Archives for posts with tag: Ilhan Omar

I guess I can’t win when it comes to Minnesota U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. You know the one I’m talking about — the bimbo who described 9-11 as, “somebody did something“. Apparently, when I tried posting the aforementioned Meme to my Facebook page, their ‘Fact Checkers’ apparently disagreed with her being arrested 23 times. But since this same Social Media outlet claimed I lied about a Meme, which claimed that then-candidate Joe Biden never said that he agreed if an 8-year-old child wanted transgender surgery in a Presidential debate — DESPITE THE FACT BIDEN ACTUALLY SAID THAT — I would definitely like the research of a few different “fact checkers” other than the ones associated with Facebook. So the date Facebook declared this untrue was on Saturday, 2-27-21. The following was what I also posted with my message to this Meme:

If life was Fair, which it obviously is not, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar would marry Congressman Eric Swalwell and those two would unhappily live together for the remainder of their very loathsome, pathetic lives. Unfortunately, scumbag BLEEPholes like these usually wind up marrying nice, wholesome individuals who wind up getting screwed over in the process. Why is it that a nice Congresswoman like Marjorie Taylor Greene gets screwed over from serving on any House committees, while jerks like Swalwell and Omar serve on any committees they wish? Oh well.

Memo to Self: Stay the Hell out of Minneapolis!

Derek Chauvin is a scumbag dirty Cop who should get the Death Penalty for killing George Floyd, and his three accomplices ought to get AT LEAST 10 years apiece in Prison for allowing it all to happen — No doubt about it.

But those jerks are NOT typical Police Officers, they’re the rare exception. Now, the Minneapolis City Council is seriously debating Defunding, or maybe even Abolishing, its Police force? It’s the Absolute Epitome of Insanity! Unfortunately, sometimes Insane ideas become Reality.

Incidentally, who do you suppose is the U.S. Congress member representing Minneapolis? Why it’s Ilhan Omar, who’s leading the charge to abolish the Minneapolis Police Department and should’ve been Impeached out of office long before Mr. Floyd was ever killed.

This video is just downright scary more than anything. Could ‘Big Tech’, like Google, control our Country via squelching news stories like Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and her rather weird relationship with her Brother. Why wasn’t more visibility given to this situation especially after President Trump publicly commented on it?

Also, if you’re claiming something like that on one’s tax returns, wouldn’t that be considered, tax fraud? The blogger behind this video, John Ward, did an excellent job getting his point across, the last third of this broadcast is devoted to promoting and sustaining his own YouTube site.





Personally, I think it’s high time we Impeach Ilhan Omar from the U.S. Congress & then deport her back to where ever the hell she came from. I can’t believe the people of Minnesota would be stupid enough to reelect her to a second term in Congress next year. We’ll have to see what happens.