Archives for posts with tag: honesty
President Joseph Robinette Biden sure has a lot of explaining to do in the Transparency department

I probably should start off with a disclaimer on this particular commentary as the blogger of this video, Pastor Justin Peters was very apologetic trying not to offend anyone with this editorial content, but it does concern traditional dogma that has never really been addressed by either of the Christian or Catholic church, so please try to view it from a Biblical perspective and watch the entire video before you draw any conclusions.

Wow, this is a really tough subject to deal with — ESPECIALLY if you’re a Christian. When both my sons were toddlers, I probably asked them if they were excited about Santa Claus coming down the chimney on Christmas Eve. Neither of my sons have made me a Grandparent yet, but I’m debating if I want to voluntarily put any of my future Grandchildren through the same “Lie” I put both my sons through about a decade ago.

I have the utmost respect for the Minister who did this approximate 45 minute video on this very same topic, Justin Peters. The video titled, ‘Santa Pause’ addresses the strong parallel between Santa Claus and God, indicating it could be construed as idolatry, and how on the two most revered Christian holidays, Christmas and Easter, there seems to be a fictional character serving in the roll as God. The character representing Easter, of course, is the Easter Bunny.

Let’s get real — how many current Christmas movies (or TV holiday specials) are REALLY about the Birth of Jesus Christ? Or what about the vast majority of Christmas carols, which fill the radio airwaves usually between Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) and December 25th (the traditionally recognized day of Christmas)? It seems like Jesus has taken a backseat to not only Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but also Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman. I think “commercialization” is the word I’m looking for here.

Whatever happened to once popular Christian cliches around this time of year like: ‘Jesus is the Reason for the Season’, ‘Keep Christ in Christmas’, or how about, ‘Wise Men Still Seek Him’?

Lastly, I really hate to insert Politics into a commentary like this, however, our very probably soon-to-be-departing President, Donald Trump brought back, when he was first elected to public office, the traditional phrase, Merry Christmas without any fear of possibly violating, “Political Correctness”. Next year at this time, will we Americans start hearing President Joe Biden (or maybe President Kamala Harris) revert back to saying, Happy Holidays? What the hell is Happy Holidays supposed to signify, anyways?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject. As for myself, I sort of wish Peters, or somebody like him, had made a video like this years ago. Merry Christmas, everybody.