Archives for category: prosecute

As the old cliche goes, ‘Just be very careful on what you Wish for’.

Hypothetically speaking, let’s say Joe Biden loses his Reelection bid next year and we have a Republican president, along with a Republican-dominated Congress on January 2025. Under those circumstances, what would stop an ambitious District Attorney (or Attorney General) from a Red (Republican) State from filing a “Criminal” lawsuit against ‘private citizen’ Joe Biden?

Currently, about half of America feels President Biden, along with his ever-loving son, Hunter, ought to be Criminally prosecuted for their alleged “Influence Peddling” with both China & Ukraine – it sure sounds a heck of a lot more serious than what Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg is accusing former president Donald Trump of doing.

And let’s be honest, if somebody were to Criminally sue Joe Biden as a ‘private citizen’, it would be perfectly “fair” & “just” in light of what D.A. Bragg is currently subjecting Trump with.

Bragg is basically opening up a proverbial “Pandora’s Box” here, which just might lead the United States of America down a destructive path to both, Fascism & Socialism.

Since January 20th is just two months (or eight weeks) from tomorrow, should alleged “President Elect” Joe Biden focus all his attention on Prosecuting “current” President Donald Trump — along with any of his supporters — as his #1 Priority, a.k.a. Revenge for the entire 2020 Presidential campaign?

What about finding a Vaccine for the Coronavirus? Or, at least, stopping any more Americans from dying of this Plague? Biden seemed to blame Trump for over 230,000 American deaths from COVID-19 since the beginning of this year, so obviously everybody insinuates the NOBODY IN AMERICA WOULD EVER AGAIN DIE from this Virus if Biden were the President. Whether or not our useless Media choose to hold “Sleepy Joe” accountable for this particular promise, I sure as hell will.

What about Uniting our Country again after we’ve been severely divided? Is prosecuting Trump — Biden’s main opponent in this last election — supposed to help or hurt in the Unifying effort?

Now we’ve got this Liberal YouTube group called, The Young Turks, trying to persuade Biden to first go after Trump, and all the rest of his henchmen. Again, it’ll be interesting to watch Biden’s first 100 days in the Presidency. Will Biden be “his own man”, or will he wind up taking his marching orders from flunkies like, The Young Turks, or “Vice President Elect” Kamala Harris? It’ll be interesting just to see what’s going to happen. Can’t wait.