Archives for posts with tag: NH-1

Was NH governor Chris Sununu LYING a little bit in this interview by accusing Donald Trump of “losing” the 2022 Midterm Election for Republicans?? What about Sununu HIMSELF in those particular NH Congressional races??

If Don Bolduc had beaten Maggie Hassan, the U.S. Senate would have enough votes right now to Impeach “Dementia” Joe Biden out of the Presidency – so what “possessed” our Governor to endorse Chuck Morse in THAT Republican Senate Primary? In the NH-2 District race, Sununu first announced that he was “endorsing” Beer brewer Jeff Cozzens in that Race, then when Cozzens dropped out, Sununu immediately gave his Primary support to George Hansel – What the BLEEP??

I don’t follow the NH-1 District that closely, but I noticed that Karoline Leavitt, who’s now on a fairly popular radio talk show, doesn’t appear to be a very big fan of Sununu’s.

Can you say, “Hypocrite”, Gov. Sununu?

FILE UNDER: Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Conway NH resident, U.S. Rep wannabe (a.k.a. LOSER), & ‘Never Trumper’ Michael Callis contemplates his next election strategy.

Meet Michael Callis, who’s a 73 yoa, Stone Mason from Conway NH. Among the exciting events in Mr. Callis’ life, he loves to run for Congress — specifically in NH’s second congressional district (NH-2). It’s not exactly clear WHY Michael feels he’s even “electable”, after about 4-5 unsuccessful tries during the 21st Century, but he appears to model himself as the, “Male Version of Congresswoman Liz Cheney” — in other words, just parade yourself as a “staunch Republican who believes ‘Private Citizen’ Donald Trump ought to be locked up in Prison for the January 6th Insurrection or whatever stupid reason you can fabricate.”

Incidentally, how well did that “brilliant” strategy work for Congresswoman Cheney in her Wyoming Primary race against a lady who never ran for an election before? Cheney was appropriately “Slaughtered” by her own constituents. But at least Cheney actually had the opportunity to serve as a U.S. Rep, Callis would probably be happy if he could just finish a Primary race anywhere other than last place.

In last month’s Republican primary, which was Callis’ fifth (and arguably WORST) attempt to become a U.S. Rep, the Conway resident finished DEAD LAST in a field of seven registered candidates. Three of his opponents ran for the very first time. So after everything was finally counted, Callis got a walloping 1133 votes, which was 1.8 percent of the total. Compare that with the winner of the Republican primary, Bob Burns, who garnered 20,789 votes, or 32.9 percent of the overall total in that race. Aside from the lopsided vote total, Burns and Callis were also Polar Opposites when it came towards their views of Donald Trump — Burns constantly touted himself as the ONLY candidate running in that Primary field who supported Trump in ’16, ’20, and is fully ready to endorse Trump if he runs in 2024.

As for the reason I’m posting this blurb on this forum, Callis and Yours Truly had a rather “heated exchange” on my Facebook page regarding (guess who?) Donald Trump, which prompted the Stone Mason (or is it really, “Stoned” Mason?) to simply “Block Me” from his FB page, I assume because he’s not really intelligent enough to present his views in a mature manner.

To give you the context, between he (M.C.), and me (F.Z.) on a Meme I posted last Saturday, 10-15-22, regarding inside the Capitol building on 1-6-21, which all the patrons appeared to all be situated in an orderly fashion, inside the velvet rope:

M.C. —  Never forget Jan 6 Support law enforcement

F.Z.  — And as American citizens, I believe we have a RIGHT to see ALL the Video footage (EVERY INCH of it) taken in the Capitol building during THAT event. We ALSO deserve to hear the sworn Testimonies of: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Washington D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser, Capitol police lieutenant Michael Byrd, and Insurrectionist Ray Epps to put everything here in its “Proper Context”.

M.C. — You bet Trump will splatter the hearings with bullshit and his followers will eat it up. I could not believe that Trump was planning to say he won even if he lost. Promises made promises kept.

F.Z. — Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, John Kerry, Al Gore — Is there such a thing as a “Good Loser”? As the old cliche goes, Show me a “Good Loser”, and I’ll show you a, “LOSER”!!!

M.C. — A bad loser is still a loser. Trump not only lost but he planned a coup and carried it out but he lost again and now he will go to jail a loser. He is worse than a loser because he picked his supporters pockets based on a lie.

F.Z. —  Wow, so if Jan. 6th was supposed to be a, “coup attempt to overthrow the government”, then “WHY” didn’t either the Capitol police, or the FBI confiscate any Guns, Knives, or Molitov cocktails from any of the “insurrectionists” at that event? The ONLY “killing” that took place at that event was when Capitol police lieutenant Michael Byrd shot & murdered Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt — an incident which, even to this day, was NEVER investigated by any law authorities. So Mr. Callis, what day exactly is Donald Trump going to Prison??? People have been claiming that CRAP for, AT LEAST, the past six years — ESPECIALLY at CNN & MSNBC, and NOT A DAMN THING has ever happened!!! So 3 weeks from this coming Tuesday (Nov. 8th), Michael, the vast majority of American people will decide the TRUE FATES of what they REALLY THINK ABOUT: Jan. 6th, & Legalized Abortions. I can hardly wait to see the Final Result on Wed., Nov. 9th.

F.Z. — Gee, it sure sounds to me like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a MUCH MORE COMPELLING TESTIMONY regarding Jan. 6th than Donald Trump could ever give — “WHY” was Pelosi’s daughter Videotaping her in the Capitol building on Jan. 6th???

(Posted Tuesday, 10-18-22 at about 2 a.m. About two days later.)

F.Z. — BTW, what about YOU, Michael?? You were a candidate yourself in the current U.S. Rep race (or at least the Republican Primary) for NH-2. Do YOU consider yourself a, “Good Loser”, or a “Bad Loser”??? At least Donald Trump had the guts to “show up” for all his Debates and Interviews — What about YOU, Michael? Also, when the hell did you ever go to the Mainstream Media and commend Bob Burns for his Republican Primary win, and possibly offering YOUR personal support of Burns going forward against incumbent Ann Kuster? Say what YOU will about “Private Citizen” Donald Trump on how he chooses to manage his campaign, he sure sounds like he’s head & antlers above YOU & how YOU choose to run a political election campaign.

(BINGO, I obviously hit a ‘raw nerve” with Mr. Callis. So within about 15-20 minutes, @ about 2:15 a.m., on Tuesday, 10-18-22, Mr. Callis finally responds to my postings.)

M.C. — I did not realize that you just post memes one after the other Trying to find the block feature. Sorry no time for memes. Nothing personal.

F.Z. — As they say on the, Afternoon Soap Operas — “The ‘Truth’ always hurts, doesn’t it?” I have absolutely no clue what you’re referring to by me trying to find a “block feature” to any Meme I choose to post. But since you posted your last message to me at about 2:30 a.m., I can only assume there must be some serious alcohol or chemical substance(s) behind your Logic. Just let me say, I’m sure glad you LOST your political run in the U.S. Rep race because you obviously aren’t mentally or emotionally fit to serve in that office — Nothing personal.

My personal challenge to Michael Callis

In full public disclosure, I had a government access TV show in Nashua called, ‘Frankly Speaking’ earlier this year. Knowing that Callis was a candidate for U.S. Rep this year, I contacted him via Facebook asking if he wanted to come on my show for an interview, which he never bothered to respond. I did subsequently sent Callis a ‘Friend Request’, also on Facebook, which he then accepted.

I’ll say right here and now, if you’d honestly like to get your message out to the NH folks about why Donald Trump should get locked up in Prison, why you feel FOX News sucks, what’s your objective on running for Congress every two years — or anything else you’d like to talk about for about an hour, please come on down to Nashua to our TV studio for a face-to-face interview between us, and I’ll give you the best Statewide visibility you ever got, via both Nashua cable TV and the Internet. I believe you’ve already got my email address & phone number, so let’s go from there.

But somehow, I’m not exactly holding my breath expecting you to contact me, Michael, because you just strike me as the type of guy who doesn’t quite have the “Testicular Fortitude”, if you know what I mean. Nothing personal.

Here’s a recent campaign flyer that was sent out throughout NH courtesy of the New Hampshire Democratic Party, which specifically is targeting Republican U.S. Rep (NH-2) candidate Bob Burns supposedly on his stance regarding Abortion. Incidentally, if you’d like to learn Mr. Burns’s ACTUAL STANCE on Abortion, please log onto: .
In an upcoming Midterm Election, scheduled for Nov. 8, 2022, incumbent Democrat U.S. Rep (NH-2) candidate Ann Kuster really has no accomplishments to run on in the approximate 10 years she’s served as our Congresswoman, other than voting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and President Joe Biden about 95 percent of the time. As with most of the USA, NH is suffering with the rest of the country on skyrocketing inflation, outrageous Gas prices, and tremendous losses on 401K retirement plans, and Mutual Funds.

How can you tell there’s a major Election scheduled to take place here in the U.S.A in about another month. Specifically, it’s the Midterm Election, which is all set for Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. After a blatantly dismal two years (or more specifically, half his Presidential term) Joe Biden will basically receive his “Midterm” Report Card from the American people.

Although Biden allegedly received 81 million votes back in 2020, this time around, many pundits are predicting both houses of Congress — Senate, and House of Reps — are expected to go back as having the Republicans in the majority and hopefully keep President Joe Biden more accountable for his actions.

Incidentally, if you’d like to read up on the Republican U.S. Congressional candidates running in New Hampshire this year: Bob Burns is running for U.S. Rep (NH-2), his campaign website is: ; Don Bolduc is a retired Army general and he’s running for U.S. Senator, his campaign website is: ; last, but by no means, least, Karoline Leavitt is the Republican candidate for U.S. Rep (NH-1), her campaign website is: .

U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan supposedly fighting for the people of New Hampshire

With the upcoming Midterm Election just over a month away from now — Nov. 8th, 2022 — there are probably a ton of questions the incumbents U.S. Congressional (U.S. Representatives, and U.S. Senators) candidates would absolutely HATE to be asked by either the Media, or a regular taxpayer during an Open Town Hall, or maybe a, Candidates’ Debate forum.

Republican candidates could be asked questions about former president Donald Trump, even though the guy’s been a “Private Citizen” now for almost TWO (2) years, so to draw any type of association with Trump is sort of like researching Ancient History.

Democrat candidates, on the other hand, are sort of “joined at the Hip” with President Joe Biden. And if you happen to be an incumbent Democrat, running for Reelection, your voting record since Biden’s inauguration Day will probably be mentioned several dozen, maybe even several hundred, times by your Republican challenger. Unfortunately, for the Democrat incumbents, most of Biden’s decisions as President haven’t been too pleasing to most American taxpayers. It’s sort of like having “Buyer’s Remorse” on your Presidential choice. This past Summer, for example, when the White House asked many of these incumbent Democrat Congressional candidates if they’d like to have Biden come down with them on the campaign trail and make a speech on their behalf, they would, more often than not, refuse that invitation.
That brings me down to the purpose of this particular posting — What 2 Questions you should NEVER ask an incumbent U.S. Congressional Democrat candidate running in this year’s Midterm Election? The very first one, would be a slight paraphrase of Ronald Reagan’s question to the American people immediately following his 1980 Presidential debate against then-incumbent Democrat president Jimmy Carter — “Are YOU better off today, Financially speaking (also more Safe), than you were just two (2) years ago ?”

With a Republican challenger posing a question like that, most American citizens are VERY FAMILIAR just how much they’re paying to refuel their vehicles; they’re also very familiar how much prices increased in Supermarkets with meat, poultry, eggs, bacon, milk, fruits, vegetable, cleaning products, etc.; and lastly, how exactly has your 401K and Mutual Funds got cut down to size during the Biden administration?
My second question would be in light of the FBI “raiding” Donald Trump’s Florida home recently — “Do you believe the FBI and the DOJ have “fairly treated” Donald Trump compared with any investigations they may have had regarding, let’s say, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, or Hillary Clinton?” It’s absolutely mind-boggling how our FBI “raided and seized the property of a former U.S. President”, but how about seizing the iPhones and files of Trump’s lawyers — what ever happened to Attorney-Client privilege? Also, why were Trump’s: Passport, Tax Records, and Last Will and Testament ever seized in that “Raid”? Lastly, if the FBI, or DOJ can pull a stunt and “raid the residence” of a former president, they could EASILY do the same type of thing to you or I.