Archives for posts with tag: The Young Turks

Since January 20th is just two months (or eight weeks) from tomorrow, should alleged “President Elect” Joe Biden focus all his attention on Prosecuting “current” President Donald Trump — along with any of his supporters — as his #1 Priority, a.k.a. Revenge for the entire 2020 Presidential campaign?

What about finding a Vaccine for the Coronavirus? Or, at least, stopping any more Americans from dying of this Plague? Biden seemed to blame Trump for over 230,000 American deaths from COVID-19 since the beginning of this year, so obviously everybody insinuates the NOBODY IN AMERICA WOULD EVER AGAIN DIE from this Virus if Biden were the President. Whether or not our useless Media choose to hold “Sleepy Joe” accountable for this particular promise, I sure as hell will.

What about Uniting our Country again after we’ve been severely divided? Is prosecuting Trump — Biden’s main opponent in this last election — supposed to help or hurt in the Unifying effort?

Now we’ve got this Liberal YouTube group called, The Young Turks, trying to persuade Biden to first go after Trump, and all the rest of his henchmen. Again, it’ll be interesting to watch Biden’s first 100 days in the Presidency. Will Biden be “his own man”, or will he wind up taking his marching orders from flunkies like, The Young Turks, or “Vice President Elect” Kamala Harris? It’ll be interesting just to see what’s going to happen. Can’t wait.

Never let it be said, ladies & gentlemen, that I don’t give proper credit when credit is appropriately due. With that said, I’d like to give a nice, big public salute to the folks at the Democratic National Committee for justifiably REJECTING that big fat blowhard, Cenk Uygur, and his YouTube site, ‘The Young Turks’ from being allowed to attend its National Convention next week. It’s also my understanding that the woman referred to as, AOC (Alexandria Orcasio-Cortes) is also being DENIED an opportunity to publicly speak at this same National Convention. Heck, if the DNC keeps this up, I just might have to change my Political Party to Democrat.

When it rains it pours, as the old cliche goes when Liberal YouTube blogger, Jimmy Dore exposes the sexual harassment allegations of former Intern Tara Reade against her then-boss Senator Joe Biden. Specifically, Dore cited a Twitter Tweet by former Democrat Party chairman Howard Dean who called into credibility the Blog and the Reporter who first broke the story of Reade’s testimony against her former boss, who is now the Democrat Presidential front runner.

Ironically, the Blog and the Reporter who first broke the story about Reade, also broke the story about Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault accusation against Brett Kavanaugh just prior to him being appointed as a Supreme Court justice. Yet on the story about Ms. Ford coming forward after about 36 years, Dean praised and touted the same Reporter and Blog for doing an outstanding investigative story. Go figure on that one.

Dore is also a Blogger on YouTube and as with other Liberal pundits like, The Hill, and, The Young Turks, who feel there’s a blatant double-standard on how the main stream media covered Ms. Ford versus how they’re now responding to Ms. Reade, they were all predominately Bernie Sanders supporters in this year’s Presidential election, which Biden appears to be the undisputed Democrat choice to challenge Trump in November.

WARNING: Jimmy Dore is a foul-mouthed Blogger and spews out a lot of vulgarity. The guy does manage to get his points across.



Popular Liberal pundits, The Young Turks, are even calling out the Main Stream Media for ignoring the Sexual Harassment allegations of former Intern Tara Reade against her then boss, Joe Biden. As with fellow YouTube bloggers, The Hill, elsewhere on this forum, there’s obviously a double-standard here when the media covers President Trump, or Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh, as opposed to Democrat Presidential front runner Joe Biden. As with, The Hill, I don’t usually agree with, The Young Turks, but I think they’re right on the money with this commentary.


The folks doing this video, The Young Turks, are staunch Bernie Sanders supporters yet they realize incumbent Donald Trump will absolutely crush Joe Biden in a one-on-one campaign for the Presidency. The current Democrat Presidential front-runner Joe Biden, may have been striving his whole life to be President, but he’s obviously not the same person he was 20-30 years ago — there’s definitely something missing there between the ears.

Can you say, “hypocrite”? Isn’t it a little weird how NBA (National Basketball Association) stars like: LeBron James, James Harden, and Steph Curry — not to mention popular coaches like Steve Kerr and Gregg Popovich — all feel that U.S. President Donald Trump is divisive and tearing our country apart, thus refuse to visit the White House should they ever win a Championship YET all these grossly overpaid BLEEPholes have no qualms whatsoever APOLOGIZING when an NBA general manager criticized the extremely authoritarian government of China recently abusive, inhumane treatment to the citizens of Hong Kong?

Let’s get honest here — which is worse? Where’s the evidence that President Trump has ever exercised his authority to oppress any group of people like China has done to Hong Kong? Another group that surprisingly jumped on the NBA’s bandwagon of: trashing President Trump but kissing the asses of the Chinese government is the popular liberal blog, The Young Turks — gee, I wonder why?

Blogger Sean Fitzgerald of, Actual Justice Warrior does an excellent job putting this all in perspective.

Cenk’s nephew (Hasan Piker) of the popular liberal blogging site, The Young Turks, recently stated that, “America deserved 9/11”, and further stated that U.S. Rep Dan Crenshaw, who’s also a disabled U.S. veteran, deserved to lose his eye in combat. Sean Fitzerald, of the blog site, Actual Justice Warrior, proceeded to take Cenk’s newphew, not to mention Cenk Uygar himself, to task of this matter.

So 5 years after the tragic shooting of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, does anybody really know truth from fiction in that case?

Blogger Sean Fitzgerald of Actual Justice Warrior, says that the evidence of clearing Officer Wilson is quite established, yet Presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, along with Blogger Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks still say Officer Wilson acted recklessly in this racist shooting.

This is an excellent assessment by blogger Sean Fitzgerald, a.k.a. Actual Justice Warrior, on the recent exposure of FOX News talk show host Tucker Carlson from political rival website, Media Matters.

Fitzgerald first applauded Carlson for keeping his home field advantage and refusing to respond to Media Matters on Twitter. Secondly, the ‘Actual Justice Warrior’ commended Carlson for not apologizing for these statements that were made on a radio show from over 10 years ago. Fitzgerald said that Media Matters objective in this case was for FOX News to terminate Carlson from their station, and they would simply use the apology as a stepping stone to attain that goal.

Here’s Tucker Carlson’s response to Media Matters on Twitter:
