson being kicked out a restaurant.

We remember hundreds of Trump supporters physically attacked.

We remember Trump supporters getting Doxed, and fired from jobs.

We remember riots, and looting.

We remember “a comedian” holding up the President’s severed head.

We remember a play in Central park paid with public funding, showing the killing of President Trump.

We remember Robert de Niro yelling “F” Trump” at the Tony’s and getting a standing ovation.

We remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State of the Union Address.

We remember the total in the tank move on the mainstream media.

We remember the non-stop and live fact checking on our President and his supporters.

We remember non-stop in your face lies and open cover-ups from the media.

We remember the President and his staff being spied on.

We remember five Republican Congressmen shot on a ball field.

We remember every so-called comedy show turn into nothing but Trump hate fest.

We remember 95 percent negative coverage in the news.

We remember the state governors asking and getting everything they ask for and then blaming Trump for their problems.

We remember a Trump top aid verbally assaulted in two DC restaurants.

We remember people banging on the Supreme Court doors.

We remember that we were called every name in the book for supporting President Trump.

We remember that Hollywood said they would leave after Trump was elected but they stayed.

This list is endless, but you get the idea. My friends will be my friends, but a party that has been on the attack for four (4) long years does not get a free pass with me!

Please feel free to copy and paste because Facebook wouldn’t let me share.

From now till Nov. 3rd, I’ll probably post a number of things here on my Facebook Wall regarding how Christians ought to Vote in the upcoming Election. Dr. James Dobson is the head of a Ministry called, The Family Institute, and he posted a pretty insightful item on this very same topic — that when we’re thinking about how we’re going to vote, please consider the various Platforms involved with this Election and NOT the candidates. Living Waters ministry produced this video for Dr. Dobson. Please feel free to contact Dr. Dobson at, , for further information.

2020 Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden

(The following commentary was posted on Facebook sometime around 10/9/20, and apparently written by someone named, Tim Well. This individual is not a Facebook friend of mine although I have a lot of respect on what this person has to say. Also, please make it a point to vote in this Election by Tuesday, Nov. 3rd.)

By Tim Well

The Day After

Obviously, we all have our own concerns for what lies ahead. Believe me when I say, the coming election will truly be life changing. I have never been a doomsday type of man, however, I feel compelled to speak my mind despite the fall out from such words will bring.

I love my country, my family, my neighbors, and my God. There is too much to hide from the oncoming fire I will get for showing my hand. Yet I’m not here to change anyone’s mind. At this point, I feel the lines are pretty much drawn. So this is for all of you that share my basic love of country. The rest of you can do whatever is best for you.

We are all Americans and freedom is why we are great. So please, allow me the freedom to share my thoughts with my friends.My opinions are not facts, at least not yet…. Predictions, yet more than likely if we fail to vote.

The day after Biden wins the election a chain of events will occur that will inflict irreversible damage to the United States as we now know it. It will affect your life, no matter who you are. Yes, life will go on, but not as usual for Americans like us. I can promise you that much.

The day we lose the election…… The stock market will begin its crash or at least lose a substantial value the moment Biden’s victory is announced. The American investors, traders, brokers and financial managers realize that Biden’s history was one of economic failure. Likewise, they understand his future green plans, tax hikes, foreign policies, regulations, and his plans to eliminate fossil fuels will cripple our nation and propel China and Russia ahead.

The moment Biden’s victory is secure, investors will begin the sell off at an alarming pace leaving retirement funds in ruin. Only this time odds are not in our favor of a return. Even four years later there may be no repairing the damage.

The day we lose the election, Democrats will begin the process of changing the Constitution. Losing to Biden and losing the House and Senate will ultimately usher in the destruction of what we cherish most in the USA, the Constitution.

Democrats will hold the power to change the 2nd Amendment. Biden has promised he’s coming for our guns, this will be how. The left’s implementation could potentially usher in a Civil War. For we may go but we will not go easy.

The day we lose to Biden, Democrats will seek to alter the Supreme Court to their advantage by diluting the court’s platform by adding liberal judges. Across the country the same will occur in lower level courts. Conservative arguments to injustice will then fall on deaf ears worse than it is now. The corruption we hope to find justice for will be swept further into, Never Never Land.

The day you fail to vote and Biden wins, the death penalty will soon be eliminated, while the murder of the thousands of unborn children will escalate. The Christian faith is being tested in the coming election. The voting booth is much like a confession booth where you and God are all that know.

The day Biden wins the election, there will no longer be illegal immigrants in the US, for the Democrats will open the gates and likely tear down what Trump has built. Even the illegals who are criminals will become US citizens. Democrats will legalize the entire lot. They will usher in millions of foreign voters and give them benefits from our taxed incomes. Jobs will be lost to those new citizens. This will empower the top Democrats and secure their hold over the country in future elections. This is what has occurred in Canada. Now their Canadian culture is in ruins. They have a ruler whose foreign votes keep him secure, despite a crumbling culture and changing Canadian way of life. Its an example to steer clear of if you love our US culture.

The day Biden wins the election, Democrats will seek to change the electoral vote. A popular vote will win future elections, thus New York city, Chicago, California and other densely populated liberal demographics will dominate our voting power and rule over our rural populations. This is what really hurts, for once this happens you will likely never see a conservative government again. Our vote to change back, at that point, will be mathematically impossible. This is why our founding fathers set our voting system to sustain our culture and way of life throughout America. Now, the Democrats want to change that.

The day Biden wins, Trump will no longer be able to repair our economy. Trump’s proven record will not be given a chance, instead Biden will lead us into the abyss of his flawed agenda. His Obama era misery monster will again raise its ugly head, only this time, it will be worse. If Biden wins the election, the trauma of the Coronavirus will suddenly become far less threatening. True facts to its severity will suddenly emerge. The media will declare a victory and so will China.

I believe, as do others, that these things and much more will ensue if Biden wins, all because we failed to vote. Yes, I am worried. The danger is eminent to our very way of life. Yet I know our numbers are strong. I am a hunter. There are more than 100 million hunters and fishermen in this country, and I believe most of us feel the same concerns.

If we vote, all of us, we can win this election and preserve our way of life. So, I am asking, pleading with you to vote. As I said, the lines are drawn. Who ever motivates their base to vote is who will win. We my friends, have far more to lose this time around. Everyone you know who holds our values and beliefs, remind them to vote, together we can win!

Do it for the children, for the unborn, and for those who died fighting for our freedom. Let not your vote be for a leader that you like as a person, for you may not like Trump. Instead, vote for the man whose policy keeps you secure, happy, and most of all free. Like us, the Trumps are hunters, fishermen, and would never take a knee.

VOTE for the future of what we love and cherish, VOTE for what we hold as sacred. VOTE for life. Trump may not be the kind of fellow you’d want to share a beer with. But sure as hell, he’s the guy you’d want in your fox hole when guts matter most. And like it or not, we are at war.

Please share and repost this plea. Most of all make sure you VOTE, and vote for freedom.

This Meme aptly expresses how I personally feel about the upcoming Presidential election in three weeks, or the subsequent need to vote Straight-Ticket Republican on all the Congressional, Senate, and Governor races.

I don’t view Donald Trump as my “good buddy” or “BFF”, I merely view Trump as, “the absolute best qualified individual to get the job (U.S. President) done.” When his opponent, Joe Biden, is preaching crap like: “stacking” the U.S. Supreme Court, eliminating the Electoral College system in Presidential elections, eliminating our “Fracking” or Fossil-fuel industry, eliminating our 2nd Amendment (Right to Bear Arms), and, pushing to “Defund” our Police Departments while major U.S. cities are being burned and looted every day — these types of proposals are just too “whacked” for MY personal liking.

And please don’t even get me started on Joe Biden’s proposed, “Green New Deal”.

Another way to view Donald Trump as our President would be the exact same way I view my Mechanic or my Surgeon. Both my Mechanic and Surgeon do a professional quality job whenever I need their services and then after that, I go my way and they go theirs. I’m not obligated to hang around or “socialize” with them afterwards, or vice versa.

To paraphrase former President Ronald Reagan, the elimination of our Freedom is just one Generation away. May God bless the United States of America before it’s too late.