Archives for posts with tag: fake news

Get a load of this video that depicts Joe Biden & our Mainstream Media BLATANTLY LYING before the 2020 Presidential Election. They obviously got the WRONG President up on 4 very Phony-Baloney indictment charges

Approximately 95 percent of Christo Aivalis’ YouTube videos have had AT LEAST some mention of former President Donald Trump, despite the fact that Trump as been a “Private Citizen” now for almost three (3) years. In this photo, Mr. Aivalis appears here as if he’s Constipated or something.

This is what I posted on this particular YouTube video by Mr. Aivalis. As you might’ve already guessed, Christo never bothered to respond to my comments – probably because this little jerk doesn’t have the “Testicular Fortitude” to do so.

First of all, Christo, in this 15 minute video, Congresswoman Bobert was NEVER ‘pelted with food by the audience, from head-to-toe’. Secondly, you titled this video, “Lauren Boebert has been ARRESTED with Her Kids in the Car!”-Another LIE by Mr. Aivalis! “When” & “Where” did U.S. Rep ever get “ARRESTED”, Christo? Lastly, you’re here bitching about Boebert bringing up Donald Trump since he’s been a “Private Citizen” now for almost 3 years – let’s get Honest here, Christo, Donald Trump’s activity has consisted of AT LEAST 95% of YOUR STUPID Blog! Perhaps you ought to do a Blog on how your own Blog here on YouTube really SUCKS!

Was it comparable to, 9/11 ? How about, Pearl Harbor? Exactly, how many people were “Killed” in that event? Were there ever any “Weapons” confiscated during that thing? More importantly, why are the Democrats REFUSING to publicly release any Videotapes of this “horrific” day at the Capitol building? In other words, could the January 6th Insurrection (a.k.a., J6) possibly be the biggest, “Nothing Burger” in U.S. History? YOU tell ME !!!

So let me see if I’ve got this straight — is it in “poor taste”, or just plain “ignorant” for any American to publicly say, “Joe Biden has ‘early Alzheimer’s disease'”, or even “early Cognitive decline”? REALLY? Remember just a couple years ago, when Liberal journalists and pundits said basically the same thing about then-President Donald Trump? YouTube blogger, Trump Fan Network 2, did an EXCELLENT compilation video of a side-by-side comparison of various “media pundits” throwing their “Alzheimer’s shots” at Trump & Biden during various stages of their respective administrations. Enjoy:

For those who miss former CNN show host, Brian Stelter, who had a Media show on that network titled, ‘Reliable Sources’, please regard this 43-minute video as sort of like a belated Christmas gift to yourself.

YouTube blogger Mark Dice was notorious for doing Brian Stelter impersonations while he was still employed with the extremely low-rated Clown News Network, which might speak volumes as to “WHY” CNN opted to simply give Stelter is “walking papers”.

The following is a compilation of some best Brian Stelter impersonations, Mark Dice has in his files. As you’re watching this Video, can YOU believe that famed Ivy League school, Harvard University in Cambridge Mass., honestly hired Stelter after his CNN termination to serve as a Professor in that Institution?

Enjoy everybody:

New York Post, front page, 5-19-22

$64,000 Question: Why can’t great daily Newspapers of about 25 years ago — like the Boston Globe, NH Union-Leader, or even, the Lowell Sun — ever publish on its Front Page, THE TRUTH OF WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING RIGHT NOW IN AMERICA!!!

Ya know, sort of like the New York Post did in its publication this morning. Instead, we get all these once great newspapers tell us day-after-day, year-after-year that these BLATANT LIES like that Joe Biden is the “greatest President in U.S. History”, when truth be told, nothing could be further from the truth!!!


Awakened With JP
Mark Dice
The Jimmy Dore Show
Ben Shapiro
CBS News

Can you say, “Fake News”? Well, former President Donald Trump was 100 percent correct on the new nickname of CNN. When one young Illegal Alien girl is seen being rescued by three different men and, miraculously, is all caught by CNN. It sort of begs the question if this girl ever needed to be rescued in the first place. Un – BLEEPIN – belivable!!!