Archives for posts with tag: Lie
Was Ms. Hutchinson “intimate” with either White House Deputy Chief of Staff Tony Ornato, or Secret Service Agent Bobby Engel? Was it normal for Engel to freely disclose the circumstances of something that was said & done between him and the President of the United States? What exactly made Hutchinson “assume” she would continue to work as Chief of Staff Mark Meadow’s assistant AFTER Trump lost the Presidency in 2020? Why weren’t either Ornato or Engel ever subpoenaed to testify before the House January 6th Committee? Why do you supposed ALL the Testimonies and Videotapes destroyed just after Trump was Indicted if all this “EVIDENCE” was so compelling and damning against the then-President? As far as the one individual who was actually SHOT & KILLED at the January 6th Insurrection – Ashlii Babbitt – did Hutchinson ever talk to either Ornato or Engel about Ms. Babbitt or her murderer, Capitol police lieutenant Michael Byrd? Lastly, where is the videotape “EVIDENCE” that Rudy Guiliani “Groped” Ms. Hutchinson during the January 6th Insurrection? One more question just for laughs & giggles – if you’re serving as a Juror in a Court Hearing, and you’re listening to a witness say either, “I don’t know”, or, “I don’t Recall” OVER 100 TIMES, would YOU automatically Disqualify that person as an Incompetent or Irrelevant Witness? And, oh yeah, how the heck is Ms. Hutchinson supposed to be any more “credible” or “believable” than Tara Reade, who was an Intern to then-Senator Joe Biden and accused him of Sexually Assaulting her? I rest my case.
YouTube blogger Mark Dice weighs-in on Cassidy Hutchinson’s new book.

YouTube blogger Mark Dice speaks THE TRUTH about the Defamation of Character lawsuit, Dominion Voting Machines vs. FOX News, specifically regarding the reporting of FOX anchors: Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham during the 2020 Presidential election. Enjoy:

If you’re going to make a YouTube video featuring a lot of the great Inventions made by Black people, is it sort of important to be Honest & Tell the Truth? YouTube blogger Andrew of the Podcast, ‘Don’t Walk, Run! Production’, proceeds to Debunk another popular Video called, ‘A Day in the Life Without Black Inventions’. Aside from February being, Black History Month, it’s pretty interesting to learn how much people can really believe about some of these videos if they’d just take the time and effort to research a few of these claims on their own.

President Joseph Robinette Biden sure has a lot of explaining to do in the Transparency department
New York Post, front page, 5-19-22

$64,000 Question: Why can’t great daily Newspapers of about 25 years ago — like the Boston Globe, NH Union-Leader, or even, the Lowell Sun — ever publish on its Front Page, THE TRUTH OF WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING RIGHT NOW IN AMERICA!!!

Ya know, sort of like the New York Post did in its publication this morning. Instead, we get all these once great newspapers tell us day-after-day, year-after-year that these BLATANT LIES like that Joe Biden is the “greatest President in U.S. History”, when truth be told, nothing could be further from the truth!!!


$64,000 Question: How does Hunter Biden, son of President Joseph Robinette Biden, get to LIE on a gun registration application regarding his past Drug conviction, while anybody else would face some serious Prison time in light of such an impropriety?

Also, since this story broke earlier today by a popular Liberal website, why wasn’t President Biden asked about this incident with his son during his Press Conference this afternoon? In light of the two Mass Shooting which took place in Atlanta and Colorado over the past week, lying on a Gun Application should be construed as a Felony — why wasn’t this question asked of the President?

The crew on, ‘The Five’ on FOX News break down the situation quite well on their show. One of the co-host on, ‘The Five’, Dana Perino brought up an excellent point in this particular segment, that this incident happened in 2018, when the Bidens were no longer under Secret Service protection — so were the Secret Service working “privately” or “off-the-clock” to retrieve Hunter Biden’s gun, along with its registration? If so, what would prompt the Secret Service to do that? Another panelist on, ‘The Five’, Jesse Watters referred to Hunter Biden as a chaotic person that everybody needs to clean up after. Co-host Greg Gutfeld said that every family has a “Hunter Biden”, but in the Biden family, Hunter wasn’t just its “Black Sheep” — he was the whole flock. Gutfeld added that Hunter Biden is a “prime manipulator”.

The video last a little more than six (6) minutes and it is rather fascinating to watch and listen to.