Archives for category: Pro Life

Kurt Wuelper, vice president of the New Hampshire Right to Life organization, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. Since Wuelper appeared on my show about two weeks earlier, we had more than enough material regarding the Pro Life agenda for a second episode, hence this was ‘Part 2’ of our conversation. This interview took place in the Nashua Public TV studio on, 9-13-23.

We started off the show with a Meme with someone holding up an infant with the inscription that less than 1 percent of all Abortions pertained to either Rape, Incest, or Life or the Mother, hence, according to the author of the Meme, more than 99 percent of the Mothers who have Abortion were just selfish and inconsiderate. Wuelper argued that it was really tough to tell “WHY” any woman goes through with an Abortion because there aren’t really any statistics or records kept.

Along the same lines as the aforementioned Meme, Pro Life advocates often invoke a hypothetical scenario as if we were in Heaven throughout all Eternity and got a chance to ask Jesus himself “WHY” He allowed so much humanity waste away via Cancer, Alzheimer’s, ALS, Muscular Dystrophy, etc.? Would Jesus possibly respond and say that He did create people destined to cure all those diseases but they were all Aborted by their Mothers? Wuelper responded and said it was his beliefs that we could never have Love without first experiencing Pain. The V.P. of NHRTL then went on to cite the Biblical excerpts between God and Job, when God asked, “Where were you when I did…etc., etc. Wuelper then brought up Paul the Apostle when he talked about how we’re all God’s workmanship and to do ‘good works’ there must be some suffering in the process.

Then when I asked Wuelper on how would he respond to a Pro Choice advocate who would accuse him of being very “selfish” and “inconsiderate” for not agreeing to use aborted fetus parts for medical research, Kurt said, “It’s never easy to do the Right Thing.”

We also talked about RU-486, a.k.a. Mifepristone, the Abortion pill, etc., and it’s Side-effects.

We discussed how different faith backgrounds could get involved with NHRTL because everybody has varying degrees of ethics and morals.

We got into the importance of next year’s Election, which Roe v. Wade could easily reverse back to Federal law, if enough people go out to vote for it. Wuelper, needless to say, along with his colleagues at NHRTL, would ideally love to see all abortions illegal, but they realize the public isn’t quite there yet. Hence, the Pro Life advocates would, realistically, like to regulate abortions here in the Granite State to, as few as possible.

I suggested joining a Facebook fan page titled, ‘I regret my abortion’, which might serve as a great counseling tool for people contemplating abortion.

Incidentally, if you wish to examine further information on the New Hampshire Right to Life group, please log onto: .

Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme song to this episode.

Kurt Wuelper, vice president of New Hampshire Right to Life, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking‘. This interview took place at the Nashua Public TV studio on 8-30-23.

It’s been approximately one year since the Supreme Court overturned our country’s legislation on Abortion – which was intact for nearly a half century – thus putting the onus on each of the 50 States as to how they choose to legally manage this item. The NHRTL, long-time staunch Pro Life advocates, would love to see Abortion prohibited here in the Granite State.

Among the topics discussed on this episode: how NH fares on its Abortion laws versus other neighboring States, have there been any reports of arrests or threats against any NHRTL members following protests or public confrontations, does NHRTL present Adoption as a viable option to Abortion, does NHRTL offer a ‘Report Card’ system to provide Voters a gauge on how each State elected official is rated according to their Pro Life stance, and should “Infanticide” be viewed as, Murder?

Incidentally, if you’d like more information on, The New Hampshire Right to Live group, please log onto: .

Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo, of Screamin Heart records, sang both the Intro and Outro song to this particular episode.

Joe Bouchoc, pastor of Discipleship Connections, with the Merrimack Valley Baptist Church in Merrimack NH, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview was filmed on 6/22/23 in the Nashua Public TV studio.

Pastor Bouchoc had done a 3-4 part series, along with one of his colleagues, titled, ‘A Christian’s Response to Abortion’. Although I brought out that we were taping our interview on just about the 1-year Anniversary of the Supreme Court’s overturning Roe v. Wade, which Federally-mandated Abortions nationwide for nearly a half century, and now gives each individual State the right to initiate its own Abortion laws.

But Bouchoc assured me that the series presented in January by MVBC, had absolutely nothing to do with the Midterm election which preceded it. It was basically to afford MVBC members the opportunity to understand what some of these people experience en route to these obvious life-altering decisions.

He also described his rather “unique” position at MVBC of serving as its, ‘Pastor of Discipleship Connections’, which Jesus himself was quoted in the Bible as ‘building Disciples in all nations’.

We discussed a Pro Life meme, which proclaimed that less than one percent of all Abortions involved either: Rape, Incest, or Life of the Mother – therefore, the other 99 percent of women got Abortions just for their own convenience. Although since there was no concrete evidence to substantiate that Meme, there was a more than fair chance that it was totally False.

We also discussed the option of Adoption, adopting with the United States versus adopting Overseas, and the Foster Parenting system in this Country.

We talked about the possibility of someone helping, who’s not directly involved in an Abortion situation, in the Pro Life movement. Bouchoc said that in Elections involving Federal or State candidates, it would be a game-changer for him personally, on whether the candidate proclaims themself as either Pro Choice, or Pro Life. Getting off the subject a little bit, we discussed how even local school board races are especially important on how these candidates view current issues like Critical Race Theory, Pronouns, Woke-ism, Gender Reassignment Surgery, etc.

Another sort of off-beat topic I raised was with Bouchoc was the whole notion on whether he’d counsel someone who got pregnant if they, “had to get Married”? I told Bouchoc if either of my sons were in that situation, I’d tell either one of them that unless they thought for sure that they love that woman very much – and she also loved them – just stay Single & pay Child Support.

Incidentally, if you wish to contact Pastor Joe Bouchoc, please log onto: .

Furthermore, if you happen to be contemplating getting an Abortion, the New Hampshire Right to Life organization has some excellent counselors who can advise you on what your options are, its website is: .

Lastly, another great option to just simply network and vent your concerns or questions, if you happen to be on , they’ve got a Fan Page titled, ‘I regret my abortion‘. They’ve got nearly 4000 members, 3.8K to be exact, and I would assume all of the ladies who serve as the Administrators for that Fan Page have had adverse experiences in the aforementioned subject matter.

Local entertainer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro & outro theme song for this episode, ‘Comin and Goin’.

If you could tell someone considering abortion one (1) thing, what would it be?

The aforementioned question was recently posed on the Facebook Fan Page, ‘I regret my abortion’ and a few of the responses were as follows:

Kristi D.

Memories cannot be displaced. If you think no will know and it will be easy to forget, it just isn’t possible. Every time you see a child or someone pregnant, it will be a reminder of your pregnancy and the child you don’t have now.

I lost my only child to abortion.

Esther J.

The relief is short lived, the burden of regret is life long!! You’re forever left wondering who that little one would have become and what they would have all accomplished.

Ashley B

I actually told a friend how the regret and the ‘what ifs’ can you eat you alive.

She ended up keeping her daughter and shortly after, married the dad and had another son.

When I think of my friend who became unexpectedly pregnant in college with someone she wasn’t even sure about, it makes me realize our life choices have such a domino effect.

It really is mind blowing how strongly it affects the entire rest of our lives. It’s a choice that has such a widespread ripple effect, but I don’t think most people who consider abortion even think that far ahead.

Annette R

A person is declared dead when their heartbeat stops, maybe they should be declared alive when their heart is beating. Your tiny little baby already has a heartbeat. Their little life has already started and they’re trusting you to keep them safe until they’re able to take their first breath.

(And I’m not saying it’s not a baby from the conception, but most abortions occur after the baby’s heart has already starting beating, in itself declaring him or her alive)

Deserves the Right to Live His/Her Life

Karen Testerman of Franklin NH, who’s a Republican candidate for Governor in 2022 was my guest on this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking‘, which took place in the Access Nashua studio on 12/2/21.

Discussion for this episode included, but was not limited to, incumbent NH Governor Chris Sununu, Cancel Culture, Lying and Getting Publicly Accused of Being a ‘Racist’ or ‘White Supremacist’, Rioting and Crime Problem in major U.S. cities, possible Sales and State Tax, possible illegal aliens being situated in New Hampshire, has the Drug problem — or deaths on overdosing — increased since President Joe Biden opened the Southern Border, and how would Ms. Testerman handle the current COVID pandemic in New Hampshire.

For further information on Karen Testerman’s 2022 New Hampshire Governor campaign, please log onto: . Please be sure to vote in the New Hampshire Republican Primary on: September 13, 2022

REMEMBER!!!!!!! I tolerated 44 (Obama) for 8 years and kept quiet. Here is my issue with the whole, “let us all be a United States again” that we heard from Joe Biden.

For the last 4-plus years, the Democrats have gone scorched earth. You have salted the fields and now you want to grow crops. The problem is that more than 72 million of us have memories longer than a hamster.

We remember the women’s march (vagina hats and all) the day after inauguration.

We remember the four years of attacks and impeachments.

We remember “not our president” and the “Resistance…”

We remember Maxie Walters telling followers to harass us in restaurants.

We remember the Presidents spokesperson being kicked out a restaurant.

We remember hundreds of Trump supporters physically attacked.

We remember Trump supporters getting Doxed, and fired from jobs.

We remember riots, and looting.

We remember “a comedian” holding up the President’s severed head.

We remember a play in Central park paid with public funding, showing the killing of President Trump.

We remember Robert de Niro yelling “F” Trump” at the Tony’s and getting a standing ovation.

We remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State of the Union Address.

We remember the total in the tank move on the mainstream media.

We remember the non-stop and live fact checking on our President and his supporters.

We remember non-stop in your face lies and open cover-ups from the media.

We remember the President and his staff being spied on.

We remember five Republican Congressmen shot on a ball field.

We remember every so-called comedy show turn into nothing but Trump hate fest.

We remember 95 percent negative coverage in the news.

We remember the state governors asking and getting everything they ask for and then blaming Trump for their problems.

We remember a Trump top aid verbally assaulted in two DC restaurants.

We remember people banging on the Supreme Court doors.

We remember that we were called every name in the book for supporting President Trump.

We remember that Hollywood said they would leave after Trump was elected but they stayed.

This list is endless, but you get the idea. My friends will be my friends, but a party that has been on the attack for four (4) long years does not get a free pass with me!

Please feel free to copy and paste because Facebook wouldn’t let me share.

From now till Nov. 3rd, I’ll probably post a number of things here on my Facebook Wall regarding how Christians ought to Vote in the upcoming Election. Dr. James Dobson is the head of a Ministry called, The Family Institute, and he posted a pretty insightful item on this very same topic — that when we’re thinking about how we’re going to vote, please consider the various Platforms involved with this Election and NOT the candidates. Living Waters ministry produced this video for Dr. Dobson. Please feel free to contact Dr. Dobson at, , for further information.

Karen Testerman, who is currently running for the Republican nomination of New Hampshire Governor, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview took place via Skype on Aug. 11, 2020.

Testerman has resided in New Hampshire for more than two decades and has been actively involved with numerous government activities, including a local radio show and a government-access TV production. According to her campaign brochure, Testerman refers to herself as a “Committed Conservative” who’s pro life, pro gun, no new taxes, and, pro job and business.

Topics discussed on this episode included: What changes would she have initiated in New Hampshire if she had been the Governor during the Coronavirus, specifically potentially closing restaurants, businesses, and public schools? How close is NH from ever implementing a State income tax, or a State sales tax? How would she prepare for a protest in NH from either Black Lives Matter, or Antifa? Are there any Sanctuary Cities or Towns in NH, and how would she as Governor try to remedy that situation? We talked about Mr. and Mrs. McCloskey in St. Louis about how they defended their property with guns from rioters and then had their guns confiscated the following day by law officials — could something like that happen in NH? Since Testerman entered the Governor’s race about two months ago and she’s facing the incumbent Governor, Chris Sununu in the Sept. 8th Primary election, was this enough time to establish visibility to take on a candidate with his name recognition on a date which may not draw that many voters? We talked about Mail-in Ballots and potential voter fraud, including a specific situation from 2016 which President Donald Trump and then-Senator Kelly Ayotte might’ve been short-changed due to out-of-state college students voting in their home States and then again near their college residence.

Then I asked Karen about my personal favorite questions for a NH Governor candidate: Would she ever propose a helmet requirement for motorcyclists? Would she consider dissolving annual vehicle safety inspection stickers? Lastly, are most NH residents happy with the highway tolls, specifically with the number of them and the costs?

Testerman may find her toughest challenge in the Sept. 8th Republican Primary against the incumbent Governor Chris Sununu. If you’d like to learn more about her candidacy or maybe even contact her, please log onto her website: . If successful in the Primary, Testerman will then advance to face the Democratic challenger in the regular election on Nov. 3rd.

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme songs to this particular episode.

The video says it all about this very, very corruption government supported agency