Archives for posts with tag: Chris Wallace
President Donald Trump (left), and challenger Joe Biden

(Actually, this was something that was posted by a Facebook Friend of mine. I DO NOT have a FB friend named, Mark Snyder. I will post the entire first Debate, of the 2020 Presidential campaign on the first response immediately underneath this particular Thread. Be sure to Vote on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd)

Mark Snyder

7 hrs  ·

Someone I know did a bit of homework on the Historically-Horrible First Debate. This is NOT my work. But, they did an amazing job. It’s fact-checked, as well. Here’s what they wrote:

I focused on details. I pulled out my stop watch and I timed every single word for each candidate. How long did they talk, how many times did they interrupt the other, etc.

Here are my findings. They are unbiased. I also included unbiased fact check that has also been peer reviewed and fact checked against many different articles and sources.

First is how much time did each candidate get to speak.

●  TRUMP had a total of 24 minutes and 9 seconds.

●  BIDEN had a total of 33 minutes and 4 seconds.

During this debate, each candidate and even the moderator interrupted the others substantially.

●  TRUMP interrupted Biden 64 times

●   BIDEN interrupted Trump 57 times

Moderator CHRIS WALLACE Interrupted

●  Trump — 21 times

●   Biden — 5 times

Both Candidates were asked questions regarding condoning/condemning hate groups .

●   TRUMP was asked if her would condemn white supremacists groups. Trump said “yea sure, I’m willing to do that” Chris Wallace asked again and Trump asked what group would you like me to say? Biden then retorted Proud Boys. Trump then said “Proud Boys Stand down and Stand By”

●   Biden was asked if he supported BLM, he did not answer nor did he even recognize the question about BLM

BIDEN   brought up his son and said that Trump called him a loser and his son was a hero who received a “Brown star” Trump responded by asking which son, he stated he didn’t know Beau but did know about Hunter and his dishonorable discharge as well as receiving 3.5 million dollars from Moscow.

●   There is no such thing as a “Brown star”. There is a Bronze Star, which is given for heroic acts. Beau Biden was presented with a Bronze Star for his service in 2008.

●   Trump’s camp has denied the report from The Atlantic that said Trump called dead WW1 soldiers losers . Those present that day all deny hearing Trump say that, including Trump nemesis John Bolton.

●   87 page Senate Report shown wire transfers to Hunter Biden from Elena Baturina, wife of former mayor of Moscow. Those transfers included 3.5 million in Feb. 2014. As well as “several payments of several hundred thousand dollars” in 2015.

Biden also claimed the US owes more money to China now than when Trump took office. (They do. PPE brought in to fight the virus from China was expensive!)

●   US debt is roughly 26 Trillion dollars. Of that Japan owns 5.2% and China owns 4.6%. Other countries also own substantial US debt including but not limited to UK, Brazil, Ireland, Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, Belgium, and Switzerland.

●   In Oct. 2016, China owns 1.12 Trillion of US debt.

●   As of Aug. 2020, China owns 1.7 Trillion of US debt.

BIDEN claimed that Antifa is “an idea not an organization. That’s what Trump’s FBI director said.”

Biden appeared to be referencing testimony by FBI Director Christopher Wray earlier this month during which he said Antifa was a “real thing” and that the FBI had undertaken “any number of properly predicated investigations into what we would describe as violent anarchist extremists,” including into individuals who identify with Antifa.

Antifa first had roots in Germany in the 20s/30s. The movement came to the US in the 70s/80s and gained notoriety and was more prominent in the last 10 years. While it started as an Anti Fascist movement, they have since became organized and have many cell groups such as Rose City Antifa out of Portland. Many of the cells claim organization status, receive many donations– as well as tax deductions.

I went through very thoroughly and documented insults, here is the following

●   TRUMP told Biden “There’s nothing smart about you” as a retort to Biden telling Trump to be smarter.

●   TRUMP also criticized Biden on rally attendance stating “If you could get the crowds, you would have done the same thing”.

●   TRUMP criticized Biden on wearing masks, saying “Every time you see him, he’s wearing a mask” “He could be speaking 200 feet away from it. And he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

●   BIDEN called Trump Racist

●   BIDEN called Trump a clown twice

●   BIDEN called Trump a liar

●   BIDEN referred to the President as “Donald”, “Old Buddy “, “This Man”, “Putin’s Puppy” on several occasions.

●   BIDEN told Trump that he was the “wrong guy, wrong night, wrong time”

●   BIDEN told Trump to “Keep yapping man”

●   BIDEN asked Trump “Will you shutup man?”

Those are the facts of the 1st Presidential Debate. I’m not sure this haze has lifted but I at least was able to clear it a little to get to the details. Until next week’s debate…God help us and May God Bless America. Let’s try to agree to disagree.

2020 Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden–j7C9EOvTuu8NBNxP3oRjS1Be10

September 30, 2020

Correct The Record: Biden Makes 33 False Or Misleading Claims At The Debate

It clearly states in the Bible, in both the New and Old Testament, “All Men (and Women) are Liars” — But for someone to spew out 33 Lies in a 90-minute time span is really abusing the privilege. Hey Joe Biden — C’mon Man!

The first 2020 Presidential Debate between Democratic nominee Joe Biden and Republican nominee (incumbent) Donald Trump took place on Tuesday, Sept. 29th, in Cleveland Ohio. FOX News TV host Chris Wallace served as Moderator for the event.

BIDEN: “I’m not opposed to the Justice.”

FACT: Biden and Harris have both publicly opposed Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court, despite glowing reviews from the legal community and her colleagues.

  • Biden put out a statement in opposition to Judge Barrett’s nomination.
  • Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, tweeted that she strongly opposed Judge Barrett’s nomination.

BIDEN: “There’s a hundred million people with preexisting conditions and [their insurance will] be taken away as well.”

FACT: Biden’s claim has been called “misleading,” and President Trump has said he will always protect Americans with pre-existing conditions.

  • Just last week, President Trump signed an Executive Order making it the official policy of the federal government to protect those with pre-existing conditions.

BIDEN: “So the thing that should happen is we should wait. We should wait and see what the outcome of this election is, because that is the only way the American people get to express their view, who they elect as president and who they elect as Vice President.”

FACT: History is on the side of filling the Supreme Court vacancy now, and Joe Biden previously said the President had an obligation to name a nominee, even in an election year.

  • There have been 29 prior Supreme Court vacancies in American history during a Presidential election year, and in all cases, the President nominated a Justice.
  • 17 out of 19 times the Senate has confirmed  the President’s Supreme Court nominee in an election year when the President’s party controls the Senate as it does today.
  • In 2016, Biden said that he supported confirming a Supreme Court Justice in an election year “even a few months before a presidential election.”
  • Biden in 2016: “In my view, [Senators] are required to give the nominee a hearing and a vote.”

BIDEN: “We expand Obamacare and we increase it. We do not wipe any and, one of the big debates we had, with 23 of my colleagues trying to win the nomination that I won, were saying Biden wanted to allow people to have private insurance still. They can. They do. They will.”

FACT: Biden’s public option will crowd out private health insurance plans.

  • Biden’s government-backed “public option” will crowd out private health insurance plans, destroying the health care that 180 million Americans rely on.
  • One of the architects of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, said a public option would crowd out private insurance.
  • In 2009, Barack Obama admitted that a “public option” could crowd out private insurance.

BIDEN: “He’s been promising a health care plan since he got elected. He has none, like almost everything else he talks about. He does not have a plan. He doesn’t have a plan.”

FACT: President Trump has a health care plan.

  • On September 24, President Trump unveiled his America First Health Care plan, outlining the key policies and reforms the President supports, including protecting Americans with pre-existing conditions.
  • In August, President Trump released his second term agenda, which includes health care as a central focus.

TRUMP: “You agreed with Bernie Sanders to the manifesto and now you’re disavowing it.” BIDEN: “There is no manifesto.”

FACT: There is a manifesto, and Biden’s campaign worked with Sanders’ associates to write it.

BIDEN: “What did he do? He went in, and he, we were insisting that the Chinese, the people we had on the ground in China should be able to go to Wuhan and determine for themselves how dangerous this was. He didn’t even ask [Chinese President] Xi to do that.”

FACT: The Trump Administration first tried to get American officials into China in early January; Biden didn’t call for sending experts into China until February 25, 50 days later.

  • This often repeated claim by Biden has been repeatedly debunked by fact-checkers.
  • CDC Director Robert Redfield offered to send CDC experts to China as early as January 4, and the issue was raised multiple times by Administration officials in the weeks after.
    • President Trump personally raised the issue in a call with Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
  • Biden did not call on China to admit U.S. experts until February 25, after U.S. officials were already on the ground.

WALLACE: “But you and Senator Harris are saying you can’t trust a scientist.” BIDEN: “No, you can trust a scientist. She didn’t say that.” WALLACE: “She said they would be ‘muzzled and suppressed.’” BIDEN: “Well, that’s what he’s going to try and do.”

FACT: President Trump has listened to scientists and public health experts every step of the way.

  • Dr. Fauci has said on multiple occasions that he has never been muzzled.
  • “Biden went too far when he claimed that Trump ‘hasn’t allowed his scientists to speak’ about the coronavirus.”

TRUMP: “But he wants to shut it [the economy] down.” BIDEN: “No.”

FACT: Biden and his campaign have admitted that he would potentially shut down the economy again.

  • In August, Joe Biden openly said that he was prepared to shut down the country again.
  • Biden campaign spokesperson Symone Sanders admitted that Biden would shut down the economy again.
  • Biden surrogate Senator Chris Coons admitted Biden would shut down the economy again.

WALLACE: “The president says it’s a V-shaped recovery, you say it’s a K-shaped recovery. What’s the difference?” BIDEN: “The difference is millionaires and billionaires like him in the middle of the Covid crisis have done very well.”

FACT: President Trump is leading an unprecedented economic recovery that is benefitting all Americans.

BIDEN: “He’s been totally irresponsible the way in which he has handled the social distancing and people wearing mask, basically encouraging them not to.”

FACT: President Trump has strongly advocated that Americans wear masks, and he has worn one himself many times.

  • In March, President Trump recommended that people could use a scarf as a mask.
  • In April, President Trump announced that the CDC was recommending wearing face masks.
  • In July, President Trump recommended that all Americans wear masks “whether they like the mask or not.”
  • In July, President Trump tweeted a photo of himself wearing a mask and said wearing masks is patriotic.

BIDEN: “[The Trump Administration has] done nothing to help small businesses. Nothing.”

FACT: President Trump’s Paycheck Protection Program was undeniably successful in keeping Americans employed and small businesses afloat during the pandemic.

BIDEN: “He pays less tax than a schoolteacher … This guy paid a total of $750 in taxes.””

FACT: President Trump has paid millions of dollars in taxes in 2016 and 2017.

  • President Trump paid millions in taxes during years that The New York Times falsely claimed that President Trump only paid $750 in federal taxes.

BIDEN: “The economy is busted.”

FACT: Before the coronavirus pandemic, President Trump built the greatest economy in American history, and he is working to bring it back.

  • Through the first three years of the Trump Administration, the U.S. economy saw nearly 7.3 million new jobs, higher growth, and a record setting stock market.
  • Workers saw higher wages, lower taxes, record low unemployment rates, and a thriving labor market.
  • 6.6 million Americans were lifted out of poverty and millions were lifted off food stamps.
  • In just four months, the economy has already recovered over 10.6 million jobs, nearly half the jobs lost due to the pandemic.

BIDEN: “We inherited the worst recession short of a depression in American history. I was asked to bring it back. We were able to have an economic recovery that created the jobs you’re talking about. We handed him a booming economy.”

FACT: Biden oversaw the slowest recovery since the Great Depression, leaving behind millions of hard-working Americans.

  • Joe Biden’s economic recovery was a once-in a century failure: he’s even said so himself.
  • Biden himself has admitted that many Americans “were left behind” during his recovery.

BIDEN: “My economic plan would create 7 million more jobs than his in four years”

FACT: Biden’s economic plans would destroy jobs and shrink the economy.

  • According to the Tax Foundation, Biden’s tax plan would destroy 585,000 full-time jobs.
    • Biden’s tax plan would shrink the economy by 1.5 percent.
  • According to the Penn-Wharton Budget Model, Biden’s tax plan would slow economic growth.

BIDEN: “My son did nothing wrong in Burisma.”

FACT: Multiple State Department officials expressed alarm about Hunter Biden’s financial dealings at the time, concerned over the clear conflict-of-interest.

BIDEN: “[President Trump] said there were very fine people on both sides.”

FACT: This is an often-repeated Biden lie; President Trump specifically condemned neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville.

TRUMP: “[Hunter Biden] got $3.5 million dollars.” BIDEN: “That is not true.”

FACT: The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee recently released a report saying that Hunter Biden’s firm did in fact receive $3.5 million from the wife of the Mayor of Moscow.

  • Biden’s firm, Rosemont Seneca Thornton, received a $3.5 million wire transfer in 2014 from Russian billionaire Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.

BIDEN: “Even before COVID, manufacturing went in the hole.”

FACT: Half a million manufacturing jobs were created during the first three years of the Trump Administration.

  • The economy added 510,000 new manufacturing jobs between President Trump’s Election and February 2020.
    • In 2018, the U.S. added 264,000 new manufacturing jobs, the best one-year total in 30 years.
  • The U.S. has added more than 13,000 factories under President Trump.
  • During the Obama-Biden Administration, the United states lost 192,000 manufacturing jobs.
    • During the Trump Administration’s first 37 months, manufacturing production grew at a rate 11 times greater than the last 37 months under the Obama-Biden Administration.

TRUMP: “I think it’s a party issue. You can bring in a couple of examples but when you look at Chicago, what’s going on in Chicago where 53 people were shot and eight died … If you look at New York where it’s going up like nobody has ever seen anything. Numbers are going up 100, 150, 200% crime.” BIDEN: “Republican cities.”

FACT: A vast majority of the most violent cities in the U.S. are cities run by Democrats.

  • 17 out of the top 20 most violent cities in the United States are Democratic-run cities, including Chicago and New York.

BIDEN: “His own former spokesperson said, ‘you know riots and chaos and violence help his cause’ … Kellyanne Conway said that.”

FACT: Biden misquoted and misconstrued comments from former Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway.

  • Conway was responding to a question about something Biden supporter Pete Buttigieg said, falsely blaming President Trump for the violence occurring in Democrat-run cities.
  • In response, Conway said “The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better is for the very clear choice on who’s best on public safety and law and order.”
  • This is not the first time Biden has misquoted Conway.

BIDEN: “Look, what I support is the police having the opportunity to deal with the problems they face. I am totally opposed to defunding the police officers.”

FACT: As Vice President, Joe Biden oversaw cuts in federal funding for state and local law enforcement, breaking a pledge to increase funding.

  • Biden said “yes, absolutely” when asked if he would redirect funding away from police to other government programs like housing.
    • Kamala Harris recently said a Biden-Harris Administration would “reimagine” public safety, which is the same language used by left-wing “defund the police” activists.
    • The Biden-Sanders unity platform’s proposed destruction of qualified immunity for police would financially eviscerate local police departments even further.
  • Biden cut police funding when he was Vice President.
    • Despite candidate-Biden’s promise in 2008 to fully fund the COPS program, the Obama-Biden Administration slashed COPS funding from $1.55 billion to $222 million.
    • At the time, police groups protested the Obama-Biden cuts, calling the funding reductions “simply irresponsible.”
    • Federal funding for state and local law enforcement fell during the Obama-Biden Administration.

BIDEN: “The fact is that I’ve gone head to head with Putin.”

FACT: Biden has a record of being weak on Russia.

  • The Russia “reset,” which Biden was the first Obama official to publicly propose, was a failure.
  • The Obama-Biden Administration refused requests by Ukraine for lethal weapons to use against Russian aggression in Crimea.
  • Russian election interference occurred on Biden’s watch.
  • In 2012, Biden mocked the idea that “Russia is still our major adversary,” saying Russia was “working closely with us.”

TRUMP: “…for cocaine use. And he didn’t have a job until you became Vice President.” BIDEN: “None of that is true.”

FACT: As was widely reported, in 2014 Hunter Biden was discharged from the military for cocaine use.

  • USA Today: “Biden, who had no prior military experience, was one of six officers commissioned nationally into the Navy Reserve public affairs division … Biden, 44, was discharged from the Navy Reserve in February.”
  • The Wall Street Journal: “Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter was discharged from the Navy Reserve this year after testing positive for cocaine.”

BIDEN: “The way you talk about the military, the way you talk about them being losers and being ah- and just being suckers.”

FACT: At least 14 officials who were on the trip to France with President Trump have gone on the record to refute the anonymous sources and allegations in The Atlantic article.

WALLACE: “You propose $2 trillion in green jobs, you talk about new limits, not abolishing, but new limits on fracking. Ending the use of fossil fuels to generate electricity by 2035 and zero net emission of greenhouse gases by 2050. The President says a lot of these things would tank the economy and cost millions of jobs.” BIDEN: “He is absolutely wrong.”

FACT: Biden’s energy plan would cost trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of jobs.

  • Biden admitted he would willingly “sacrifice” “hundreds of thousands” of fossil fuel jobs in pursuit of his anti-energy agenda.
  • Biden has made clear – he wants to “end” fossil fuels, saying they would have “no place” in a Biden presidency.
  • Biden has said he would “love to make sure we can’t use any oil or gas, period” and that he would “make sure” fossil fuels and fracking are “eliminated.”
  • Biden has vowed that there would be no place for fracking in a Biden Administration, saying it would be “eliminated.”
  • Biden has proposed completely eliminating oil, gas, and coal from the U.S. power grid by 2035.
    • Prior estimates show eliminating oil, gas, and coal from the U.S. energy grid would cost anywhere from $4.5 trillion to $5.7 trillion, with an average cost of $35,000 per household.

BIDEN: “That is not my plan. The Green New Deal is not my plan.”

FACT: Joe Biden has embraced the Green New Deal in all but name.

  • Biden’s own climate plan on his website cites the Green New Deal as a “crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face.”
  • The Washington Post: “Joe Biden is embracing the framework of the Green New Deal in his bid for the White House…”
  • Inside Climate News: “In embracing it, he proclaimed his support for the central principles … of the Green New Deal.”

TRUMP: “What he did is he said, he called the military ‘stupid bastards.’” BIDEN: “That is not true.”

FACT: In March 2016, Biden called service members “stupid bastards” during a speech at Al Dhafra Air Base in the United Arab Emirates.

BIDEN: “You don’t have to solicit the ballot, it’s sent you—it’s sent to your home. What we are saying is, they are saying it has to be postmarked by Election Day. If it doesn’t get in until the seventh, eighth, ninth, it still should be counted. He’s just afraid of counting the votes because of the outcome.”

FACT: Biden is wrong that states with mass vote by mail require postmarks; Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court explicitly said ballots, even those without postmarks, will be assumed to be valid.

  • The Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently ruled that ballots received up to three days after Election Day, even if they’re not postmarked, must be counted.
  • In Wisconsin, ballots that were not postmarked in time for an April 7 ballot-measure election were counted in some counties.

BIDEN: “[Judge Amy Coney Barrett] thinks that the Affordable Care Act is not constitutional.”

FACT: Judge Amy Coney Barrett has not expressed a view about the Constitutionality of Obamacare or about the current case pending before the Supreme Court.

BIDEN: “We have a higher deficit with China now than we did before.”

FACT: The trade deficit with China is falling and “fell sharply” in 2019.

BIDEN: “The fact of the matter is violent crime went down 17%, 15%, in our administration.”

FACT: Fact checkers have said this claim is “overstated,” and violent crime rose by more than 4 percent during the last two years Biden was Vice President.

One of my favorite YouTube blogs is some lady named Mandy, who runs something called, Body Language Ghost. A couple interesting points she brings out from the first Presidential debate is the fact that Joe Biden was probably wearing an earpiece because there were obvious points in this debate, which Biden was obviously looking away from either Donald Trump, Moderator Chris Wallace, or even the camera, and sometimes even talking like that. Also, sometimes when Biden was laughing during Trump’s comments would indicated that Sleepy Joe was, in essence, trying to squelch the Lie. Enjoy

I’ve got to agree 110 percent with this YouTube blogger, Liberal Hivemind, in that after the first Presidential Debate on Tuesday, Sept. 29, Joe Biden’s campaign will be OVER for all intents and purposes.

If the “Polls” still show Biden leading in the first week of October, that’s all the PROOF you’ll need to know that those Polls are “Rigged“. Aside from having to use a Teleprompter to answer “set-up” questions by equally “set-up Reporters” at staged Press Conferences, I don’t believe Chris Wallace (scheduled to serve as the Moderator for the first Debate) will take any bullCRAP from either Trump or Biden.

Don’t get me wrong, had he run for President four years ago, Joe Biden would most likely be the President right now. Unfortunately, it’s now 2020 and Biden is no longer even in the same weight class as Trump.

Physically, Sleepy Joe seems fine, he’ll probably live well into his 90’s, maybe even 100-something. It’s the stuff between his ears that might be his downfall. And if Biden chooses to take House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s advice and simply, Not Show Up to the Debates, that might prove to be a more stupid choice than just showing up and trying the best he can to compete with President Trump.

Can Chris Wallace justifiably be called, The Brian Stelter of FOX News? I don’t know, but maybe Donald Trump was a lot better off to do a show with Wallace than anybody on CNN or MSNBC.

I believe Trump when he questions the current Polls, especially when I thought Hillary Clinton of four years ago was a much better candidate than Joe Biden is now. Secondly, I definitely question the Polls which indicate that more people consider Trump’s Dementia as being far worse than that of Biden’s.

I’m glad Trump publicly challenged Biden to take the same Cognitive test Trump took and aced at the Walter Reed Army Hospital.

I don’t believe Biden could pass a test like that, there’s obviously a reason why his supporters want to keep him in his Basement rather than the campaign trial, and come debate time, Biden will be faced with a rather horrific choice not showing up and embarrassing himself, OR, actually debating Trump and embarrassing himself even more.

Is Joe Biden REALLY AGAINST Defunding the Police, OR, is he just playing Semantics with the Pro Law Enforcement community?

Yesterday’s interview with Chris Wallace defending Biden against Trump claiming Sleepy Joe never made such as statement does contradict when Biden was discussing the matter with some guy afflicted with ALS, which Biden clearly assured the man that funds targeted for Police Department support could be used elsewhere.

But the blogger on this video, Millennial Millie points out that the joint document — authored by Biden and Bernie Sanders — that Wallace cited, stated something called, “transformative justice” and as Millie said, this was nothing more than a ploy to divert attention from actually defunding the Police.

Millie further said, Biden and his allies weren’t going to screw you, up front, but telling you exactly what they planned to do. Hence the need for Biden to get the heck out of his basement and explain to us further what he means by “transformative justice”.

I whole-heartily agree with the blogger in this video clip, Conservative Resurgence — this interview with Chris Wallace PROVES it’s absolutely useless to cut the time of the actual debates to allow for “Fact Checking” is just ridiculous!

When you’ve got someone like Biden, who literally flip-flops on issues like, Defunding the Police, — which statements do you pick that he’s against it, and which statements do you pick that he’s for it???

Furthermore, I would agree with Laura Ingraham that there shouldn’t even be Moderators asking 5-6 minute questions and expecting only 30 second long responses from the candidates.

The Debate should just be contained between Trump and Biden, with ZERO Moderators asking them long-winded questions.