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$64,000 Question: If you want to Impeach a Politician over Treason, why not prosecute one who ACTUALLY COMMITTED ‘TREASON’? For example, like a Congressman who engaged in Sexual Relations with a female Chinese spy and continues to serve on the House Intelligence Committee?

U.S. Rep Eric Swalwell of California is personally suing former President Donald Trump for “Inciting an Insurrection” on the Capitol Congressional building last January 6th. Swalwell also served on the House Impeachment Committee prosecuting the exact same charge against Trump about a month ago before the U.S. Senate. As you might’ve already guessed, the Senate failed to Impeach Trump from any of his Presidential benefits, hence, I assume now he wants to fly solo in another effort to bring Trump to his proverbial knees and maybe legally prevent him from running for President yet again four years from now in 2024.

Did I mention that Swalwell actually tried running for President himself last year but wound up dropping out long before the Iowa Caucus due to the fact that he couldn’t even get one (1) percent in the Polls?

Like I asked earlier and is also mentioned on this Meme, why don’t they hang Swalwell from the highest tree for HIS personal involvement with Treason? Instead, the House renews his position on its Intelligence committee. Stupid, stupid, stupid!