Archives for category: senile

$64,000 QUESTION – Would YOU let Joe Biden drive you to the Grocery Store in his vehicle?

(First of all, I was a little surprised when I caught one of my favorite YouTube sports pundits, Colin Cowherd, devoting a 10-minute podcast to a national news item, but then again, this particular court verdict will probably be cited in History books long, long after I’ve gone on to meet my creator, Jesus Christ. The fact that Cowherd isn’t exactly a big Donald Trump fan, is no big deal to me – I’ve got a couple relatives who plan on reelecting Biden in November, and I don’t personally hold that against them. As the great philosopher once said, that’s why God created both Chocolate and Vanilla ice cream.

So on Cowherd’s video on YouTube, there’s a Comment section underneath, which I took full advantage of. My personal statement to Cowherd is as follows, although on this forum, I broke my message into paragraphs and also highlighted some words to make it a little easier to read.

If I was to elaborate any further on my comments to Cowherd, I’d say that this verdict was more of a reflection on the American Justice system as opposed to anything former president Donald Trump ever said or did – or are people like Cowherd simply jealous of this guy just because he’s a multi billionaire, has a beautiful young wife, and, unlike Cowherd, Trump actually hosted a top-rated TV show – ‘The Apprentice’ – for several years prior to being elected U.S. President. Secondly, please look at the OTHER option for President this year – incumbent Joe Biden. Dude…seriously??? Please compare and contrast the past 7-8 years (specifically, since Trump’s inauguration on 1/20/17 till now) in America, then YOU tell ME, is there a stark contrast between the Trump administration and the Biden administration. Have you noticed that Cowherd doesn’t mention even ONCE Joe Biden by name – was THAT just by accident or do you think he did that on purpose?

Lastly, whether you’re supporting Trump, Biden, or whoever for President, please remember to vote this November 5th.)

Hey Colin, how about judging Biden & Trump this way — Are YOU better off today (Financially & Security-wise) than you were 4 years ago??? If you can’t see that prices on just about everything has skyrocketed since Jan. 2021 (Biden’s inauguration), then you haven’t been paying attention.

Also in that time-span, about 13 million Illegal Aliens have come into our Country, UNVETTED, that American taxpayers just can’t financially support or house.

When you’re talking about Criminal activity, what about the shady business deals that First Son Hunter Biden had with both Ukraine & Communist China, which he sold millions of dollars worth of “Influence Peddling” with 10% going to the ‘Big Guy”? So Colin, what “EXACTLY” was the “Influence” that Hunter Biden was “Peddling”??? The Biden family really doesn’t manufacture any products or services.

How about our President taking Showers with his daughter, Ashley, which she herself verified in her own Diary?

Lastly Colin, since you’re 60, you must know a handful of people who are ‘Cognitively declined’ or maybe even have Alzheimer’s disease – be HONEST here, Colin, do YOU honestly think Joe Biden is ‘Mentally Fit’ to serve 4 MORE years as U.S. President, a.k.a. Commander-in-Chief?? Physically falling down about a half dozen times, shaking hands with imaginary people, constantly mispronouncing names & words on his Teleprompter, etc. Do you really Trust Joe Biden handling America’s Nuclear Football?

Dude…seriously? At what point can Americans concede that its President is being treated like, a ‘helpless little baby’? Any questions as to “WHY” none of Joe Biden’s staffers actually want their boss to debate Trump this year?

So some staff writer named David Frum published an article in, The Atlantic magazine earlier this month appropriately titled, ‘Why Biden Should Not Debate Trump’, specifically dated 4/16/24. The crux of Frum’s article depicts former president – and presumably, the 2024 Republican Presidential nominee – Donald Trump as allegedly violating the U.S. Constitution, mainly during the alleged “insurrection” of January 6th (2021).

Dude…seriously??? Where’s your, ‘Mountains & Mountains of Evidence’, Mr. Frum, that Trump “violated” the Constitution that day?

Incidentally, earlier in this same Century, Al Gore publicly complained after losing the 2000 Presidential election; ditto, John Kerry after losing the ’04 Presidential election; or how about, Hillary Clinton after losing the ’16 Presidential election – Why not cite any of THESE folks for ‘violating the Constitution’ after losing a Presidential election? It should be noted here too, that Trump is also being prosecuted for basically the same thing in Fulton County, Georgia YET, two years earlier in 2018, Stacey Abrams refused to concede that she lost the Georgia governor’s race – so why isn’t Ms. Abrams being prosecuted, right now, for ‘violating the U.S. Constitution’?

Frum wrote in this article, …” Many people were badly injured by Trump’s violent plan, and some died as a result.”… Okay, so “WHO” were these, ‘some died as a result’? Ashli Babbitt – a blatant Trump supporter — was shot and killed by Capitol police lieutenant Michael Byrd. Did Byrd ever get a Court trial for his actions that day? If he did, it definitely wasn’t made public. But aside from Ms. Babbitt, “WHO” were the others that died that day?

Is describing Biden as being, “Senile” – justified or ignorant name calling?

Lastly, I wouldn’t use the word, “Dementia”, a.k.a. “Senile”, “Alzheimer’s”, or, the term, ‘early Cognitive decline’, to describe Joe Biden just because I may have a different Political Party affiliation than our President. I would amply cite the number of times Biden has physically fallen going up the stairs on, Air Force One. Or, how about the time he fell down on his bicycle after coming to a complete stop? Or, what about the time after giving a Graduation Commencement Speech at the U.S. Air Force Academy, and Biden allegedly tripped over a sandbag, which he claimed he never saw?

During a Public Address or a Speech, how often does Biden screw-up reading directly off his Teleprompter – much of the time stating words or phrases that are totally incoherent? Then whenever he calls on specific Media members for any questions, Biden seems to be reading his responses right off a “cheat sheet” – which perhaps one of his staffers had already pre-prepared for him.

Then after the Public Address is completed, Biden has been seen, right in plain sight, extending his hand as if to shake hands with an imaginary person, who is obviously not there, like perhaps maybe, ‘Casper the Friendly Ghost’. So after having a nice hearty handshake with “somebody”, President Biden appears equally lost and confused on how to EXACTLY exit the Stage area – this is usually where either his wife Jill, a Secret Service Agent, or (at least one time) someone in an Easter Bunny costume, needed to go up, take our President by the hand and then correctly lead him to the right exit.

Attempting to sucker Trump into this same, ‘Old Age Dementia’ argument

After reading thru the aforementioned three paragraphs, is THIS what Americans should expect from its President? Also known as, ‘Commander in Chief’, or how about the one who has the proverbial “Codes” to ‘America’s Nuclear Football’. So what Democrats, or Liberals, try to do to divert attention from even discussing Biden’s ‘early Cognitive decline’ problems is to just bring up the now presumptive Republican Presidential nominee, Donald Trump, who’s 78 and just three years younger than Biden.

Let’s see, Trump can still do a couple of campaign rallies per week, with tens-of-thousands of folks in attendance – and talk for about two hours WITHOUT the use of a Teleprompter. In the ‘Mental Acuity’ department, Trump is DEFINITELY Light Years ahead of Joe Biden. Heck, both Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, and Senator Bernie Sanders are both older than Biden YET those two are still as sharp as tacks, but not so much now for our current President. Truth be told, Biden is probably more qualified – at this stage in his life – to be permanently committed to a Nursing Home, as opposed to four more years of running our Country.

Mr. Frum, the J6 arguments made in your piece a couple weeks ago, just don’t hold water. When EXACTLY was Trump ever arrested for anything that happened on January 6th? Let’s get honest here, David – it NEVER happened! If Biden chooses NOT to Debate the Republican Presidential Nominee, Donald Trump, that’ll just simply prove to America that “Dementia Joe” is just a Chicken-BLEEP Coward, who’s probably afraid that his ‘early Cognitive decline’ will be amply exposed on National T.V., for the whole country to see. Otherwise, why not just encourage Biden to go on T.V., for 1-2 hours with Trump, cite all of his many accomplishments, and then tell everybody what he’s got planned for the next four years?

What seems to be the problem here, Mr. Frum?

$64,000 QUESTION – Is it just a wee bit Hypocritical for President Joe Biden to even jokingly criticize Donald Trump regarding his supposed “early Cognitive decline”? Aside from NOT talking about his own personal Alzheimer-related issues, Biden goes on a low-rated, late night comedy TV show & accuses Trump of “not remembering his wife’s name”. Can you say, “Out of Context”? Watch this video by Mark Dice, which is a little more than 10 minutes in length, and judge for yourselves :

The 46th President of the United States – Joseph Robinette Biden

By Charles C. W. Cooke

July 11, 2023 11:46 AM

Joe Biden is an Asshole

Always has been, always will be.

There is a moment in Back to the Future Part III in which Marty McFly steps outside of the unfamiliar mores of the 19th-century American West and says of Buford Tannen, the man who has challenged him to a duel, “He’s an asshole!”

That line is just three words long, but it contains a universe within its delivery. McFly is incredulous. He is impatient. He has lost his desire to play along with the customs of the age. “We can all see this, right?” he seems to be asking the assembled crowd. We all know that Tannen’s an asshole?

I feel the same about President Joe Biden. He’s an asshole. Can we not all see it? For those who cannot conceive of truth without triangulation, I will freely stipulate that Donald Trump is an asshole, too — and that, in some ways, he’s an even worse one. But that does not let Biden off the hook. President or not, Biden is a decrepit, dishonest, unpleasant blowhard. He’s a nasty, corrupt, partisan fraud. He is, as Shakespeare had it, “a most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of no one good quality.” Biden is twice as irritating as he believes himself to be, and half as intelligent into the bargain. From the moment he arrived on the scene — nearly 50 years ago, Lord help us — he has represented all that is wrong with our politics. A century hence, his name will be set into aspic and memorialized under “Hack.”

At Axios, Alex Thompson reports the apparently surprising news that Biden “has such a quick-trigger temper that some aides try to avoid meeting alone with him.” Among the president’s favorite admonitions are: “God dammit, how the f**k don’t you know this?!,” “Don’t f**king bullsh*t me!,” and “Get the f**k out of here!” Per Thompson, these revelations are important because, like his refusal to acknowledge his own granddaughter, they threaten to damage Biden’s “carefully cultivated image as a kindly uncle.” But that image is for cretins and sycophants. Joe Biden has never been a “kindly uncle” — or anything approaching one. For his whole life, Joe Biden has been a plodding mediocrity with a Delaware-sized chip on his shoulder. What about him, I wonder, would not lead him to shout stupidly at people? He’s a bully. Check. He’s insecure. Check. He’s senile. Check. He is hostage to his precarious record of lies. Check. His anger is as inevitable as the sunset.

We don’t need Axios to tell us about it. In 1987, during his first run for president, Biden was in spiffing form. Asked by a voter in New Hampshire about his academic record, Biden grew unhinged. “I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do,” he said, before rattling off a sequence of falsehoods that ought by rights to have ended his career. He said that he graduated in the top half of his law-school class. He did not. He said that he went to that law school on a “full academic scholarship.” He did not. He said that he “won the international moot-court competition,” “was the outstanding student in the political science department,” and “graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school.” None of that was true. In closing, Biden betrayed what the exchange was really about. “I’d be delighted to sit back and compare my IQ to yours if you’d like,” he jabbed. Mr. Dunning-Kruger, your table is ready.

President Joe Biden talks to reporters at the White House in Washington, D.C., June 28, 2023.
Biden very rarely takes questions from the Media, probably due to his ‘early Cognitive decline’.

Character matters. Biden has none. As president, the man spends his days considering how he can mislead voters about his record, how he can get around the Constitution, and how he can demagogue the other branches. All that talk in 2020 about “the soul of America”? That was guff. Flotsam. Malarkey. There is nothing the man won’t lie about. He lies about inflation. He lies about gas prices. He lies about the deficit. He lies about the border. He lies about having been arrested for his civil-rights activism, and about having been raised by Puerto Ricans and Greeks and Jews, and about having traveled to Afghanistan to pin a Silver Star on a Navy hero, and about his son’s death, and about the crash that killed his first wife and baby daughter, and about the small kitchen fire that he had 15 years ago, which, in his inimitable style, he has managed to transmute into “having had a house burn down with my wife in it.” In 1987, he plagiarized a speech by the British politician Neil Kinnock that contained a completely different backstory from his own. In 2012, he accused Mitt Romney of wanting to put African Americans “back in chains.” Push a pin into a history book, and you’ll find Joe Biden lying about something.

There are many ugly consequences of our present bout of negative partisanship, but by far the worst is that it leads otherwise sensible people to pretend that up is down. That a person might prefer the Democrats to the Republicans or tax hikes to tax cuts or anyone to Donald Trump is comprehensible to me. That, in pursuit of that aim, they might feign admiration for the grotesque is not comprehensible at all. Joe Biden is an asshole. Always has been, always will be — until the last tawdry whopper leaves his lips.

Charles C. W. Cooke
Charles C. W. Cooke is a senior writer for National Review and the host of The Charles C. W. Cooke Podcast. @charlescwcooke