Archives for category: TV news anchor

Could the recently terminated Brian Stelter arguably be the ‘Greatest Hall Monitor to Ever Host his own TV show’? Often referred to by his media rivals as, “Humpty Dumpty“, or “Helter Skelter“, nobody could quite mimic Stelter talking in his extremely high-pitched voice as YouTube blogger Mark Dice. Here Dice goes over some of the highlights (or mostly, lowlights) of Stelter’s illustrious career with CNN:

Wow, who better to give the most objective perspective of Joe Biden’s VP running mate selection than the #1 Conservative TV pundit Tucker Carlson of FOX News.

For those who might be “on the bubble” right now regarding the 2020 Presidential race, I would highly suggest you take about 10 minutes of your day from now till Nov. 3rd, and keep re-playing this particular video till it REALLY sinks in your head(s).

I know this may sound cliche to a lot of you, but this upcoming Presidential election just might be the most crucial one in our lifetimes regarding Freedom as Americans as we know it. Enjoy.