Archives for posts with tag: Blacks

This past Saturday marked the 20th Anniversary commemorating the 9/11 tragedy, which Muslim terrorists wound up hijacking four (4) commercial planes out of Boston’s Logan Airport, crashing two of them into each of the Twin Towers of the then-World Trade Center in New York City, one of them into the Pentagon military headquarters building in Washington D.C., and the final one crashed in the community of Shanksville PA, after a number of passengers scuffled with the hijackers before crashing into its appointed target, which reportedly was the White House.

Approximately 3000 Americans were killed on the day between New York City, Pennsylvania, and Washington. Every year since September 9, 2001, a handful of media outlets continue to honor the memories of those who passed away on that fateful day. Many of them screaming out the credo, “Never Forget”, with the belief and hope something like this will NEVER happen again in the United States.

Also, what caught probably most American citizens totally off-guard on the 9/11 tragedy, it’s been quite a while since a foreign adversary ever successfully attacked our country here in the continental United States. I mean there have been attacks overseas on U.S. Embassies, military bases, and ships at sea, but never really on U.S. soil. This one hit a little too close to home.

Unfortunately, what has been just about totally forgotten here, deep within the past two decades, is what the creator of this particular Meme referred to as, “the America of 9/12”. More specifically, the immediate days, weeks, and months following this extremely tragic national incident back in 2001.

Personally, I’ve served in the Air Force with two years of that stint in the Philippines, and at no time in my life was I ever more “prouder to be an American” than about the six month span following 9/11. As the individual(s) who created this Meme so beautifully pointed out, at that particular time it didn’t matter if you were upper class or lower class, Democrat or Republican, Christian or Jewish, Black or White — suddenly, like nothing else before it, we were all, AMERICANS !!!

Un – BLEEPIN – believable !!!

What’s especially pathetic from that period about 6-7 months immediately following 9/11, it seemed like everybody and his brother had an American flag flying from their home, lawn, on a tee shirt, or maybe on a bumper sticker. Call it a sudden surge of Nationalism, or Patriotism but what the heck’s wrong with that?

Unfortunately, what the hell has happened to the USA since the 9/11 tragedy ??? Pro athletes, and Olympic athletes refuse to stand at attention during the playing of our National Anthem. Caucasian Americans are now being referred to as “White Supremacist” according to new U.S. historic doctrine known as ‘Critical Race Theory’, also according to the same CRT doctrine non Black citizens owe ALL Black citizens “Reparations” for having had their ancestors serve as Slaves approximately 200 years ago in the USA.

Unfortunately, the 20th Anniversary commemorating 9/11 was severely marred by a 20-year war in the Middle East (Afghanistan) that didn’t quite end to the Americans’ liking. About 13 U.S. military members were killed in a bombing outside one of the major airports, approximately a couple hundred U.S. civilians and Afghan allies were left “STRANDED” in Afghanistan AFTER the entire U.S. military had left that country, and oh yeah, an estimated $85 billion worth of U.S.. military equipment and weaponry was simply left behind and subsequently seized by the Muslim Taliban AFTER all our military troops had departed the country.

Bottom Line: It sure sounds more like a U.S. defeat as opposed to a U.S. victory, and according to most of the latest polls, more Americans DEFINITELY feel more unsafe now from being attacked by a foreign adversary than they did in 2001. Gee, I wonder why?

Why would any Black or Latino, with at least a half a brain in their head, vote for Biden for President on Nov. 3rd? Here we’ve got a video with Biden’s VP running mate, Kamala Harris giggling about incarcerating Parents in California whose children were guilty of Truancy from School.

Why I would say this would effect mostly Black and Latino kids is because affluent White kids usually never get nailed for skipping school.

The reason I would question Blacks or Latinos for voting for Biden for President is because most Americans don’t believe Biden is fit enough to complete the next four years as President, hence his VP running mate would take over.

In addition to this video, Kamala Harris also busted Black and Latino kids on Marijuana charges YET Harris freely admits herself that she often smoked Marijuana in college.


Free Lunch

Why didn’t I think of something like this?

It’s a sure fire way to score yourself a FREE meal at most pompous, arrogant restaurants in both Massachusetts and New Hampshire — order the most expensive steak dinner with all the trimmings, eat everything, then put on a red ‘Make America Great Again‘ ball cap, have the restaurant manager politely ask you to leave, and then not pay them a damn thing for the expensive meal you just ate.

What a country!

P.S. If the restaurant manager were to pull this same stunt with Blacks, Hispanics, or Homosexuals rather than President Trump supporters, they’d probably wind up getting sued — and appropriately so!


I realize that I’ve probably said this before here on this blog, but this whole issue has got to be the absolute epitome of ignorance.

If you’re going into an establishment like Starbucks and you’re waiting more than a couple (2-3) minutes to meet some individual(s) there, it’s just common courtesy (or maybe, common sense) to, at least, buy something like a small cup of coffee or a pack of gum to show you’re a good faith paying customer.

Otherwise, it’s blatant Loitering and Trespassing (or how about Theft?) to just simply take up a table, use the restroom facilities, use the WiFi, etc., under the guise of, “waiting for a friend”?

And if this situation isn’t stupid enough, since the two supposed “customers” in question both happened to be Black, a handful of social activists in Philadelphia are proclaiming this as a Racist issue against Starbucks.

So how does the owner of Starbucks remedy this situation? They immediately FIRED the Manager who had the Police remove these guys, and they plan on closing every Starbucks establishment this Sunday to give all the employees, “Sensitivity Training”. In addition, Starbucks allegedly plans to offer coupons to Black people for a free cup of small coffee, as part of a Reparation apology for what happened to the two guys in Philadelphia.

Un – BLEEPIN – believable!

If life were fair, some good attorney with testicular fortitude will represent the terminated former manager in a Wrongful Termination or Defamation of Character lawsuit and proceed to sue Starbucks for every penny they’re worth. It’ll serve them right for pulling a very stupid “Politically Correct” stunt like this.

We can only hope.