Archives for posts with tag: fact checkers

This is basically how I feel about trying to defend Bible scripture: I just hold it forth to people, and the Truth of the statement (or maybe God Himself) will hopefully work in the Hearts and Minds of the individual(s) to bring it into full Fruition. Hence, the whole concept of “Fact Checkers” are just basically Useless!

Kyle Rittenhouse justifiably should’ve been given a Medal for shooting and killing these two scumbags!!!

Any questions on “WHY” these Facebook Fact Checkers choose NOT to engage in an open debate with Yours Truly but instead just block my Meme from any public view and then hit me with a three (3) day suspension from posting anything because I supposedly violated Facebook’s rule on promoting “violent” content?

Kyle Rittenhouse is looking more and more like the late, great actor Charles Bronson during all those vigilante “Death Wish” movies. I think one question that readily comes to mind while watching all the video tape evidence played in court thus far — Where the heck were all the Wisconsin police during this (not so) peaceful protest???

For the life of me, I can’t see how any Jury with any brains will convict Mr. Rittenhouse of even one of the three “murders” that they’re currently talking about in this trial.



I can only assume things must really suck around Facebook these days especially when President Joe Biden is literally falling apart at the seams over how the American military is supposed to depart the country of Afghanistan on Tuesday, August 31st (2021).

Facebook, if you recall, screwed its own reputation as a media entity the year before (2020) when it claimed the New York Post newspaper Lied about Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, specifically about losing his laptop and having some very incriminating evidence against both Joe and his son.

In this particular case, Facebook attempted to block two of my posted Memes claiming the person in question never actually made the comments it said it made. First we had President Biden, who was then a candidate for President on Oct. 24, 2020 who publicly said on a campaign video: “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive, Voter Fraud organization in the history of American Politics.”

The second Meme which Facebook claimed was a totally fabrication was a quote by the Greek philosopher Socrates, “When the Debate is lost, Slander becomes the Tool of the Losers.”

Now ever since the November 3, 2020 election, many America voters are very sensitive that Biden and his supporters “stole” the election victory from them. But making a Federal case over Socrates — even though the quote in question checks out in ‘Bartletts’ Book of Familiar Quotes‘.

Ayn Rand was a writer and philosopher, who was born in Russia but her work wasn’t exactly on the same plateau as Karl Marx. Ms. Rand authored several best-selling American novels, and a couple of Broadway plays. She wasn’t known for having any politically-radical viewpoints and she died in New York city back in ’82 at age 77.

The reason I bring all this up is because earlier this week, I posted the aforementioned Meme on my Facebook page, alongside a quote that’s been attributed to Rand in Brainy Quote, Good Reads, as well as a few other sources. Specifically, the quote in question is as follows:

“The question isn’t who is going to let me — it’s who is going to stop me?”

As soon as I submitted the Meme to be posted on my Facebook page, lo and behold the Facebook Fact-Checkers had the Meme shaded with comments of their own claiming that Ms. Rand never said that.

I realize that since the 2020 Presidential election, the Facebook Fact Checkers have been in full-force to immediately jump in and refute anybody who had the audacity to claim Joe Biden cheated to win the Presidency, or maybe that COVID vaccinations are nothing more than a hoax. But this particular quote from a woman who died nearly 40 years ago — it’s a little stupid and irresponsible for Facebook to just automatically step in and Censor.

And as you might’ve guessed, it’s not as if these Fact-Checkers hung around to respond to back-and-forth questions with somebody like myself. They just simply shaded the Meme, posted their comments, and then they were no where to be found.

Are there any questions as to WHY American voters need to Elect Republican Senators and Congressmen in next year’s (2022) Mid-term Elections so they’ll hopefully start regulating Big Tech (like Facebook) and hold these shysters legally accountable for their actions?

As I mentioned earlier, Ms. Rand was born in Russia and then immigrated here to the USA from that country. Despite the fact that there was ZERO reference to Russia in the aforementioned Meme, Facebook management, as with the majority of Democrat politicians, falsely accused then-president Donald Trump of being entrenched with Russian-collusion throughout most of his term in office with ZERO evidence to ever substantiate that claim.

I can only assume that an organization like Facebook will do anything and everything to divert attention away from Joe Biden — who has just been doing a piss-poor job as President thus far.

Meme which Facebook “supposedly” Fact Checked

So here we go yet again with the Facebook Fact Checkers literally coming off half-cocked to a Meme I posted on Facebook, along with a few comments I added about the fact that I was 100 percent in favor of ‘Boycotting’ the national sandwich franchise chain, Subway for hiring Soccer legend Megan Rapinoe as its latest National Spokesperson.

[How the heck does ‘Subway’ come up with their “official” spokespersons? About a year or so ago, they had some guy named, Jared, whom they fired due to the fact that he was a soon-to-be-convicted Pedophile. So now we’ve got a woman, Megan Rapinoe, who is actually an excellent soccer player, who won’t extent to standing at attention during the playing of our National Anthem. Oh well, whatever Ms. Rapinoe’s hang up is with America, Subway needs to be boycotted till at least they get rid of her.]

The Facebook Fact Checkers then accused me of posting a “false” information because — according to the newspaper, USA Today — Megan Rapinoe never “stomped” on an American flag. There’s just one itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny problem with that last statement — I NEVER accused or insinuated Ms. Rapinoe of “stopping” on an American flag. And what’s probably even more pathetic, the Facebook Fact Checkers never offered a phone number or an email address for any type of back-and-forth dialogue between us.

Just to set the record straight here, I have ZERO respect for any athlete who chooses to kneel down during the playing of the National Anthem. With that said, I absolutely choose NOT to patronize the Subway sandwich franchise chain AT LEAST until it hires a National Spokesperson who admires and respects the United States of America. The following comments in italics I soon posted in response to being “fact checked” and getting shaded over half the post calling it a lie

Hey Facebook Fact Checker, there’s a HUGE 180 degree difference between someone who “stomps on an American flag” versus someone who “kneels down during the playing of the National Anthem”. Please Re-Read what I wrote in the Meme. Why doesn’t Facebook hire another group of Fact Checkers just to check on all the screw-ups you guys make?