Archives for posts with tag: Aaron Mate

After viewing the blatant infantile simplicity that his Staffers prepared for him, via the ‘Cheat Sheet’ used during his latest Press conference, at what point can we all agree here that our beloved President, Joe Biden, is on the absolute verge of full-blown Alzheimer’s disease? Secondly, how much confidence should American citizens have in our beloved Mainstream Media, when it’s obvious here that they’re just ‘playing along’ with the Biden administration when it comes to asking ‘planted questions’ for Dementia Joe?

$64,000 QUESTION — Do you think there’s some type of “National Security” problem with releasing the video-tape surveillance footage from the Capitol building during the January 6th Insurrection?

Apparently, some Democrat politician and pundits have some very serious reservations over House Speaker Kevin McCarthy giving some 40k hours of video-tape footage to FOX News’ Tucker Carlson, probably because he and his staff requested it.

So here we’ve got a video of comedian Jimmy Dore, along with Aaron Mate and Kurt Metzger weighing-in on this controversial situation.

First son & alleged crackhead, Hunter Biden (Center Photo) also deserves to be thrown in BLEEPIN Prison. Incidentally, the woman pictured with Congressman Swalwell (Top Photo) is a Chinese communist spy named Fang Fang, whom Swalwell had an extra-marital affair with early in his tenure as a U.S. Rep.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy further elaborates on “WHY” he chose not to allow Congressmen Schiff, and Swalwell to serve on the House Intelligence Committee.
Comedian Jimmy Dore, and reporter Aaron Mate discuss Congressman Adam Schiff’s relationship with “Russia-gate”, and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s decision to bounce him from the House Intel Committee.
Congressmen Adam Schiff, and Eric Swalwell can’t stop whining and complaining about getting thrown off the House Intelligence Committee. YouTube blogger Trump Fan Network compiles some excellent video clips of these two crybabies in action on various cable TV shows.