Archives for posts with tag: Conservative Resurgence
‘My Pillow’ CEO Mike Lindell pays his Last Respects to his only real rival, ‘Good Pillow LLC’

Personally, I think the biggest BLEEPHOLE in Democrat Politics right now is David Hogg, He’s even a bigger sleazeball than Hunter Biden — it’s not even close!

If you recall the Parkland High School shooting in Florida about four years ago, Hogg sort of served as the “Unofficial Spokesperson” for the rest of his classmates, even though he didn’t seem to be shot at all.

Then about three years ago, FOX News TV show host Laura Ingraham joked on air about Hogg being rejected from a college or two due to low SAT scores, so Hogg retaliated against Ingraham by urging her show’s advertisers to drop their ads.

Now, in the same spirit of screwing people over, Hogg is planning to start a Pillow company in a vain attempt to put Mike Lindell, CEO of the My Pillow company out of business. Aside from the fact that, My Pillow was one of Laura Ingraham’s advertisers back in 2018 (and still is currently), Lindell had the audacity to support Donald Trump as President (Heaven forbid!).

Needless to say, I hope and pray Mike Lindell kicks Mr. Hogg’s pathetic butt in the Pillow manufacturing business, up one side and down the other. I just have ZERO respect for little arrogant jerks like David Hogg.

Update: 3/21/21 — Hogg’s ‘Cancel Culture’ attempt FAILS; Good Pillow company TERMINATED

NEWS FLASH: The Democrat’s ‘Cancel Culture’ just experienced a major setback when one of its most popular advocates recently got Kicked in the Crotch (figuratively speaking) after vowing to the world he was going to put a Trump-supporting businessman literally Out of Business.

Parkland School shooting survivor David Hogg (even though he was NOT even in the same building when convicted Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz went on his shooting spree) recently announced that he planned to start a successful Pillow company, hoping to put My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, who’s also a staunch Donald Trump supporter, literally Out of Business.

Hogg had planned to call his company, Good Pillow, and after a couple months, or maybe it was just weeks, Hogg probably figured that developing a successful Pillow company was a lot tougher than it looked. The public humiliation couldn’t have happened to a bigger jerk.

Here’s a video (in Comment section below) by Author, Commentator, and YouTube Blogger Dinesh D’Souza explaining in more detail what exactly happened with Mr. Hogg’s ‘Good Pillow’ company.

This YouTube blogger, Conservative Resurgence has an excellent spin on Biden throwing out a lame excuse to avoid the inevitable embarrassment and humiliation of going up against Donald Trump, one-on-one, in a 90-minute nationally televised debate.

And then after Tuesday night, Biden will get to debate Trump again in two more similar type debates before the Nov. 3rd Election.

Personally, I think Biden will do ANYTHING POSSIBLE to shirk himself from actually facing Trump and OPENLY DISCLOSING HIS DEMENTIA PROBLEM to the whole world. For example, with about 42 days left till the Election, why doesn’t Biden hold Press Conferences with members of the Media asking any questions they want?

Granted, in his last debate with Bernie Sanders, Biden did much better than he did in his earlier debates, but he’s a complete imbecile if he assumes Trump is going to hold back any attacks in this type of candidate’s forum. If Trump didn’t show any Mercy against women like Hillary Clinton or Carly Fiorina four years ago, why would we expect him to hold back against a guy?

Also, a lot of Polls still show Biden with about a 10 point lead over Trump — a poor pathetic showing could reverse that statistic real quick.

Bottom Line: I’ll have my Popcorn and Fresca all set to woof down this Tuesday night, but if for some weird, bizarre reason ‘The Debate’ never quite takes place, I won’t be too disappointed.

As Jesus Christ once told the Apostle Peter (according to the Bible), “If you live by the Sword, you shall die by the Sword.” So if Donald Trump’s critics want to use Anonymous sources against him, then it’s only fair that an Anonymous ex Joe Biden staffer can go on the Record to talk about Sleepy Joe’s “early cognitive decline”.

I will say, having a relative myself who suffered and then eventually died from Alzheimer’s disease, if this is from a totally fabricated source then, like the blogger of this YouTube video Conservative Resurgence said, they’re definitely a damn good Liar. So according to this anonymous source, Biden has some “good days” and “bad days”, which is true till the full-blown Alzheimer’s kicks in.

On his “good days”, Biden will do his Press Conferences with the aid of a Teleprompter. One of the side effects to the medication Biden is taking includes frequent bathroom visits, which explains why he chooses to walk off stage rather than take questions either from the Press or from the audience.

When Biden appears to be experiencing a “bad day”, when one day recently he was talking about debating Senator Gary Hart, who was one of Biden’s main opponents in the ’88 Democratic Primary, which was when Biden first ran for President.

This anonymous source also mentioned that some of the staffers held a meeting to specifically discuss what type of Adult Diaper would best hide Biden’s urination problem underneath his pants? I can only assume from what this blogger was saying, if Biden wakes up the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 29th (in about two weeks), and talks about debating Gary Hart, one of the main staffers will probably announce that Sleepy Joe can’t debate Trump because he just caught COVID-19, or some lame excuse like that.

I also agree with this blogger that if this is true, shame on his wife, Jill Biden for subjecting her husband to this potential ridicule. According to this individual, Conservative Resurgence, claims that Jill Biden desperately wants to become First Lady. Well, if this story is true — and we’ve already discovered that Biden staffers have lied about Joe using a Teleprompter when answering questions in interviews — then this story is just absolutely sick to make Joe go through all this.

So it’s been almost 3 months since George Floyd was senselessly killed by a white Police officer in Minneapolis thus sparking a rash of equally senseless Riots, Looting, Killing, Vandalism, etc., in some of the major U.S. cities — When has a Democratic political leader stepped up and even publicly denounced that type of behavior? So here we’ve got this young Black lady, Kim Klacik, running as a Republican in Maryland’s 7th District exposing Baltimore’s problem in an ad that’s on the verge of going Viral — What’s wrong with this picture? I sure hope and pray that Ms. Klacik gets her shot in the House of Representatives come this January.

Say what you will about Donald Trump but at least he spends about 30-45 minutes answering Reporters’ questions at the end of a Press Conference. When are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris going to do likewise? Especially now that we’re within three (3) months of the Election, as Challengers, they can’t afford to shirk off questions from the Media following a Press Conference. In that regard, they’re 180 degrees opposite from Trump and that should be deemed as totally unacceptable to the average American voter. The YouTube blogger, Conservative Resurgence, did an excellent job in this video illustrating this dilemma.

Can Chris Wallace justifiably be called, The Brian Stelter of FOX News? I don’t know, but maybe Donald Trump was a lot better off to do a show with Wallace than anybody on CNN or MSNBC.

I believe Trump when he questions the current Polls, especially when I thought Hillary Clinton of four years ago was a much better candidate than Joe Biden is now. Secondly, I definitely question the Polls which indicate that more people consider Trump’s Dementia as being far worse than that of Biden’s.

I’m glad Trump publicly challenged Biden to take the same Cognitive test Trump took and aced at the Walter Reed Army Hospital.

I don’t believe Biden could pass a test like that, there’s obviously a reason why his supporters want to keep him in his Basement rather than the campaign trial, and come debate time, Biden will be faced with a rather horrific choice not showing up and embarrassing himself, OR, actually debating Trump and embarrassing himself even more.

Reason #997 to reelect Donald Trump on Nov. 3rd: The Preservation of the Second Amendment What happened to this St. Louis couple should NEVER EVER happen to any law abiding American citizen in this country. Joe Biden — if he’s elected President — has already appointed Beto O’Rourke to seize everybody’s firearm soon after being sworn into office. If you’re not familiar with what happened to the McCloskeys, please watch this video a couple times and let it all sink in.


