Archives for posts with tag: Black privilege

Is the topic of, ‘When are Women in their Prime of Life’, even “Google-able”? Even if it was, what type of human being would even bother to “Google” that? I realize that I’ve brought up a handful of videos and memes depicting CNN’s suspension of Don Lemon (who just happens to be both, Black and Homosexual), who now serves as the #1 Reason of “WHY” Affirmative Action policies are such BLEEPIN failures. Here we’ve got an approximate 17 minute video by YouTube bloggers referring to themselves as, Trump Fan Network, and it depicts every conceivable possible criticism as to “WHY” Mr. Lemon should’ve justifiably been FIRED already:

Wow, please forgive me for Trashing a Black Homosexual guy but CNN really ought to “TERMINATE” Don Lemon for his rather Ignorant & Sexist comment about Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley (51 yoa) as being, “Past Her Prime”. How much longer is CNN going to allow Mr. Lemon to continue to play either his “Race card”, or “Gay card” every time he says or does something Stupid on air? Incidentally, Lemon (56 yoa), just happens to be 5 years OLDER than Haley — do you suppose that little Imbecile is already, “Past His Prime”?

So Don Lemon posted an apology on Twitter — but did NOT mention Nikki Haley’s name. Another excellent point mentioned on this YouTube post, Lemon cited, Google, as his ‘source for his sexist remark’, YET, Google never mentions on its site when exactly a woman is, “In Her Prime”. Hence, if an on-air Caucasian heterosexual guy had made the exact same comment about Nikki Haley, CNN most likely would’ve immediately TERMINATED him. Can you say, ‘Double Standard’?
Has CNN finally given Don Lemon the old ‘Heave Ho’? YouTube blogger, Liberal Hivemind weighs-in on the most recent turn of events surrounding this controversy.

When CNN’s Don Lemon recently referred to 51 yoa, Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley as being, ‘Past Her Prime’, why the BLEEP wasn’t he AT LEAST suspended, without Pay, for a few days and forced to immediately apologize to Ms. Haley for making such a, “Sexist” and ignorant comment? Or, is Lemon being given a “mulligan” here since he’s both Black & Gay, not to mention, Haley just happens to be a Republican — therefore, it’s no big deal? Are there any questions as to “WHY”, CNN consistently has such piss-poor TV ratings?

Podcaster Megyn Kelly puts Don Lemon in some Proper Perspective over his ‘Past Her Prime’ comments about Nikki Haley.

More from FOX News, as the ladies from ‘Outnumbered’, weigh-in with their thoughts of women, ‘Past their Prime’