Archives for category: Sky News Australia
$64,000 Question – If a Psychiatrist were to ever fully examine Nikki Haley, do you suppose they’d come up with a diagnosis of perhaps, “sadomasochism”? Or how about, just plain “delusional”? If not, then “WHY” is Ms. Haley still a candidate in the Republican Presidential Primary? After ZERO wins thus far in 6-7 States (including her own home State of South Carolina), what exactly is the “Objective” of her Candidacy? This video, which is approximately 11 minutes in length from Sky News Australia, pretty much explains Haley’s candidacy up to this point. Enjoy :

MEMO TO SELF – Log onto & Order me one of these tee shirts. Also, can Amazon have this shirt ‘Express Mailed’ to me by the evening of, Super Tuesday, (3/5/24) ?

Sky News Australia did an EXCELLENT video here & raised some rather fascinating points in this nearly 24-minute presentation.
Say it ain’t so, AOC! You “appeared” so convincing when you were down at the Southern Border in Texas two years ago, when you were accusing then-President Donald Trump of treating the Illegal Aliens down there “horribly”. Like how the kids were put in cages & how they were all drinking out of toilets, and now, we got a chance to move some into your District in the Bronx, and you’re now acting like you want absolutely nothing to do with them??? Are YOU, AOC every bit the Hypocrite as the residents of Martha’s Vineyard? I just lost all faith in you, young lady.

So despite the guy’s blatant vulgarity, I still got to agree with C. Miller in this particular Meme.

I seem to recall in the last Presidential term, from the White House press corp for Donald Trump to take a “Cognitive Test” to see if he might have early Alzheimer’s disease. I guess there was some concern about Trump tweeting out message comments at about 3 in the morning, along with carefully walking down a wet, steel ramp at the West Point Military Academy following a graduation speech he earlier made at that School.

Much to the dismay of the White House media, Trump took that “Cognitive Test” and then “Aced It”. With that all said, it’s now Joe Biden’s turn to take that same “Cognitive Test”.

Between his constant incoherent statements, pulling out notes from his coat pocket (and screwing up even reading that), attacking the Media for asking him supposedly difficult questions (even though the vast majority of Reporters are Liberal and it’s blatantly obvious they side with Biden), going from normally answering Reporters’ questions to all-of-a-sudden ‘whispering’ part of that same response, and lastly but least, he has ZERO control over his son, Hunter Biden who should justifiably be in Prison right now but since he’s “the President’s son” he supposedly gets a “free pass”.

Getting back to Trump, by comparison, let’s get honest here, Donald Trump looks like Albert Einstein in a side-by-side comparison with Joe Biden. Please don’t confuse arrogant, eccentric behavior (i.e. Thurston Howell III of ‘Gilligan’s Island’, or, Gomez Addams of, ‘The Addams Family’) with someone that obviously has full-blown Alzheimer’s disease. For example, prior to Jan. 20th of this year (less than six months ago), our country actually had an effective and responsible system to vet Illegal Aliens coming into the U.S., for COVID viruses, Criminal Records, etc., — what the hell happen to that great set-up since Jan. 20th?

Sweeping the whole situation under the proverbial rug and pretending as if it’s not really happening

I heard some pundits talk about this same situation on FOX News, and Newsmax. They mentioned that America’s adversaries such as Chinese president Xi, or Russian president Vladimir Putin, and they would view Biden’s apparent ‘Cognitive Decline’ as a blatant sign of Weakness and something they easily could exploit without facing any American recourse, such as economical sanctions against their respective countries. For example, since Biden’s presidential inauguration, Russia has built an oil and gas pipeline from their country to Germany, and China has intensified its Military control over former territories, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

And with Biden’s leadership, America has sort of become a little bit of a “Laughing Stock” on the World stage — especially with an entity like Sky News Australia, which posts regularly aired videos about the Biden administration on YouTube. Needless to say, Sky News Australia, also blatantly points out that Americans need to tap into a media outlet located literally on the opposite side of the Planet in order to get “fair” and “objective” news regarding the Biden administration. In all fairness, FOX News and Newsmax TV tend to lean Conservative and thus don’t really hold back any punches when reporting on Biden, but just about every other American news and Social Media entity handles President Biden with ‘Kid Gloves”.

Getting back to America’s Southern Border, Vice President Kamala Harris has shown signs that she really doesn’t want to take responsibility for that particular issue and she DEFINITELY appears to be way in over her head. It seems like every time she’s asked a question, Harris seems to just laugh it off like it’s a big joke. It also begs the question that if Biden does get removed from the Presidency due to “Cognitive Decline” or whatever, Kamala Harris would be an equally poor choice as a replacement for him.

Bottom Line: It’s NOW Joe Biden’s turn — when the heck is he going to take a Cognitive Test for Alzheimer’s disease???

President Joe Biden’s cognitive capacity is obviously in, “Advance State of Decline”

I said it before on this very same forum so let me say it again — Why do Americans need to seek out media outlets literally on the other side of Planet to learn the Objective Truth about our own President, Joseph Robinette Biden?

I’m referring to, of course, Sky News Australia, and its constant reporting of President Biden from a more realistic perspective than we can ever get here in the U.S. Reporter Alan Jones delivers an excellent report on speaking “truth” to Biden’s blatant Lies. Enjoy.

It’s unfortunate that a lot of Americans have to log onto the Internet site from literally, the other side of the Planet in order to receive unbiased, objective news reports in their own country.

Rita Panahi, of Sky News Australia did a recent broadcast publicly calling out the utter hypocrisy and blatant systemic Racism against U.S. Senator Tim Scott (Republican, South Carolina), soon after delivering the Republican response to President Joe Biden joint Congressional address last week. Social Media site Twitter, which banned President Donald Trump from its forum last year just prior to the November election, allowed posters to refer to the Black senator as, ‘Uncle Tim’ — sort of a Racist paraphrase to ‘Uncle Tom’ — and it was ‘Trending’ approximately 12 hours before Twitter removed all the ‘Uncle Tim’ posts from its site.

Panahi also featured two comedians who publicly wore, “Black Face” in the past, Joy Behar and Jimmy Kimmel as adding to the Racists comments (or alleged jokes) against Senator Scott.

Los Angeles Lakers basketball star Doxed the photo of Columbus Ohio cop on Twitter, with a threatening statement “You’re Next — Accountability” following that cop shooting and killing 16 year-old Ma’Khia Bryant after she blatantly attempted at stab and kill another Black teenage girl in her neighborhood. Aside from the whole incident being on video tape from the Police body cameras, that didn’t stop “King James” from posting an extremely ignorant Tweet.