Archives for posts with tag: Bankruptcy

In a situation like this in Oregon, aren’t the Gay and Lesbian communities coming off as their own worst enemies?

At last check isn’t someone’s wedding supposed to be a couple’s “perfect day”, yet instead, these particular Lesbians choose to make a “political statement” over them being discriminated against by a Christian-owned bakery. Is this what “true love” is all about?

In Nashua NH, for example, you’ve got at least a dozen bakeries listed in the phone book — most of which have great reviews on Yelp — that I’m sure would be more than happy to accommodate a Gay or Lesbian wedding if a Christian baker should refuse their business. I’m fairly certain that you’ve got the same bakery business type situation in that community in Oregon. Why not just patronize the business’ competition rather than making a Federal case out of the thing — ESPECIALLY on one’s Wedding Day????!!!

Also, have you noticed that Gays and Lesbians NEVER push Muslims for discrimination like they do with Christians? First of all, no court in the United States would ever want to “offend” anyone practicing the Muslim religion; and secondly, the Gay or Lesbian couple would probably fear “losing their heads” (or maybe something just as violent) at the hands of a Muslim business owner who staunchly still believes in Sharia Law.

Furthermore, didn’t former FOX News CEO Roger Ailes DISCRIMINATE for at least a couple decades when hiring female on-air personalities as attractive, voluptuous women who were “required” to wear short skirts and stiletto high heels on TV? Ditto, with the female waitresses working at Hooter’s Restaurants? Gimme a break.

TrumpHillary(This author, Carol Robidoux was the former Moderator of the Nashua [NH] Patch internet site, and needless to say, I’ve got to agree with her assessment on the two obvious front-runners in America’s upcoming Presidential race. Do I think a Presidential election campaign between Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton would be “entertaining”? You bet. As far as Reality TV shows go, I’m sure their debates between each other will draw much better ratings than Survivor, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, Big Brother, The Amazing Race, Dancing with the Stars, and WWE Wrestling combined. Do I think either Trump or Mrs. Clinton are worthy enough to serve as President of the United States? Hell no. BLEEP no. For the American voters to enable and subsequently set-up this general election campaign match up in November will do nothing more than just further substantiate P.T. Barnum’s famous phrase, “There’s a Sucker born every minute”.

And haven’t a lot of these celebrity experiments in politics failed miserably in the past? Remember Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was Governor of California? Or, how about Jesse “The Body” Ventura when he was Governor of Minnesota? Two famous “celebrity tough guys” going into public office, who came out failed “train wrecks” at the end of their terms.

How is Donald Trump any different than Schwarzenegger or Ventura?

Trump is sort of like a billionaire Archie Bunker when it comes to “speaking his mind” and just blurting out the first thing that comes out. Already on this year’s campaign trail, Trump has publicly mocked a Reporter who suffers from Muscular Dystrophy, tweeted that FOX News commentator Megyn Kelly had “blood coming out from her whatever” [insinuating that she was having her menstrual period], and also said that Senator John McCain was not really a hero because he was captured as a Prisoner of War. Lets not forget more recently when Trump insinuated at a Republican candidates’ debate that former president George W. Bush conspired with the Muslim terrorists to attack the United States on 9/11.

I find it especially amazing that the Evangelicals of our country, led by Jerry Falwell Jr., and Robert Jeffress, are throwing their support to such an ungodly candidate like Donald Trump. What a joke! Does anybody honestly think Trump will start asking God for spiritual guidance and direction when it’s obvious he hasn’t done that yet in his campaign?

Any other candidate – especially competing for the office of President – who made comments even similar to these would’ve dropped drastically in the polls and been considered “irrelevant” in the race. Yet Trump seems to be thriving in the polls – why is that? Does anyone honestly believe that Trump’s frequent ignorant comments will cease and desist once he gets elected President of the United States? I don’t think so.

In Trump’s defense, believe it or not, if he winds up as the Republican nominee this Summer, I will DEFINITELY vote for him in the November general election over either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders – NOT because I fully support Trump, but rather because in that particular scenario he would be the “lesser of two evils” as far as our country’s best interest is concerned.

Unfortunately, the USA will wind up with the government it deserves.

The Bible verse that, I think, best describes a country’s voting majority supporting a Trump versus Hillary match up for President would be:

“But if any man [or woman] be ignorant, let him [or her] be ignorant” — 1 Corinthians 14:38

I hope and pray God is still in control of our country despite whoever wins this November. May God bless America.)

Carol Robidoux

In the U.S., right now, this is our choice: Our presidential front-runners are Donald Trump, a reality TV star and casino-obsessed billionaire on his third trophy wife (whose current business venture is making moisturizers out of caviar that cost $150 per ounce, btw) who is at the center of a class-action lawsuit for bilking thousands of people out of money for his fraudulent “Trump University,” which he promised would make them rich (but instead it went out of business and he got richer and they got nothing):; and a woman who stood by her man through more than 5 alleged consensual extramarital affairs and a few rape allegations, even while President, and who is herself the subject of a murky and disturbing investigation, this time, by the FBI, as to whether she and her top aides (including Huma Abedin who is married to Anthony Weiner, the Congressman who lost his job for sexting btw) violated the public trust, misused her power, breached national security, etc.

Where are the questions about these things from journalists on televised town hall and debate stages, holding their feet to the fire on my behalf, because I really want to hear the answers? Are we just going to pretend these are the right people to be at the top of the heap? Where is the outrage, from voters who don’t want to be force-fed candidates with questionable personal or professional integrity? All I hear from voters are the mindless repetition of campaign slogans: “I’m With Her,” and “Make America Great Again.”

Really, United States of America? This is what you really want?

Jim Robidoux, can I get an Amen?

Kevin Avard (left), and Peggy Gilmour

Kevin Avard (left), and Peggy Gilmour

Okay, so the mid-term election for 2014 has been ancient history for almost two weeks now, but there was one State Senate race in southern New Hampshire that probably deserves a little more public discussion before voters return to the polls any time soon.

I’m referring to the race between then-incumbent state Sen. Peggy Gilmour, D-Nashua, and her challenger, former state Rep. Kevin Avard, R-Nashua; specifically, an extremely scathing last minute mailer that was distributed district-wide against Mr. Avard.

The mailer titled, “A Candidate of Convictions” (or maybe it was called, A Candidate with Convictions) cited Avard, among other things, as being: convicted twice on Driving Under the Influence charges, arrested once on Violating a Restraining Order, filed for Bankruptcy, had a vehicle repossessed, and was divorced at least twice before.

Now don’t get me wrong, under most circumstances, the aforementioned paragraph is more than enough information for any common sense voter to simply reelect the incumbent, Ms. Gilmour in this race, however, since that period in Mr. Avard’s life, he’s sort of redeemed himself in the public eye with serving a term as a NH State Rep from 2010-12 and hosting two community cable TV shows on the Access Nashua network: Gate City Chronicles, and Speak Out. Avard also appears to be in a content marriage now at this point in his life.

Avard managed to defeat Gilmour earlier this month by about 300 or so votes but one has to seriously wonder if the challenger’s margin of victory could’ve been a lot greater had he been given the opportunity to address some of these “controversial issues” weeks earlier in the campaign.

For example, is somebody who was ever whacked with a Restraining Order – especially in conjunction with a soon-to-be divorce, automatically a violent “convicted” Assault and Battery recipient? I don’t think so. Ask any lawyer.

Usually when there’s a soon-to-be divorce with a possible Child Custody hearing involved, the wife will often file a Restraining Order against her husband that’s usually absolute bullBLEEP. That supposedly gives the woman extra ammunition to get custody of her kids in the eyes of the Court. As far as substantiating evidence goes, it’s more important here that the Police and Court err on the side of caution rather than digging up any actual proof, which tends to be a rather time-consuming process.

In defense of the small percentage of women who are actually protected from being beaten or killed in this particular situation, I guess I can understand the logic of issuing Restraining Orders against soon-to-be-divorced men with little-to-no evidence of physical violence or even threats against them, but in Avard’s case, I wouldn’t necessarily hold that against a guy who was running for elected public office.

Aside from being whacked with a Restraining Order in conjunction with his then soon-to-be divorce, what other evidence was there that Avard was ever arrested for either Assault and Battery, or Criminal Threatening? If there were any previous arrests on Avard in this area, I’m fairly sure Ms. Gilmour, along with her political cronies, would’ve amply mentioned that in her pre-election mailer.

Moving right along, (and please try to be honest here) how many people do YOU know who have been through AT LEAST two divorces? If the national divorce rate in America is around 60 percent, odds would dictate that most marriages in our country will end long, long before “death do us part”. Granted, one could argue that people who have been through at least two divorces (or married at least three times) exercise poor judgment and weak commitments in their personal lives, but how does that automatically disqualify a candidate for elected office if they happen to be a part of this category? If YOU are in this category, should YOU be viewed by the general public like a “criminal” for your inability to stay committed in a marriage?

I would echo the same feelings about filing a Bankruptcy, or having had a vehicle repossessed. Welcome to the Obama Administration, ladies and gentlemen. Are times a little tough in our country these days to “make ends meet”? Do a lot of people seem to be working two or more jobs these days? Why not elect a candidate to public office who understands and acknowledges these problems, and will hopefully push to get America (or New Hampshire) working again?

To be previously convicted of two DUI’s, especially if either one took place after the individual turned 30, should be viewed by voters as a very serious concern. I would definitely disqualify a candidate for elected office if they had killed, or even critically injured, another individual as a result of their reckless drunk driving. In Avard’s case, I think he “paid his dues to society” and then redeemed himself as serving as a NH State Rep for a term and currently hosting a couple of community cable TV shows on the Access Nashua network.

For those who think Avard got off with just a “slap on the wrist” for any of the aforementioned infractions, why not step up to the plate NOW and push for more stringent punishments on these improprieties? Otherwise, will you please just shut the heck up. If you’re not part of the solution, then you’re obviously part of the problem – especially in regards to Mr. Avard’s past history.

Given enough time and opportunity, I’m sure one could easily dig up a few interesting “skeletons” in Ms. Gilmour’s closet. Gilmour, incidentally, bears a striking physical resemblance to the Lillian Munster character on the popular 60’s sitcom TV show, The Munsters – so there’s at least one “skeleton” against this former NH State Senator already.

At last check, the ONLY PERFECT INDIVIDUAL that I’m aware of was crucified and died a little more than 2000 years ago – everyone else has fallen far, far short of perfection. Please remember this the next time YOU vote for the “BEST” possible candidate in the next election.