Archives for posts with tag: ABC News

Was NH governor Chris Sununu LYING a little bit in this interview by accusing Donald Trump of “losing” the 2022 Midterm Election for Republicans?? What about Sununu HIMSELF in those particular NH Congressional races??

If Don Bolduc had beaten Maggie Hassan, the U.S. Senate would have enough votes right now to Impeach “Dementia” Joe Biden out of the Presidency – so what “possessed” our Governor to endorse Chuck Morse in THAT Republican Senate Primary? In the NH-2 District race, Sununu first announced that he was “endorsing” Beer brewer Jeff Cozzens in that Race, then when Cozzens dropped out, Sununu immediately gave his Primary support to George Hansel – What the BLEEP??

I don’t follow the NH-1 District that closely, but I noticed that Karoline Leavitt, who’s now on a fairly popular radio talk show, doesn’t appear to be a very big fan of Sununu’s.

Can you say, “Hypocrite”, Gov. Sununu?

FILE UNDER: Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Cathy Areu, a.k.a. Liberal Sherpa

Former Fox News guest charged with exploiting her mom

A former guest on Fox News is facing charges that she stole more than $200,000 from her mother and forced the woman into a nursing home against her will

By TERRY SPENCER Associated Press

December 9, 2022, 5:08 PM

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — A former regular guest on Fox News stole at least $224,000 from her 88-year-old mother and unnecessarily put her in a nursing home twice against her will, including by once dragging her mom from her home, Florida authorities said Friday.

Cathy Areu, who provided a liberal perspective on several shows, faces numerous felony charges including kidnapping, exploitation of the elderly and organized scheme to defraud. Miami-Dade County prosecutors say she falsified documents to take control of her mother’s home, took money from her mother’s reverse mortgage and savings account, and took out credit cards in her mother’s name and then used them for her own benefit.

“Every incident of alleged elder exploitation or abuse touches our heart and never fails to shock us. It seems particularly harder to understand when the alleged perpetrator of the exploitation is a daughter, or a son or another blood relative,” Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle said in a statement.

According to Areu’s Fox News profile, she is a former contributing editor for the Washington Post Magazine, where she conducted political interviews from 2001 to 2012, and in 2001 founded the magazine Catalina. It sought to “break stereotypes and show a positive side of the U.S. Hispanic community.” She also hosted the “Liberal Sherpa” podcast. Fox took down Areu’s profile after her arrest became widely known.

In 2018, Areu, 51, was a regular unpaid guest on conservative commentator Tucker Carlson’s show and appeared on other Fox News shows. In 2020, she sued the network, Carlson, Sean Hannity and others, claiming sexual harassment, but a judge dismissed the suit the following year.

Details of Areu’s arrest were not released, but prosecutors said she had been evading authorities since June, including spending time in Mexico. She was being held without bond Friday at the county jail. Court and jail records do not show if she has an attorney.

According to prosecutors, the investigation began in 2019 when state officials received reports that Areu was exploiting her mother. Paperwork had been filed turning over the mother’s house to Areu, but the mother denied the signature was hers.

They say Areu also used a revoked power of attorney to twice place her mother in a nursing home against her will. In the first case, they say Areu tricked her mother into believing she was being taken to have ice cream with her granddaughters, but was instead taken to a home. When the mother tried to call a friend for help, Area allegedly told the staff not to let her use the phone or see visitors.

After doctors and officials found the woman competent to make her own decisions and released her to go home, prosecutors say Areu and another person dragged her from the house and took her to another facility. Again, the woman was released after she was found competent and asked to go home.

Authorities say the investigation is ongoing.

YouTube blogger Liberal Hivemind weighs-in on Cathy Areu’s arrest in approximate 10-minute video.

So now I sort of know just how the New York Post must’ve felt when no media outlet, other than perhaps FOX News and Newsmax TV, published their story about how a computer repairman in Delaware had Hunter Biden’s laptop computer with compromising information on how he was exploiting his dad in countries like Ukraine and China for millions of dollars under the guise of, “Influence Peddling”.

Since the second Presidential debate needed to be cancelled due to Donald Trump recovering from COVID, the Democrat challenger Joe Biden agreed to do Town Hall type forum with George Stephanopoulos and ABC News. During that production, a woman from the audience said her 8-year-old son was asking her questions about possibly becoming a girl the above Meme accurately reflects what Biden’s response was to this woman. Soon after the event, I noticed this Meme somewhere on the Internet, which I, in turn, tried to post on my Facebook page.

Unfortunately, within about an hour or two, the Facebook, “Fact Checkers” had shaded-out my Meme, with a statement basically stating that Biden never said anything remotely close to that statement, This was also very close to the 2020 Presidential election, and they wouldn’t provide me any phone numbers or email addresses to perhaps communicate this faster.

Long story short, I had no avenue to complain. After seeing what the Mainstream Media had done to the New York Post and its Hunter Biden laptop story. And this also gave the very false perception that Joe Biden was a “squeaky clean”, yet nothing could be further from the truth.

One thing’s for sure, whoever the Republican Presidential nominee is in 2024 will have an enormous climb against not only the Democrat (Biden, Kamala Harris, or whoever), but also against the Mainstream Media and Big Tech (Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.).

Here we’ve got a secular media outlet — ABC News — doing about an 11-minute feature on “WHY” Evangelical Christians are choosing to support Donald Trump for President IN DROVES.

Can God use brash and arrogant men to proclaim “His Will”? King David (the guy who killed Goliath with his sling-shot) was an Adulterer and Murderer. Paul the Apostle (who wrote most of the books in the New Testament) killed Christians before he gave his life to the Lord Jesus.

In the Old Testament, both King Cyrus, and Jehu, are often compared with President Donald Trump, weren’t exactly the best Role Models as Christians yet God still managed to use them to get His point across to the people of that time. Come to think of it, other than Jesus Christ, every other person mentioned in the Bible has some type of flaw or imperfection associated with them.

I believe there’s a verse in the New Testament, that God uses the silly to confound the wise — 1 Corinthians 1:27. So why is it such a “stretch” for God Almighty to use President Donald Trump to fulfill His Will?

Bottom Line: There’s obviously hope for us all — Romans 10:9-10.

In light of ABC News reporter Amy Robach’s latest blurb on ‘hot mic’ via Project Veritas (watch aforementioned video), it now seems apparent that alleged Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was actually murdered, as opposed to the initially reported suicide.

Among other things, it’s also fascinating how folks like Buckingham Palace (Prince Andrew) and former President Bill Clinton, who flew on Epstein’s plane to his pedophile paradise, pressured ABC News three years ago NOT to publicly air Ms. Robach’s report YET ABC News had no qualms whatsoever to air the blatantly flimsy story last year when Christine Blasey Ford claimed she was raped about 36 years earlier — with ZERO evidence — by then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Can you say, “Double Standard”?

Thank you, Project Veritas, for bringing this subject to light. Keep up the good work.
