Archives for posts with tag: business

According to THIS scripture, Christianity is probably the ONLY Religion in the World, which Eternal Salvation is NOT based on “Works” (or anything we physically accomplish here on Earth) but rather our Faith that Jesus Christ died for our Sins & then rose from the Grave so that we might be forever eternally Saved.

In a situation like this in Oregon, aren’t the Gay and Lesbian communities coming off as their own worst enemies?

At last check isn’t someone’s wedding supposed to be a couple’s “perfect day”, yet instead, these particular Lesbians choose to make a “political statement” over them being discriminated against by a Christian-owned bakery. Is this what “true love” is all about?

In Nashua NH, for example, you’ve got at least a dozen bakeries listed in the phone book — most of which have great reviews on Yelp — that I’m sure would be more than happy to accommodate a Gay or Lesbian wedding if a Christian baker should refuse their business. I’m fairly certain that you’ve got the same bakery business type situation in that community in Oregon. Why not just patronize the business’ competition rather than making a Federal case out of the thing — ESPECIALLY on one’s Wedding Day????!!!

Also, have you noticed that Gays and Lesbians NEVER push Muslims for discrimination like they do with Christians? First of all, no court in the United States would ever want to “offend” anyone practicing the Muslim religion; and secondly, the Gay or Lesbian couple would probably fear “losing their heads” (or maybe something just as violent) at the hands of a Muslim business owner who staunchly still believes in Sharia Law.

Furthermore, didn’t former FOX News CEO Roger Ailes DISCRIMINATE for at least a couple decades when hiring female on-air personalities as attractive, voluptuous women who were “required” to wear short skirts and stiletto high heels on TV? Ditto, with the female waitresses working at Hooter’s Restaurants? Gimme a break.