Archives for posts with tag: Canada

So Paul Pelosi (husband of, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi) ACTUALLY KNEW the guy who attacked him with a hammer, David DePape, and when Police arrived at the Pelosi home, both men were there in their underwear. Just from THAT statement alone, doesn’t this story already sound like something REALLY BLEEPED UP? And now, I can ONLY ASSUME since the Democrats are about NINE days away from losing both houses of Congress, probably from doing such a BLEEPED up job, we actually have Political and Media nutjobs claiming David DePape was just a Right-Wing MAGA Activist trying to simulate a January 6th Insurrection attack on the Pelosi family. At this point, is it too much to ask to just WAIT FOR AN OFFICIAL POLICE REPORT before we establish any judgements on this situation? ESPECIALLY with a Crucial Midterm Election coming up on Nov. 8th, which I’m sure the Democrats would just LOVE to Manipulate just so they won’t look so stupid in the end ! Incidentally, the YouTube blogger who produced this particular video, Liberal Hivemind, is one of the more reputable investigative bloggers on the Internet. More on this story as it unfolds.

FOX News’s spin on the exact same controversy:
YouTube blogger Liz Wheeler weighs-in on the Paul Pelosi controversy
YouTube blogger Matt Christiansen does his spin on the Pelosi fiasco

$64,000 Question: If Canada can impose a Credit System like this against its Freedom Truckers, why couldn’t American Democrats impose a similar type thing against Republicans or any critics they just don’t like?